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Ogre原始碼分析與學習筆記-2 紋理


Resource -> Texture -> GLTexture

1. Resource , 顧名思義就是資源, 包括紋理, 材質, 三角形網格等. Resource由ResourceManager管理, 幾個核心函式:

    class _OgreExport Resource 
        /** Basic constructor. 
                Subclasses must init mName and mSize!
            : mIsLoaded( false ), mSize( 0 )

        /** Virtual destructor. Shouldn't need to be overloaded, as the resource
            deallocation code should reside in unload()
        virtual ~Resource() 
            if( mIsLoaded )

        /** Loads the resource, if it is not already.
        virtual void load() = 0;

        /** Unloads the resource, but retains data to recreate.
        virtual void unload() {};

        /** Gets the last time the resource was 'touched'.
        time_t getLastAccess(void) const 
            return mLastAccess; 

        /** A method to make the resource delete itself.
                This exists because Resource objects could be created in other processes,
                and they need to be destroyed in the process that created them.
        virtual void destroy()
            delete this;

一個Resource的生命週期: Create -> Load -> Unload -> Destroy.
資源物件被構造出來時, 並不會馬上把資源內容Load到記憶體, 而是根據需要Load, 當一個ResourceManager使用的記憶體達到上限時, 會主動Unload一些資源, 但不會Destroy它. Unload的根據是最後使用時間

    void ResourceManager::load(Resource *res, int priority)

        mResources.insert( ResourceMap::value_type( res->getName(), res ) );

Texture類沒有實現Resource類的純虛方法, 而是加入了Texture物件的必要屬性:

    class _OgreExport Texture : public Resource
        /** Blits the contents of src on the texture.
                This feature is superseded by the blitImage function.
                src the image with the source data
        virtual void blitToTexture( 
            const Image &src, unsigned uStartX, unsigned uStartY ) = 0;

        /** Blits a rect from an image to the texture.
                src The image with the source data.
                imgRect The data rect to be copied from the image.
                texRect The rect in which to copy the data in the texture.
        virtual void blitImage(
            const Image& src, const Image::Rect imgRect, const Image::Rect texRect )

		/** Copies (and maybe scales to fit) the contents of this texture to
			another texture. */
		virtual void copyToTexture( Texture * target ) {};

        /** Loads the data from an image.
        virtual void loadImage( const Image &img ) = 0;

        unsigned long mHeight;
        unsigned long mWidth;

        unsigned short mNumMipMaps;
        float mGamma;

        TextureType mTextureType;
		PixelFormat mFormat;
        TextureUsage mUsage;

        unsigned short mSrcBpp;
        unsigned long mSrcWidth, mSrcHeight;
        unsigned short mFinalBpp;
        bool mHasAlpha;

GLTexture 繼承自Texture, 並且不再被繼承

    class GLTexture : public Texture
        void load();
        void loadImage( const Image &img );
        void loadImages( const std::vector<Image> images );

        void unload();

        void createRenderTexture();

        void blitToTexture( const Image& src, 
            unsigned uStartX, unsigned uStartY );

        GLuint getGLID() const
        { return mTextureID; }


它實現了最終的OpenGL可以使用的texture, 由於平臺相關性, GLTexture 需要使用 GLTextureManager來產生:

    class GLTextureManager : public TextureManager
        /** Creates a SDLTexture resource. 
        virtual Texture* create( const String& name, TextureType texType);