1. 程式人生 > >Ask HN: I run my own business but I don't do sales calls. Should I hire?

Ask HN: I run my own business but I don't do sales calls. Should I hire?

Backstory: I run my own software business. It is an API platform directed at developers and most of the content is highly technical. I started the company a few years ago. I'm the solo founder and it nets me a healthy salary. I handle support. I have started to see an increase in interest from large businesses and enterprises; I'm unsure if I want these high-touch customers.

Problem: I do not do sales calls or demos.

I have yet to be able to close a deal whenever I do sales calls, thus I have recently begun opting out of them all together. I have the aforementioned larger companies reach out to [email protected], but I tell them we do not provide phone support or sales calls. However, we do provide email and live chat support.

This restriction is usually not an issue for small to medium businesses, but I'm realizing that it is an issue for larger businesses.

I believe my main hesitation with sales and demos is that it makes me uncomfortable (social anxiety?) and it has never resulted in a sale, only lost time. I also do not enjoy the long sales processes spread over several calls spanning several weeks.

I prefer to keep sales and support text-based so that I can answer on my own time, and also refer back and reduce support load in the future for duplicate scenarios.

Is this such a bad move? Do I look unprofessional when giving said answer? Should I look into hiring a part time sales person to handle these calls and provide demos of the platform?