1. 程式人生 > >boost 原始碼編譯和安裝 -fPIC

boost 原始碼編譯和安裝 -fPIC


系統:centos 7

boost原始碼:使用的是1.54版本的 boost_1_54_0.tar.gz,具體自己去boost官網下載


tar -zxvf boost_1_54_0.tar.gz

注意:由於boost 預設編譯的靜態庫是沒有-fPIC選項,編譯引數也沒有可選的項來新增-fPIC


             如:libboost_serialization.a(basic_iarchive.o): relocation R_X86_64_32S against `_ZTVN5boost7archive6detail14basic_iarchiveE' can not be used when            making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC

3. 解決動態庫呼叫boost靜態庫時報錯 -fPIC的方法

cd boost_1_54_0/tools/build/v2/tools


vim gcc.jam


rule setup-fpic ( targets * : sources * : properties * )
    local link = [ feature.get-values link : $(properties) ] ;
    if $(link) = shared

        local target = [ feature.get-values target-os : $(properties) ] ;

        # This logic will add -fPIC for all compilations:

        # lib a : a.cpp b ;
        # obj b : b.cpp ;
        # exe c : c.cpp a d ;
        # obj d : d.cpp ;
        # This all is fine, except that 'd' will be compiled with -fPIC even
        # though it is not needed, as 'd' is used only in exe. However, it is
        # hard to detect where a target is going to be used. Alternatively, we
        # can set -fPIC only when main target type is LIB but than 'b' would be
        # compiled without -fPIC which would lead to link errors on x86-64. So,
        # compile everything with -fPIC.
        # Yet another alternative would be to create a propagated <sharedable>
        # feature and set it when building shared libraries, but that would be
        # hard to implement and would increase the target path length even more.

        # On Windows, fPIC is the default, and specifying -fPIC explicitly leads
        # to a warning.
        if ! $(target) in cygwin windows
            OPTIONS on $(targets) += -fPIC ;

可以看出編譯動態庫時,並且不是window  會新增-fPIC, 那麼現在需要編譯靜態庫也新增 -fPIC怎麼做呢? 如下

將if $(link) = shared 改為 if $(link) = shared || $(link) = static 即可, 儲存退出


1. 在boost_1_54_0目錄下,執行命令: ./bootstrap.sh

2. 同時編譯release版本的動態庫和靜態庫, 執行命令:./b2 --build-type=minimal stage

3. 安裝到指定目錄,如:/home/xiaodj/boost  執行命令:./b2 --prefix=/home/xiaodj/boost install

完成之後在/home/xiaodj/boost中有include和lib, 之後動態庫呼叫boost中的靜態庫正常。
