1. 程式人生 > >CUDA 記憶體除錯:memcheck,racecheck 【讀書筆記】

CUDA 記憶體除錯:memcheck,racecheck 【讀書筆記】

Usage: cuda-memcheck [options] [your-program] [your-program-options]
 --binary-patching <yes|no>  [Default : yes]
                       Control the binary patching of the device code. This is enabled by default.
                       Disabling this option will result in a loss of precision for error reporting.
 --check-api-memory-access <yes|no> [Default : yes]
                       Check cudaMemcpy/cudaMemset for accesses to device memory
 --check-deprecated-instr <yes|no>  [Default : no]
                       Check for usage of deprecated instructions.
                       If deprecated instruction usage is found, an error will be reported.
                       Which instructions are checked might depend on the selected tool.
                       This is disabled by default.
 --check-device-heap <yes|no>  [Default : yes]
                       Check allocations on the device heap. This is enabled by default.
 --demangle <full|simple|no>  [Default : full]
                       Demangle function names
                       full   : Show full name and prototype
                       simple : Show only device kernel name
                       no     : Show mangled names
 --destroy-on-device-error <context|kernel>   [Default : context]
                       Behavior of cuda-memcheck on a precise device error.
                       NOTE: Imprecise errors  will always destroy the context.
                       context : CUDA Context is terminated with an error.
                       kernel  : Kernel is terminated. Subsequent kernel launches are still allowed.
 --error-exitcode <number> [Default : 0]
                       When this is set, memcheck will return the given exitcode when any errors are detected
 --filter key1=val1,key2=val2,...
                       The filter option can be used to control the kernels that will be checked by the tool
                       Multiple filter options can be defined. Each option is additive, so kernels matching
                       any specified filter will be checked
                       Filters are specified as key value pairs, with each pair separated by a ','
                       Keys have both a long form, and a shorter form for convenience
                       Valid values for keys are:
                           kernel_name, kne      : The value is the full demangled name of the kernel
                           kernel_substring, kns : The value is a substring present in the demangled name of the kernel
                       NOTE: The name and substring keys cannot be simultaneously specified
 --flush-to-disk <yes|no>   [Default : no]
                       Flush errors to disk. This can be enabled to ensure all errors are flushed down
 --force-blocking-launches <yes|no>   [Default : no]
                       Force launches to be blocking.
 -h | --help           Show this message.
 --help-debug          Show information about debug only flags
 --language <c|fortran> [Default : c]
                       This option can be used to enable language specific behavior. When set to fortan, the thread and block indices
                       of messages printed by cuda-memcheck will start with 1-based offset to match Fortran semantics.
 --log-file <string>   File where cuda-memcheck will write all of its text output. If not specified, memcheck output is written to stdout.
                       The sequence %p in the string name will be replaced by the pid of the cuda-memcheck application.
                       The sequence %q{FOO} will be replaced by the value of the environment variable FOO. If the environment variable
                       is not defined, it will be replaced by an empty string.
                       The sequence %% is replaced with a literal % in the file name.
                       Any other character following % will cause the entire string to be ignored.
                       If the file cannot be written to for any reason including an invalid path, insufficient permissions or disk being full
                       the output will go to stdout
 --leak-check <full|no> [Default : no]
                       Print leak information for CUDA allocations.
                       NOTE: Program must end with cudaDeviceReset() for this to work.
 --prefix <string>     Changes the prefix string displayed by cuda-memcheck.
 --print-level <info|warn|error|fatal> [Default : warn]
                       Set the minimum level of errors to print
 --print-limit <number> [Default is : 10000]
                       When this is set, memcheck will stop printing errors after reaching the given number
                       of errors. Use 0 for unlimited printing.
 --read <file>         Reads error records from a given file.
 --racecheck-report <all|hazard|analysis>  [Default : analysis]
                       The reporting mode that applies to racecheck.
                       all      : Report all hazards and race analysis reports.
                       hazard   : Report only hazards.
                       analysis : Report only race analysis results.
 --report-api-errors <all|explicit|no> [Default : explicit]
                       Print errors if any API call fails
                       all      : Report all CUDA API errors, including those APIs invoked implicitly
                       explicit : Report errors in explicit CUDA API calls only
                       no       : Disable reporting of CUDA API errors
 --save <file>         Saves the error record to file.
                       The sequence %p in the string name will be replaced by the pid of the cuda-memcheck application.
                       The sequence %q{FOO} will be replaced by the value of the environment variable FOO. If the environment variable
                       is not defined, it will be replaced by an empty string.
                       The sequence %% is replaced with a literal % in the file name.
                       Any other character following % will cause an error.
 --show-backtrace <yes|host|device|no> [Default : yes]
                       Display a backtrace on error.
                       no     : No backtrace shown
                       host   : Only host backtrace shown
                       device : Only device backtrace shown for precise errors
                       yes    : Host and device backtraces shown
                       See the manual for more information
 --tool <memcheck|racecheck|synccheck|initcheck>  [Default : memcheck]
                       Set the tool to use.
                       memcheck    : Memory access checking
                       racecheck   : Shared memory hazard checking
                       Note : This disables memcheck, so make sure the app is error free.
                       synccheck   : Synchronization checking
                       initcheck   : Global memory initialization checking
 --track-unused-memory <yes|no> [Default : no]
                       Check for unused memory allocations. This requires initcheck tool.
 -V | --version        Print the version of cuda-memcheck.

Please see the cuda-memcheck manual for more information.