1. 程式人生 > >技術最前沿-Sql server 2017 新特性探究(1)

技術最前沿-Sql server 2017 新特性探究(1)

OS windows 8.1

1. 官方免費下載 DEV 版本: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=853016 

2. 一步一步Next下去,終於遇到錯誤了 (如果不出點啥錯誤才不正常。。。)

去 https://support.microsoft.com/zh-cn/help/2919355/windows-rt-8-1-windows-8-1-and-windows-server-2012-r2-update-april-201 下載更新,然而新的錯誤報出:(為什麼貼圖顯示不出來????????????????)

WTF! 不過這小問題難不倒咱,仔細看KB:

When you install update KB2919355 by using Windows Update, the installation fails with error code 0x80071a91, apply this hotfix https://support.microsoft.com/kb/2939087/ 
When you install update KB2919355, the installation fails with error code 0x80070005. Apply this hotfix https://support.microsoft.com/kb/2975061/

果斷去第二個連結下載: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=43530 後安裝成功,再安裝355 補丁,Bingo,解決!

重啟OS,直接進入 C:\SQLServer2017Media 點選Setup.exe 啟動安裝:


Known issues


There is a known issue where SSMS 17.6 becomes unstable and crashes when using Maintenance Plans

. If you use Maintenance Plans, do not install SSMS 17.6. Downgrade to SSMS 17.5 if you already installed 17.6 and this issue is affecting you.

看到有網友用17.6-17.4 都有問題。。。選了個17.3 下載試試再說。。。