1. 程式人生 > >Leslie cheung's Speech

Leslie cheung's Speech



Mr. Barnett and all the guests of honours,


I am honoured to have been made CASH Ambassador.


Music is a very important part in any culture, and I am sure all of us here will agree that we must keep our culture alive and thriving.


This is particularly important for a place like Hong Kong where most people are busy working for money and fame, culture will help us to maintain a balance of lives.


Because of this belief, I, who have not been properly trained in music, have for years been trying my best to promote music, not just by singing and performing, but also by creating tunes and writing lyrics for songs.


I enjoy doing this and I think that, in a small way, I am contributing to the music and the culture of Hong Kong.


I also believe that it is important for artist to be creative and so I have been working hard to create new ways of entertaining and even setting new trends.


My recent concerts which have been described as controversial are examples of my efforts in this direction. They have attracted many favourable comments as well as some criticisms.


I think that is fine and I will continue to be creative. I know all of you will approve and do the same. Thank you!

The last but not the least, music is our profession and our livelihood and the works we have created should be protected from piracy.


Unfortunately, advanced information technology has helped aggravate this situation, causing many problems and threatening the livelihood of many artists.


I wish to use this opportunity to call upon all the artists to unite in a campaign against piracy. In fact, I consider this one of the most important missions for the
CASH Ambassador and I will dedicate my effort to this.


Thank you very much!


CASH,香港作曲家及作詞家協會,旨在保護會員版權並代其收版權費。作為全球五大指標音樂人物,哥哥張國榮連任兩屆CASH音樂大使,本文是他出任第一屆音樂大使時的演講。 “如不羈的風不愛生根”,哥哥在愚人節離別人間,但時至今日,他仍然是我們心中最好的張國榮。