1. 程式人生 > >Algorithms Edition 4 chapter 1 percolation 演算法第一章課後作業

Algorithms Edition 4 chapter 1 percolation 演算法第一章課後作業

import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdIn;
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdOut;
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.WeightedQuickUnionUF;
//  there should be a whitespace
// finished in 2017/11/2 by Xingyu Lai 
public class Percolation {
    private final boolean[] status;// record the status of every item: true for open,false for blocked
    private final int rows,cols;
    private nt count=0;
    private final int longth;// convert rows*cols to longth
    private final WeightedQuickUnionUF uf,uf1;// union items
    public Percolation(int n) {
        if(n<= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("n must be bigger than 0 !");
        status=new boolean[longth];// allocate memory for status
        uf=new WeightedQuickUnionUF(longth+2);
        uf1=new WeightedQuickUnionUF(longth+1);
        // reater a tree of n+2, position at longth and longth+1 are for vitual top and bottom respectivly
        for(int i=0;i<longth-1;i++) status[i]=false;// every item is blocked default
    public void open(int row,int col) { // open the item at(row,col) if not & union it to others which are open and closed to it
        if (row<1||row>rows) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index rows must between 1 and" + " " + rows);
        if (col<1||col>cols) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index rows must between 1 and" + " " + cols);
        int pos=revert(row,col);// covert 2D position to 1D position
        if (status[pos]) return;// if the item is open,then quit
        status[pos]=true;// open the item
        // union items around the current item 
        if (row==1) {
        } //if the item is in the first row ,then union it to the visual top
        if (row==rows) uf.union(pos,longth+1);// if the item is in the bottom,then union it to the visual bottom
        // covert the items' positon that are over and below the current item to 1D position
        int up=revert(row-1,col);
        int down=revert(row+1,col);
        if (row>1) {
            if(status[up]){ uf.union(up,pos); 
        } // if the item'row is bigger than 1 and the item over it is open,then union thenm together
        if (row<rows) { 
        } // if the item'row is less than rows and the item below it is open,then union thenm together
        int left=revert(row,col-1);
        int right=revert(row,col+1);
        if (col>1) {
            if(status[left]) {
        } // if the item'col is bigger than 1 and the left item  is open,then union thenm together
        if (col<rows) {
            if (status[right]) {
        } // if the item'col is less than cols and the right item  is open,then union thenm together
    public boolean percolates() {
        boolean a=uf.connected(longth,longth+1);
        return a;
        //if the visual top and bottom is connected ,then the table is percolated
    public boolean isOpen(int row,int col) { //validate item at(row,col) open or not
         if(row<1||row>rows) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index rows must between 1 and" + " " + rows);
        if(col<1||col>cols) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index rows must between 1 and" + " " + cols);
        int pos=(row-1)*rows+col-1;
        return status[pos];
    public boolean isFull(int row,int col) {
        if(row<1||row>rows) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index rows must between 1 and" + " " + rows);
        if(col<1||col>cols) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index rows must between 1 and" + " " + cols);
        int pos=(row-1)*rows+col-1;
        return uf1.connected(pos,longth);
    public int numberOfOpenSites() {
        return count;
    private int revert(int row,int col){
        int a=(row-1)*rows+col-1;
        return a;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int n=StdIn.readInt();
        StdOut.println("please input a integer bigger than 1 to establish a tree");
        Percolation per=new Percolation(n);//  read the first arg to establish a tree
        int row,col;
        StdOut.println("please input integer to union tree");
        StdOut.println("enter Crtl + D to quit...");
        while (!StdIn.isEmpty()) {
            //read two numbers one by one for row and col
       if (per.percolates()) StdOut.println("It is percolated!");
         else StdOut.println("It is not percolated!");
