1. 程式人生 > >Python Community Interview With Kenneth Reitz

Python Community Interview With Kenneth Reitz

This week, I’m excited to be interviewing the prolific Kenneth Reitz!

Kenneth is the author of the extremely popular requests and pipenv libraries. Join us as we talk about his latest projects and the most challenging code he’s written to date.

Ricky: Let’s start at the beginning… How did you get into programming, and when did you start using Python?

Kenneth Reitz

Kenneth: I started programming at a young age. My dad was a programmer, and I taught myself BASIC and C (with this help) at the age of 9. I started using Python in college, when I took my first CS course. Shortly after, I dropped out and learned many other programming languages, but I always kept coming back to Python.

Ricky: Congratulations on your new job with Digital Ocean. You’re the senior member of the Developer Relations team. How are you finding the change in role from your previous job at Heroku, and what can we expect from Digital Ocean moving forward in the Python space?

Kenneth: Thanks! I’m really enjoying the new role and the opportunity to serve the entire development community, not just the Python community. However, my latest work,

Responder, has been a Digital Ocean project, so there’s room to expect more from us in the Python space