1. 程式人生 > >刪除連結串列的倒數第K個節點(每日一道演算法題)



package LinkedList;

 * @author:MindMrWang
public class Node {
    public int value;
    public Node next;
    public Node() {

    public Node(int data) {
        this.value = data;

public static Node remove(Node head,int
k) { if(head==null||k<1) {//當head為空或者K<1,說明沒有倒數第K個節點。 throw new RuntimeException("your LinkedList has none the last k Node"); } Node cur = head; while(cur != null) {//從第一個節點開始遍歷,若不為空,k-- k--; cur = cur.next; } if
(k>0) { throw new RuntimeException("your LinkedList has none the last k Node"); } if(k==0) { head = head.next;//如果k為零,那麼倒數第k個元素就是頭結點,所以將頭結點去除,將head指向head.next } if(k<0) {//當K小於零的時候我們想要刪除倒數第k個節點,就要知道第N-k個節點(倒數第K個節點的前一個節點) cur = head;//第一次遍歷cur位置改變了,所以要重新賦值
while(++k != 0) {//我們第一次遍歷的時候K為k-N,它和N-k為相反數,所以將節點進行第二次從頭結點遍歷 cur = cur.next; //每次遍歷加1,當它K為0的時候他就移動到了N-k的位置不用 } cur.next = cur.next.next; } return head; }


package LinkedList;

 * @author:MindMrWang
public class DoubleNode {
    int value;
    DoubleNode last;
    DoubleNode next;
    public DoubleNode(int data) {
        this.value = data;

public static DoubleNode remove2(DoubleNode head,int k) {
        if(head==null||k<1) {//當head為空或者K<1,說明沒有倒數第K個節點。
            throw new RuntimeException("your LinkedList has none the last k Node");

        DoubleNode cur = head;
        while(cur != null) {//從第一個節點開始遍歷,若不為空,k--
            cur = cur.next;

        if(k>0) {
            throw new RuntimeException("your LinkedList has none the last k Node");

        if(k==0) {
            head = head.next;
            head.last = null;

        if(k<0) {
            cur = head;
            while(++k!=0) {
                cur = cur.next;
            cur.next = cur.next.next;
            if(cur.next!=null) {
                cur.next.next = cur;

        return head;

