1. 程式人生 > >#Apache Spark系列技術直播# 第六講【 What's New in Apache Spark 2.4? 】

#Apache Spark系列技術直播# 第六講【 What's New in Apache Spark 2.4? 】

Apache Spark系列技術直播第六講 【 What's New in Apache Spark 2.4? 】


This talk will provide an overview of the major features and enhancements in Spark 2.4 release and the upcoming releases and will be followed by a Q&A session.
The Apache Spark 2.4 comes packed with a lot of new functionalities: new barrier execution mode, flexible streaming sink, the native AVRO data source, PySpark’s eager evaluation mode, Kubernetes support, higher-order functions, Scala 2.12 support and a lot of other improvements.


  李瀟現就職於Databricks,專注於Apache Spark的開發和建設。他是Apache Spark專案管理委員會成員。本科畢業於南京理工大學,後在佛羅里達大學(University of Florida)獲計算機博士學位, 曾就職於IBM,獲發明大師稱號(Master Inventor),在資料處理領域發表專利十餘篇。(Github: gatorsmile)

北京時間2018.12.21(週五) 13:30 - 14:30

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