1. 程式人生 > >Ask HN: What can I do to get into a good MSc program from an unknown university?

Ask HN: What can I do to get into a good MSc program from an unknown university?

I will graduate from university in mid-2019, with a CGPA of 8.6/10. Thing is, I don't have anything that distinguishes me from other candidates. Undergrads usually don't do any research here and my CGPA isn't exceptional.

But, I'd like to pursue a data science MSc from a good university. So what can I do to improve my chances?

So far, I came up with the following ideas:

- Improving competitive programming skills and rating in contests like those found on Codeforces, HackerRank, LeetCode (not sure if anyone besides Russians values these a lot).

- Pursue MOOCs and MicroMaster programs on EDx and Coursera from top US universities like MIT, Uni Michigan, Uni San Diego etc. ( I can apply for financial aid because I live in the poorest region of Europe )

- Do Data Science competitions on websites like Kaggle.

- Build a portfolio by developing my own or working on others open source projects.

Are any of these good to improve my chances even slightly? Or are there other methods that could help? Thanks in advance.