1. 程式人生 > >在U-boot中新增乙太網驅動


版權宣告:本文為博主原創文章,未經博主允許不得轉載。    https://blog.csdn.net/mao0514/article/details/17523803


因此,需要開啟U-boot的網路功能, u-boot-sunxi-sunxi中沒有找到明顯的網路驅動程式碼,或許有通用的驅動,但可以獲得資料的途徑有限,再說我是個初學者,平時工作屬於自動控制類,網路方面很菜,因此想通過修改一個網路驅動,進行一次初步學習,想到就開工...


開發環境:   1、筆記本RHEL5,安裝編譯器arm-none-eabi-版本4.7.2; 編輯器Vim;minicom2.1


基本思路:  1、找到u-boot內網路程式碼執行的軌跡,初始化、資料交換的驅動介面等等


準備工作:   1、找到晶片資料,這個比較坑,只能找到RTL8021CP的PDF,至於CPU晶片資料,













        linux下編譯環境設定,將下載的編譯器解壓到 /usr/local/arm/目錄,解壓之後目錄是arm-2012.09


        export   PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/arm/arm-2012.09/bin

        儲存之後,執行:source /ect/profile 或者logout,或者重啟機器。


        arm-none-eabi-gcc   -v,可以看到版本是4.7.2


        進入u-boot-sunxi-sunxi目錄,修改Makefile內容,找到 CROSS_COMPILE ?=  這一行

        改為:CROSS_COMPILE ?= arm-none-eabi-

        進入 u-boot-sunxi-sunxi/arch/arm,修改config.mk內容,也是這一句 CROSS_COMPILE ?= 

        改為:CROSS_COMPILE ?= arm-none-eabi-


       make  distclean                     //清除之前編譯的內容

       make  cubieboard_config     //設定板子

       make  -j4                                //編譯,-j4表示多執行緒編譯,可以使用-j2,如果是虛擬機器可以不用這個引數,

                                                       //如果電腦配置比較好,可以使用 -j8





       在檔案\u-boot-sunxi-sunxi\arch\arm\lib\board.c, 函式board_init_r()內:


        #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_NET)         puts("Net:   ");         eth_initialize(gd->bd);         #if defined(CONFIG_RESET_PHY_R)         debug("Reset Ethernet PHY\n");         reset_phy();          #endif         #endif



       因此在\u-boot-sunxi-sunxi\include\configs\sunxi-common.h 末尾加一句:

       #define  CONFIG_CMD_NET

      再來看看函式eth_initialize() 的內容,在檔案 \u-boot-sunxi-sunxi\net\eth.c內:


       if (board_eth_init != __def_eth_init) {              if (board_eth_init(bis) < 0)              printf("Board Net Initialization Failed\n");        } else if (cpu_eth_init != __def_eth_init) {              if (cpu_eth_init(bis) < 0)                     printf("CPU Net Initialization Failed\n");        } else              printf("Net Initialization Skipped\n");


       如果只定義CONFIG_CMD_NET,在上電時就會列印 Net Initialization Skipped,執行了最後一個else的內容,因此,需要完成網路初始化,需要實現函式board_eth_init()或者cpu_eth_init()


       static int   __def_eth_init(bd_t *bis)        {               return -1;        }        int cpu_eth_init(bd_t *bis) __attribute__((weak, alias("__def_eth_init")));        int board_eth_init(bd_t *bis) __attribute__((weak, alias("__def_eth_init")));

       可見,實現__def_eth_init的“alias  ”,bash命令裡面有個alias,如果你用過就明白這是什麼意思了,實現它,就可以進行初始化啦。

       想知道weak, alias是什麼意思,請圍觀這位大俠的部落格 http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-20272712-id-1969771.html



      #ifdef   CONFIG_SUN4I_WEMAC

       int cpu_eth_init(bd_t *bis)        {               return   sun4i_wemac_initialize(bis);        }        #endif





      struct eth_device {            char name[16];                                                                              //網路名            unsigned char enetaddr[6];                                                         //乙太網地址            int iobase;                                                                                       //io基址?            int state;                                                                                          //裝置狀態

           int  (*init) (struct eth_device *, bd_t *);                                       //網路裝置初始化            int  (*send) (struct eth_device *, void *packet, int length);     //傳送資料            int  (*recv) (struct eth_device *);                                                  //接收資料            void (*halt) (struct eth_device *);                                                 //掛起            #ifdef CONFIG_MCAST_TFTP            int (*mcast) (struct eth_device *, u32 ip, u8 set);            #endif            int  (*write_hwaddr) (struct eth_device *);                                 //寫硬體地址?這個是啥?            struct eth_device *next;            int index;            void *priv;       };

       struct eth_device結構體定義了網路裝置的基本操作,從面向物件的角度來說,只要在驅動程式碼內將struct eth_device的init,send,recv,halt,write_hwaddr這幾種方法實現,就可以實現網路的操作了,至於資料收回來之後在上層的解析方式那就不是驅動關心的了。任務變得簡單了,實現這幾種操作便可

      再看struct eth_device結構體下面這幾個函式:

      extern int eth_initialize(bd_t *bis); /* Initialize network subsystem */       extern int eth_register(struct eth_device* dev);/* Register network device */       extern int eth_unregister(struct eth_device *dev);/* Remove network device */       extern void eth_try_another(int first_restart); /* Change the device */       extern void eth_set_current(void);  /* set nterface to ethcur var */


      int  eth_register( struct eth_device  *dev )       {              struct eth_device *d;              static int index;

             assert( strlen(dev->name)  <  sizeof(dev->name) );

             if (!eth_devices) {  

             //註冊之前eth_devices應該初始化為NULL,在當前檔案的函式int  eth_initialize( bd_t *bis ) 中,



             //實際工作還是要自己實現                    eth_current = eth_devices = dev;                    eth_current_changed();               } else {                    for (d = eth_devices; d->next != eth_devices; d = d->next)                          ;                    d->next = dev;               }

              dev->state  =  ETH_STATE_INIT;     //網路裝置狀態為初始化               dev->next    =  eth_devices;               //連結串列的下一個指向自己,為啥呢?               dev->index  =  index++;                       //裝置個數增加了

              return 0;        }





      struct   sun4i_wemac_dev {  

             void   *wemac_base;    // A10內部wemac模組的基地址

             void   *gpio_base;          //wemac模組使用的gpio的基地址,去看看原理圖,實際使用A10的PA口


             unsigned int  rx_head;              unsigned int  rx_tail;              unsigned int  tx_head;              unsigned int  tx_tail;

             void   *rx_buffer;              void   *tx_buffer;

             struct   eth_device   netdev;      //這就是上面的乙太網裝置,這個一定要有              unsigned short     phy_addr;    //PHY地址,就是板子上RTL8201CP的地址        };

       有的人又問啦,為什麼要自己定義一個數據結構呢?net.h裡面不是已經有一個struct eth_device了嗎?仔細想一下,struct eth_device是u-boot定義的資料結構,裡面的每一個成員可能在u-boot的其他網路模組程式碼中被使用修改,我們並不完全知道所有程式碼對struct eth_device的操作,因此需要自己定義一個結構,提供這個介面就可以了。用一句話總結就是:struct eth_device是定義給u-boot的網路模組使用的,使用者得定義自己的裝置,以此隔離了驅動程式碼與u-boot程式碼。



       int   sun4i_wemac_initialize(  bd_t  *bis  )


            struct   sun4i_wemac_dev  *wemac_dev;    //自己定義的結構

            struct   eth_device   *netdev;                            //u-boot已經定義的結構

           wemac_dev  =  malloc( sizeof ( struct sun4i_wemac_dev  ) );   //分配記憶體            if ( wemac_dev  ) {                   printf("Error: Failed to allocate memory for WEMAC\n");                   return -1;            }            memset(wemac_dev , 0, sizeof( struct    sun4i_wemac_dev  ));            

           netdev = &wemac_dev ->netdev;



          若還需要其他功能,可以增加到資料結構struct   sun4i_wemac_dev中,並在此初始化,



          wemac_dev ->wemac_base =  (void *)EMAC_BASE;

          wemac_dev ->gpio_base      =  (void *)PA_BASE;

          wemac_dev ->phy_addr        = WEMAC_PHY;



           netdev->init                      = sun4i_wemac_init;      //注意這個初始化函式跟當前函式是不同的,這個函式

                                                                                                  //主要初始化wemac模組和RTL8201晶片            netdev->halt                     = sun4i_wemac_halt;            netdev->send                  = sun4i_wemac_send;            netdev->recv                    = sun4i_wemac_recv;            netdev->write_hwaddr   = sun4i_wemac_write_hwaddr;


           eth_register( netdev );    // 最後將網路設備註冊,這樣u-boot就能使用驅動程式啦

                                                       // 註冊之後,eth.c內的全域性變數eth_current 指向wemac_dev ->netdev,


                                                       // 都表示使用的是現在初始化的模組

            return 0;




       int eth_send(void *packet, int length)        {              if ( !eth_current )                         //eth_current是全域性指標,指向驅動初始化的結構體wemac_dev ->netdev                   return -1;

            return eth_current->send(eth_current, packet, length);  //註冊之後,實際呼叫就是sun4i_wemac_send;        }

       int eth_rx(void)        {             if (!eth_current)                    return -1;

             return eth_current->recv(eth_current);  //註冊之後,實際呼叫就是sun4i_wemac_recv;



      static  int   sun4i_wemac_send( struct  eth_device  *dev,  void  *packet,   int  length )


             struct   sun4i_wemac_dev  wemac_dev  =  to_wemac(dev);            



            static  int   sun4i_wemac_recv( struct  eth_device   *dev )


              struct   sun4i_wemac_dev  wemac_dev  =  to_wemac(dev); 



      由於我們自己定義的結構體是struct   sun4i_wemac_dev,而傳過來的引數是全域性指標eth_current,

      根據上面的分析,eth_current指向struct   sun4i_wemac_dev結構內的struct   eth_device   netdev,

      因此要獲得指向struct   sun4i_wemac_dev的指標需要使用linux核心常用的手段,“容器”的概念就出來了,


      struct   sun4i_wemac_dev  wemac_dev  =  container_of(  dev ,  struct   sun4i_wemac_dev ,  netdev);



      #define   container_of( ptr, type, member )       ( {   \                                                                                            const typeof( ((type *)0)->member ) *__mptr  =  (ptr); \                                                                                            (type *)( (char *)__mptr - offsetof(type,member) ); }  )

     #define   offsetof( TYPE, MEMBER )     ( (size_t)  & ((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER )


      意思就是,dev指向的記憶體地址,減掉它在struct   sun4i_wemac_dev中的偏移量,就獲得了初始化時定義的

struct   sun4i_wemac_dev 指標

      偏移量的獲取很簡單 (( struct   sun4i_wemac_dev *) 0)->netdev  就是偏移量;我們知道使用 -> 操作時,獲得指向當前結構體的某一個成員的地址, 而這個成員的地址與結構體首地址的差值,就是它在結構體內的偏移量,如果把結構體的首地址設定為0,結果妙不可言。


      #define  to_wemac(_nd)    container_of( _nd,  struct   sun4i_wemac_dev, netdev)

      上面的定義就可以這樣:  struct   sun4i_wemac_dev  wemac_dev  =  to_wemac(dev);    


       int eth_init(bd_t *bis)        {               struct eth_device *old_current, *dev;

              if (!eth_current) {                   //必須註冊成功之後,否則這裡判斷失敗,將列印找不到ethernet                       puts("No ethernet found.\n");                       return -1;               }

             /* Sync environment with network devices */              dev = eth_devices;              do {                     uchar env_enetaddr[6];

                    if ( eth_getenv_enetaddr_by_index( "eth",   dev->index,  env_enetaddr))                               

                             memcpy(dev->enetaddr, env_enetaddr, 6);  




                    dev = dev->next;              } while ( dev  !=  eth_devices );          // CB上只有一個乙太網裝置,因此迴圈一次就會結束

            old_current = eth_current;             do {                        debug("Trying %s\n", eth_current->name);

                       if ( eth_current->init( eth_current, bis )  >=  0 ) { //實際呼叫的就是函式sun4i_wemac_init ,

                                                                                                            //對WEMAC模組和PHY晶片進行初始化                               eth_current->state = ETH_STATE_ACTIVE;    //初始化成功,處於活動狀態標誌

                              return 0;    //成功就返回啦                       }                       debug("FAIL\n");

                      eth_try_another(0);  //不成功,試試另一個,不用分析,這個函式可定會嘗試改變全域性指標eth_current              } while (old_current != eth_current);

             return -1;       }

      還有一個疑問,那又是什麼地方呼叫int eth_init(bd_t *bis)這個函式呢?藉助強大的Source Insight,很快就能找到呼叫它的地方啦,搜尋工程,出來一大片,只需關心檔案net.c的呼叫即可,其他呼叫是不會被編譯進來的,以下兩個函式呼叫了這個初始化,從名字就能看出其大概功能了

      int  NetLoop( enum   proto_t protocol );  //這就是讀取網路資料的主迴圈

      void  NetStartAgain( void );                        //這個是net重新開始,當然要初始化


      #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_PING)       int do_ping (cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char * const argv[])       {             if (argc < 2)                  return -1;

            NetPingIP = string_to_ip(argv[1]);             if (NetPingIP == 0)                    return CMD_RET_USAGE;

            if (NetLoop(PING) < 0) {    //這裡呼叫了NetLoop函式,再呼叫eth_init,再呼叫自己寫的sun4i_wemac_init                     printf("ping failed; host %s is not alive\n", argv[1]);                    return 1;             }

            printf("host %s is alive\n", argv[1]);

            return 0;         }

        U_BOOT_CMD(                                      ping, 2, 1, do_ping,                                     "send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network host",                                     "pingAddress"         );         #endif


      void eth_halt(void)       {               if (!eth_current)               return;

              eth_current->halt(eth_current);  //實際就是呼叫sun4i_wemac_halt,網路裝置掛起

              eth_current->state = ETH_STATE_PASSIVE; //標誌變化       }

     int eth_write_hwaddr(struct eth_device *dev, const char *base_name,  int eth_number)      {               unsigned char env_enetaddr[6];               int ret = 0;

              eth_getenv_enetaddr_by_index(base_name, eth_number, env_enetaddr);

              if (memcmp(env_enetaddr, "\0\0\0\0\0\0", 6)) {                       if (memcmp(dev->enetaddr, "\0\0\0\0\0\0", 6) &&  memcmp(dev->enetaddr, env_enetaddr, 6)) {                                 printf("\nWarning: %s MAC addresses don't match:\n", dev->name);                                 printf("Address in SROM is         %pM\n", dev->enetaddr);                                 printf("Address in environment is  %pM\n", env_enetaddr);                       }

                      memcpy(dev->enetaddr, env_enetaddr, 6);               } else if (is_valid_ether_addr(dev->enetaddr)) {                       eth_setenv_enetaddr_by_index(base_name, eth_number,  dev->enetaddr);                        printf("\nWarning: %s using MAC address from net device\n", dev->name);               }

              if (dev->write_hwaddr &&  !eth_mac_skip(eth_number)) {                       if (!is_valid_ether_addr(dev->enetaddr))                                return -1;

                     ret = dev->write_hwaddr(dev);//實際就是呼叫sun4i_wemac_write_hwaddr,將IP地址寫入硬體??               }

             return ret;       }


      int     sun4i_wemac_init ( struct eth_device *, bd_t * );       void  sun4i_wemac_halt( struct eth_device * );       int     sun4i_wemac_write_hwaddr( struct eth_device * );             




