1. 程式人生 > >hdu 4865 Peter's Hobby(2014 多校聯合第一場 E)

hdu 4865 Peter's Hobby(2014 多校聯合第一場 E)

Recently, Peter likes to measure the humidity of leaves. He recorded a leaf humidity every day. There are four types of leaves wetness: Dry , Dryish , Damp and Soggy. As we know, the humidity of leaves is affected by the weather. And there are only three kinds of weather: Sunny, Cloudy and Rainy.For example, under Sunny conditions, the possibility of leaves are dry is 0.6.
Give you the possibility list of weather to the humidity of leaves.

The weather today is affected by the weather yesterday. For example, if yesterday is Sunny, the possibility of today cloudy is 0.375.
The relationship between weather today and weather yesterday is following by table:

Now,Peter has some recodes of the humidity of leaves in N days.And we know the weather conditons on the first day : the probability of sunny is 0.63,the probability of cloudy is 0.17,the probability of rainny is 0.2.Could you know the weathers of these days most probably like in order?