1. 程式人生 > >Ask HN: Advice for a college freshman?

Ask HN: Advice for a college freshman?

Attending the University of Virginia. Planning to major in Computer Science. Around a year of experience working at a startup and on personal projects, but nothing intense or serious.

I want to be in the best possible shape post-graduation. What should I be prioritizing? I feel like GPA shouldn't be my highest priority, rather, side-projects, social connections, or industry experience should be. I just hear so much about how little employers care about GPA above a certain level, and pushing for that 4.0 over a decent 3.7+ requires so much extra effort for not much return it seems.

I'm intrigued by the indie hacker scene. Solid passive income would be the dream for me. I don't think I'd be happy in a cog-in-the-machine-type big company position, though who knows, maybe I would. I just don't know at this point and would love some tips and advice from those a lot more experienced. What are the best ways to acquire internships for the winter/summer? How should I split my time between a social life and developing my skills? What would you have told your college freshman self back in the day if you could?
