1. 程式人生 > >Ask HN: Are you glad you dropped out of college?

Ask HN: Are you glad you dropped out of college?

Hey there.

I dropped out just over 6 years ago to join Pinterest (I still work there). It’s the second best decision of my life (besides asking my wife to marry me).

How much longer do you have left in college? Do you enjoy it?

Obviously this is a case by case basis, but my thought process was -

1. I went to a decent regional school (nowhere near Ivy) and had a below average GPA (2.7 IIRC).

2. The cause of that low GPA was due to me spending my free time hacking on things, not studying.

3. Worst-case, I try and interview at a bunch of places and don’t get any offers so the decision is made for me.

Fortunately for me, I didn’t have a ton of student loan debts due to scholarships, so financing the education was not a factor in my case.

I had 1.5 years left. I loved college and some parts of school. It was really hard to leave. Looking back, I’m glad I did it but it was a rough few years seeing all of my friends have the time of their lives while I was working (even though I’ve loved my job). Once everyone graduated all of that FoMo went away. That’s also when new grads who were my age also started working there, which was nice.

Graduating from the university I went to wouldn’t have put me in a better situation relative to other applicants (meaning, I would still be going up against Ivy grads for the jobs I was after).

I ended up dropping out after being offered a promising job opportunity and I’d recommend that route to you if it’s possible. It makes the transition a lot easier.

Hope that helps! Happy to chat more via email. c at cnnr dot me.