1. 程式人生 > >(有解題思路)機器學習coursera吳恩達第六週最後測驗習題彙總




1. You are working on a spam classification system using regularized logistic regression. "Spam" is a positive class (y = 1) and "not spam" is the negative class (y = 0). You have trained your classifier and there are m = 1000 examples in the cross-validation set. The chart of predicted class vs. actual class is:

Actual Class: 1Actual Class: 0
Predicted Class: 185890
Predicted Class: 01510

For reference:

·        Accuracy = (true positives + true negatives) / (total examples)

·        Precision = (true positives) / (true positives + false positives)

·        Recall = (true positives) / (true positives + false negatives)


F1 score = (2 * precision * recall) / (precision +recall)

What is the classifier's accuracy (as avalue from 0 to 1)?

Enter your answer in the box below. If necessary, provide at least two values after the decimal point.


精度Accuraccy = ( 85+10)/1000 = 0.095;

recall = 85 / (85+15) = 0.85

precision =  85/(85+890) = 0.087

F1 = 2*0.085*0.087/(0.087+0.85)=0.16(題意,精確到小數點後兩位)

2. Suppose a massive dataset is available for training a learning algorithm. Training on a lot of data is likely to give good performance when two of the following conditions hold true.

Which are the two?

Our learning algorithm is able to represent fairly complex functions (for example, if we train a neural network or other model with a large number of parameters).

A human expert on the application domain can confidently predict y  when given only the features (or more generally, if we have some way to be confident that x contains sufficient information to predict accurately).

When we are willing to include high order polynomial features of x (such as x21, x22, x1x2, etc.).

The classes are not too skewed.


B:當只給出特徵x(或者更一般來說,如果我們有辦法可以確信x包含足夠的資訊來準確預測y),在應用型領域的專家可以相當準確地預測y。 資料的有效性,使資料本身有一定規律可循。

3. Suppose you have trained a logistic regression classifier which is outputing (x).

Currently, you predict 1 if (x)≥threshold, and predict 0 if (x)<threshold, where currently the threshold is set to 0.5.

Suppose you decrease the threshold to 0.1. Which of the following are true? Check all that apply.

The classifier is likely to have unchanged precision and recall, and thus thesame F1 score.

The classifier is likely to have unchanged precision and recall, but higher accuracy.

The classifier is likely to now have lower recall.

The classifier is likely to now have lower precision.


首先閾值的設定並不會影響查全率recall和查準率precision,recall和precision是此消彼長的一個過程,吳恩達老師課程裡講到的那個圖可以幫助理解這個題 threshould設定愈高查準率precision越高,而對應的查全率recall則越低,反之,precision和recall也相反。如果閾值時0.7或者0.9,那麼精度accuraccy則越高,因為accuraccy = (true positives + true negatives) / (total examples)  ,閾值threshould增加,說明precision查準率升高了,那麼 true positives升高,所以更高的accuraccy。

4. Suppose you are working on a spam classifier, where spam emails are positive examples (y=1) and non-spam emails are negative examples (y=0). You have a training set of emails in which 99% of the emails are non-spam and the other 1% is spam. Which of the following statements are true? Check all that apply.

If you always predict non-spam (output y=0), your classifier will have 99% accuracy on the trainingset, but it will do much worse on the cross validation set because it has overfit the training data.

A good classifier should have both a high precision and high recall on the cross validation set.

If you always predict non-spam (output y=0), your classifier will have 99% accuracy on the training set, and it will likely perform similarly on the cross validation set.

If you always predict non-spam (output y=0), your classifier will have an accuracy of 99%.

答:選B、C、D。這個都是在課堂上講到的知識,主要就是對查準率和查全率的認識。以這個垃圾郵件為例,查準率precision就是在我們所有預測的垃圾郵件當中,實際上是垃圾郵件的百分比;查全率recall就是在所有實際的時垃圾郵件當中,成功預測時垃圾郵件的百分比。如果總是預測垃圾郵件,那麼查全率recall是100%(因為全部預測到了垃圾郵件),而查準率precision是1%(因為只有1%的是垃圾郵件);如果總是預測的是非垃圾郵件,那麼查全率recall是0%(因為實際上有垃圾郵件,卻沒有預測到),精度accuraccy是99%(因為true positives是99%,true negatives是0%)。同樣這裡也有好幾個版本,用圖粘貼出來。

5. Which of the following statements are true? Check all that apply.

The"error analysis" process of manually examining the examples whichyour algorithm got wrong can help suggest what are good steps to take (e.g., developing new features) to improve your algorithm's performance.

Itis a good idea to spend a lot of time collecting a large amount of data before building your first version of a learning algorithm.

If your model is underfitting the training set, then obtaining more data is likely to help.

After training a logistic regression classifier, you must use 0.5 as your threshold for predicting whether an example is positive or negative.

Using a very large training set makes it unlikely for model to overfit the training data.





注:誤差分析計算可以得出各因素對模型效能的影響,可以通過這種計算的方法判斷如何改進模型效能,所以A正確;B錯,資料還要保證方便符合模型和計算,最重要的是要有一定的潛在規律可循,多而不亂,即找大量有用的資料,而不僅僅是大量資料;C裡面已經是underfitting了,可能為模型太簡單,特徵太少(比如用來擬合數據僅僅只是一次線性函式,那肯定不行,再多的資料也無法正確擬合,此時應該做的是嘗試增加更多的多項式特徵)或者課上提到的資料太多(或者說資料太雜);D裡面must use不對,考慮到Skewed Data,不一定最終把threshold設為0.5;E很明顯正確,可以參照課上overfitting和underfitting的定義;

