1. 程式人生 > >何凱文考研英語每日一句整理二


For all our efforts to flatten, pile and stuff boxes into recycling bins, consumers aren’t that good at recycling cardboard. For years, they didn’t have to be. Many of the cardboard shipping boxes used to go to retail stores. Workers at your local Kmart, Sears or Target would load the flattened boxes into a machine that bound them into bales that the stores could resell for $74 or more a ton. Groceries and big-box stores recycled 90% to 100% of their cardboard.


Reporting of cases seems to have varying levels of success. King’s itself has instigated unconscious bias training and has collected testimonials in response to complaints in the past. But in its statement on Gopal’s complaint, it denied that race played a part. I know of other colleges that have apologised to students but failed to acknowledge racism was a factor. Many students have expressed a lack of faith in the process, and have made no formal complaint at all when an incident has occurred.


1. varying 各不相同的
2. instigate 實施
3. unconscious bias training 無意識的歧視訓練
4. testimonial 證言

5. in response to 迴應
6. apologized = apologised 道歉(英式和美式拼寫的差別)

A seasoned psychiatrist, Heilig joined the National Institutes of Health in 2004 with grand ambitions of finding new ways to treat addiction and alcoholism. “It was the age of the neuroscience revolution, and all this new tech that gave us many ways of manipulating animal brains,” he recalls. By studying addictive behavior in laboratory rats and mice, he would pinpoint crucial genes, molecules, and brain regions that could be targeted to curtail the equivalent behaviors in people.


1. seasoned 經驗豐富的
2. addiction and alcoholism ;addiction一般不明確說是什麼上癮那就是(毒癮)alcoholism(酒癮)
3. with grand ambitions 雄心勃勃的
4. the neuroscience revolution 神經科學革命
5. manipulating animal brains 操控動物大腦
6. rats and mice:實驗鼠和小鼠
7. pinpoint:確定
8. crucial genes, molecules, and brain regions:關鍵的基因、分子和大腦區域
9. curtail 限制
10. equivalent behaviors 等效行為

Yet key measures of the nation’s public engagement, satisfaction and confidence—voter turnout, knowledge of public-policy issues, faith that the next generation will fare better than the current one, and respect for basic institutions, especially the government—are far below what they were 50 years ago, and in many cases have reached near historic lows.


1. public engagement 公眾參與度
2. public satisfaction and confidence 公眾滿意度和公眾信任度
3. voter turnout 選民投票率
4. knowledge of public-policy issues 對公共政策的瞭解 (注意:這裡的knowledge是表示瞭解的意思)
5. faith that the next generation will fare better than the current one(相信)下一代會過的比這一代好的信念

Child development is relational, which is why, in one experiment, nine-month-old babies who received a few hours of language instruction from a live human could isolate specific phonetic elements in the language while another group of babies who received the exact same instruction via video could not.


1.relational 關聯性的
2. language instruction 語言教學
3. isolate specific phonetic elements 區分音素
4. via video 通過視訊

The standard tests do not compensate for gross social inequality, and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he grown up under more favorable circumstances.

New Zealand is showing that no doors are closed to women, that having a baby while being prime minister can be managed, and that it’s acceptable for male partners to be full-time carers.



1. compensate for 彌補
2. gross social inequality 整體社會不公
3. an underprivileged youngster 一個出身普通的年輕人(貧窮,草根)
4. favorable circumstances 優越環境

  1. prime minister:總理
  2. full-time carers 全職的看孩子的人

Had Sergio’s book been stolen a year ago, he would have had to wait to be allowed to check out any other books until he came up with enough money to pay off his library debt.


1. check out books 借出書
2. came up with enough money 攢足夠的錢
3. pay off 還清
4. library debt= library fine (所謂“圖書館的債”=“圖書館的罰款”,你如果不知道這個同義替換,我同情你。這是圖書館語境下的習慣用法,記住就好。)
5. alternative way 其他的方式

Human-rights experts told me that one of Trump’s most likely, and most insidious, arguments for the move is to prevent the United States from being called out on its own alleged human-rights abuses.


1. Human-rights experts 人權專家
2. likely 可能的
3. insidious 隱藏的
4. argument 理由
5. the move 動作(這裡指的就是退出人權委員會)
6. prevent A from B : 使A免受B;
7. alleged human-rights abuses 涉嫌的人權侵害(行為)
(alleged attack 涉嫌的襲擊)
8. call out 本意是大聲呼叫這裡是:被人指責
9. looming=possible=potential 可能的
10. accusation 指責

Many states have laws limiting political expression in immediate election environments. Minnesota is no exception, and poll workers told Mr. Cilek he must cover up the vote button on his T-shirt or he would not be allowed to vote.


1. immediate election environments 直接選舉環境
2. no exception 不例外
3. poll workers 投票站工作人員

Her view hints at a wider reality: Health care is one of the highest-priority issues for US voters, as the nation approaches mid-term elections in which control of Congress is at stake.


1. hints at 暗示
What are you hinting at?
2. a wider reality 更廣泛的事實
3. Health care 健康醫療
4. US voters 美國選民
5. the highest-priority issues 關注度最高的問題
6. mid-term elections 中期選舉
7. at stake 存在風險(不確定性);緊要關頭
8. swing=influence 影響

Still, graduation rates have improved over the past decade, particularly among Latinos and there is a significant difference between the rates of native-born Latino adults and those who were born outside of the United States. (The latter are less likely to have earned a degree.) It’s these race-by-race attainment rates that the report advises policymakers to pay attention to—overall graduation rates can obscure how the educational system underserves certain groups.


1. Still (副詞) 記住still還有“但是”的意思;
2. over the past decade 過去的十年間(習慣用over)
3. Latino 居住在美國的拉丁美洲移民=Hispanic (Hispanic還可以是西班牙語的,但是這個詞是考研文章中的常常就是表示拉丁美洲的移民)
4. earned a degree 獲得學位(一般就是指大學)(可以用earn哦)
5. attainment rates 直接翻譯,“獲得的比例” “成就的比例”大家都不懂是什麼意思。所以需要放在這語境下賦予其含義。 這裡就是指的是graduation rates。甚至出題人可以在這裡出一道詞彙題。
6. underserve:這是一個合成詞:under+serve(沒有服務好)

Donald Trump is a creature of the instant, responsive only and wholly to immediate stimulus – which is why Twitter is his exclusive medium of written communication, and why when he speaks he cannot stick to a script. In this respect he differs little from anyone who spends a lot of time on social media; the social media ecosystem is designed to generate constant, instantaneous responses to the provocations of Now.


1. instant 立即的
2. responsive 積極迴應,反應熱烈的,熱情的(正面評價詞)
例句:The club is responsive to the new idea.
The flu virus is not responsive to this treatment.
a responsive and enthusiastic audience
比如:resourceful 這個詞的意思不是“有資源的”。
3. Exclusive:獨有的
4. stick to a script:按稿子說話
5. In this respect: 在這個方面
6. differs little from A:和A沒有不同
7. the social media ecosystem 社交媒體生態系統
8. constant, instantaneous responses to the provocations of Now
9. provocation 刺激
10. Now : 這裡大寫N 是為了強調“現在”,作為名詞處理。
11. instantaneous 立即的= instant
12. constant 持續的
13. stimulus 刺激物
14. wholly 完全地
15. generate 產生

Indeed the significance of good reading cannot be overvalued. Through books the whole history and the whole world are ours for asking. The possibilities of our experiences in life are almost unlimited. The beauty of nature, the treasures of art, the marvels of the world and the triumphs of science are all open to the wonder and enjoyment of those who read. A man who reads lives many lives. A man who doesn’t, walks this earth with a blindfold.


A deeply flawed assumption underlies the discipline of entrepreneurship as taught in many business schools. It is that a uniform logic can be applied to the process of starting a business—a logic that can be described and, if followed, will increase the likelihood of success for the start-up. But that assumption has never been properly tested: Although business historians have described the early years of a number of today’s large companies, business academics never developed longitudinal data regarding how new ones come into being, detailed the common characteristics of start-ups, or described entrepreneurial behavior that could be replicated. Only recently have economists started to build such records.


1. flawed 有缺陷的;deeply flawed有很深缺陷的,即缺陷嚴重的
2. assumption 假設
3. underlie 成為……的基礎
4. entrepreneurship 企業家(行為、身份);創業精神
5. uniform 一致的
6. logic 邏輯
7. likelihood 可能性
8. properly tested 恰當地被驗證
9. longitudinal 經度的;縱向的
10. replicate 複製
11. build record 建立/生成記錄

A 5–4 decision gives the green light for states to use aggressive methods to remove voters from the rolls, a process that disproportionately affects minority communities.
Alito, writing for a five-justice majority, resolved a seeming conflict among provisions of federal voting law by concluding that the aggressive procedure Ohio adopted to remove supposedly ineligible voters from its voter rolls, does not violate federal statutes.


1. 5–4 decision 5比4 的決定 (最高法院是9位大法官,所以他們都投票了。)
2. A gives the green light for B: A為B開綠燈
3. aggressive method 激進的方法
4. the rolls 名冊= voter rolls 選民的名冊
5. disproportionately 不成比例的;不相稱;(貶義詞,負面評價)
6. Alito 九個大法官之一
7. minority communities 少數族裔社群
8. resolve 解決
9. writing for a five-justice majority (投了5票多數票中的一票)
Kevin, writing for a four-justice minority (凱文投四票少數票中的的)
10. seeming conflict 貌似的衝突
11. provisions 條款
12. federal voting law 聯邦選舉法=federal statutes 聯邦成文法
13. supposedly ineligible voters 被認為是沒有資格的選民
14.remove A away from B: 把A從B中去除;
(原文的表達是:Purge B of A(把A從B中去除) ; 這個詞的用法還挺有意思的,只不過的超綱詞,我就替換了。大家可以瞭解一下。)
15. violate 破壞

Yet, thanks to cross-party alliances forged in the Lords, the Conservative and Labour leaders, and pro-Brexit MPs, will this week be obliged to justify why they think quitting or, in Labour’s case, not-quite-quitting, the single market, the most advantageous and profitable trading arrangement the UK has enjoyed, is a good idea.

但是多虧上議院形成的跨黨派聯盟,保守黨和工黨的領袖以及支援脫歐的議員本週將不得不證明,為什麼他們認為退出或 “不完全退出”(對工黨來說)單一市場是個好主意。單一市場是英國享受過的最有利、最賺錢的交易協議。

1. alliance 聯盟
2. forge 形成,打造,鑄就
3. be obliged to do sth 不得不,必須
4. justify 證明…是合理的
5. advantageous 有利的
6. profitable 賺錢的
7. in one’s case 對…而言; 按照…而言
One hundred million RMB, or in Wangjianlin’s case, a small aim, is an impossible dream for most of us.(一個億,按王健林的說法就是個小目標,對於大多數的我們就是一個不可能的夢。)
8. pro-Brexit MPs 支援脫歐的議員
9. the single market 單一市場(這裡指的就是歐盟)

Right now, fully autonomous cars are rolling around Pittsburgh, the San Francisco Bay area, and parts of Michigan, shuttling people from here to there with minimal manual intervention. Instead of fixing the old subway trains, let’s rip out the tracks and fill the tunnels with fleets of autonomous vehicles running on pavement. The result would be radical improvements in throughput while saving money and increasing the ability of the system to survive a fire, flood, or terrorist attack.


1. fully autonomous cars 完全自動駕駛汽車
2. San Francisco Bay area 舊金山灣區簡稱(Bay area )
3. rolling around 滾動行駛
4.instead of = not; 這就是一個否定詞!記好了!
I will work hard during the vacation, instead of killing time on Douyin.
5. rip out: 撕毀,拆除
6. pavement : 路面 (但這裡顯現不是人行道的意思就是路面)
7. throughput:吞吐量
8. survive sth:渡過,倖免於難
The company survived the crisis. 公司渡過了危機
9. radical improvement: 極大提高,徹底提高

Since his election last May, French President Emmanuel Macron has tried to, and maybe believed he could, bend Donald Trump’s convictions. Macron sought to turn the U.S. president away from nationalism, protectionism, and climate-change skepticism and toward his own vision of a world in which strong, sovereign nations collaborate to find multilateral solutions to transnational problems.

自去年5月當選總統以來,法國總統馬克龍(Emmanuel Macron)一直在努力改變唐納德·特朗普的信念,他或許一直相信他能做到。馬克龍試圖將美國總統從民族主義、保護主義和氣候變化懷疑主義轉向他自己的世界願景:強大的主權國家合作尋找解決跨國問題的多邊方案。

1. bend one’s convictions: 改變某人的想法
2. nationalism:民族主義
3. protectionism:保護主義
4. climate-change skepticism:氣候變化的懷疑主義
5. sovereign nations 主權國家
6. collaborate 協作
7. transnational problems 跨國問題
8. multilateral solutions 多邊手段
9. turn A from B toward C 使A從B轉向C
10. multilateralism 多邊主義(多邊主義是指世界各國在國際事務應相互尊重、平等協商、加強合作、反對一國一意孤行,無禮對待別國。)
11. unilateralism 單邊主義(所謂單邊主義是指舉足輕重的特定大國,不考慮大多數國家和民眾的願望,單獨或帶頭退出或挑戰已制訂或商議好了的維護國際性、地區性、集體性和平、發展、進步的規則和制度。)
12. A is for the idea of B = A is of the idea of B ( A認同/支援B這個觀點)

As immigration reform remains at a standstill, and the Trump administration eyes even more restrictionist immigration policies, many in Silicon Valley are worried the United States is losing its competitive advantage—just what they were hoping to guard against with a start-up visa.


1. restrictionist immigration policies:限制主義者的移民政策
2. remain at a standstill: 陷入僵局
3. Trump administration:特朗普政府
4. eye: 動詞(著眼於)
5. many 很多人
6. losing its competitive advantage:真在丟掉其競爭優勢
7. guard against A with B: 用B來防範A
8. start-up visa:創業簽證
9. what= something that

And poorer families tend to spend a much larger share of their incomes on housing and other basic needs than their wealthier counterparts, who are more likely to put their money into insurance and retirement.


1. counterpart 對應人,對應物;(翻譯的時候就要找到指代的物件)
President Trump will meet his North Korea counterpart this month.
2. insurance and retirement 保險和退休
3. safety net 安全網 (大家要知道安全網指的就是保險。不清楚的就去看看07年第四篇文章第二段456句。)

Organisations of all stripes—from Facebook to the UK government to that coffee shop on the corner you once gave your email address to—have been filling inboxes with variations on the same question, in anticipation of a European Union regulation that comes into force on 25 May.


2. fill 填滿
3. variation 各種,各類
4. in anticipation of :(絕對重點考點!)
英文解釋:the fact of seeing that sth might happen in the future and perhaps doing sth about it now (預見到將來會發生什麼,所以現在做一些事情來應對。)
例句: He bought extra food in anticipation of more people coming than he’d invited.
5. a European Union regulation 一個歐盟的決定
6. comes into force 生效

Liberals make good movies and television shows. Their idealism has been an inspiration for me and many others. Many liberals are very smart. But they are not as smart, or as persuasive, as they think. And a backlash against liberals — a backlash that most liberals don’t seem to realize they’re causing — is going to get President Trump re-elected.


1. liberals 自由派人士
2. idealism 理想主義
3. persuasive 具有說服力
4. backlash 強烈抵制,集體反對

Ultimately, the new study finds limited support for the idea that being able to delay gratification leads to better outcomes. Instead, it suggests that the capacity to hold out for a second marshmallow is shaped in large part by a child’s social and economic background—and, in turn, that that background, not the ability to delay gratification, is what’s behind kids’ long-term success.


1. Ultimately 最終
2. delay gratification 延緩滿足感
3. Instead 相反=however
4. A is shaped by B: A是由B決定的
5. in turn 反過來
6. long-term success 長期的成功

The marshmallow test is one of the most famous pieces of social-science research: Put a marshmallow in front of a child, tell her that she can have a second one if she can go 15 minutes without eating the first one, and then leave the room. Whether she’s patient enough to double her payout is supposedly indicative of a willpower that will pay dividends down the line, at school and eventually at work. Passing the test is, to many, a promising signal of future success.


1. marshmallow 棉花糖(這個是幼兒園詞彙,大家是需要知道的。)
2. one of the most famous pieces of social-science research
3. patient 有耐心的
4. payout 獲得;獎金;
5. promising 有希望的
6. signal 標誌
7. supposedly 據說(可以單獨翻譯)=allegedly 據說
8. willpower 意志力
9. down(along) the line:在某一環節,在某一時刻
例句:we will make a decision on this matter down the line.
10. Dividend 紅利,股息,獎金,回報
11. be indicative of: 表明
13. to many : 對很多人而言,to kevin, 對凱文而言;

President Trump is increasingly intervening in the economy, making decisions about corporate winners and losers in ways that Republicans for decades have insisted should be left to free markets — not the government.


1. Interven in:干預
2. Republicans 共和黨人
3. orthodox way 傳統方式
4. winners and losers= boom and doom 繁榮和衰敗
5. insist 堅持認為
6. be independent of 不受…的影響
7. in ways that 就…而言 (that 指代前面的句子)

Such stereotypes about spoiled, lonely and peculiar only children have endured for more than a century, despite a wealth of research showing lone children are usually none of those things and often do better in many areas than children with siblings. But despite one-child families becoming far more common, our fascination with their implied unusualness endures.


1. stereotypes 刻板印象;模式化觀念(或形象);老一套;(我們對A有stereotypes就等於說我們對A有discrimination,這是構成同意替換的。)
2. spoiled 被寵壞的
3. peculiar 古怪的
4. lone 獨身,獨自
5. sibling 兄弟姐妹
6. far more common 更加普遍
7. fascination 著迷,執著的想法
8. unusualness 不同之處
9. endure 存在= persist
10. a wealth of research 大量研究

Maybe Walmart’s new program, as Kelchen says, shows that the company has learned from the successes and failures of other employer-sponsored tuition programs, or, more cynically, it’s a chance to change the narrative about how it treats its employees. But one thing is for sure: There are a lot of employees who stand to benefit.


1. employer-sponsored tuition programs 僱主資助的學費專案
2. cynical: 認為人都是自私的; 憤世嫉俗的
3. narrative:敘述,描述;這裡可以理解為:評價
4. Stand to benefit: 受益

While employers and the nation depend on families to produce skilled workers and solid citizens, we expect parents to raise them well unaided. Improved birth control allows women to invest in educations and build solid salaries before starting families.


While it is true that Italy is in serious need of reforms, those who blame the stagnation on domestic inefficiencies and corruption must explain why Italy grew so fast throughout the postwar period until it entered the eurozone. Was its government and polity more efficient and virtuous in the 1970s and 1980s? Hardly.


1. in serious need of 非常需要
2. stagnation 停滯(通常指經濟)
3. virtuous 品行端正的,有道德的,品德高的
4. government and polity 政府和政治制度
5. blame A on/to B: 把A歸咎於B

“Virtually everyone I spoke with, from the FBI to academic researchers, told me it’s nearly impossible to stop a determined shooter; they’re always one creative step ahead,” Hagerty writes. Niv Bavarsky mentions “The Futility of Trying to Prevent More School Shootings in America.”

Hagerty這樣寫道:“每一個和我談話的人,從FBI (的探員)到學術研究人員,都告訴我要阻止一個決絕的(校園)槍手幾乎是不可能的。(因為)他們總出乎意料的先我們一步。”Niv Bavarsky也提到了:“徒勞無功:美國阻止校園槍擊案件的嘗試”。

1. Virtually 實際上 其形容詞是virtual 在1575詞彙書的第207頁!
2. one creative step ahead 出乎意料的先人一步
3. Futility ;其形容詞是:futile 無效的

While cars themselves are losing their place in teen culture, the freedoms and pleasures that they once brought to young people now often seem to be won through other means. The smartphone is the most obvious replacement, offering a virtual liberation from the constraints of family that the car once provided physically.


The emails underscore how Pruitt and senior agency officials have sought to surround themselves with people who share their vision of curbing environmental regulation and enforcement, leading to complaints from environmentalists that he is ignoring the conclusions of the majority of scientists in and out of his agency, especially when it comes to climate-changing carbon emissions.

這些電子郵件突顯了,Pruitt和該機構的高階官員是如何試著與這些人為伍的,這些人共有的觀點是: 控制環境管制和執法,這引發了環保人士的抱怨:他忽視了該機構內外大多數科學家的結論,尤其是在(導致)氣候變化的碳排放問題上的(結論)

1. underscore 強調,印證了
2. surround oneself with somebody: 與…為伍;喜歡結交某人;喜歡身邊總有…
Aman likes to surround himself with outstanding persons.
3. curb 控制,限制
4. environmental regulation and enforcement 環境管理和執法
5. environmentalists 環保主義者
6. complaints 抱怨,投訴

Rather than looking for ways to give the less intelligent a break, the successful and influential seem more determined than ever to freeze them out. The employment Web site Monster captures current hiring wisdom in its advice to managers, suggesting they look for candidates who, of course, “work hard” and are “ambitious” and “nice”—but who, first and foremost, are “smart.” To make sure they end up with such people, more and more companies are testing applicants on a range of skills, judgment, and knowledge.


1. break 機會= opportunity give sb a a break= give sb an opportunity
2. the successful and influential: 成功人士和有影響力的人
3. determined 有決心 seem determined= be determined
4. freeze sb out:=stop sb from doing sth= discourage sb from doing sth
5. Rather than:沒有
6. capture 記錄,表達
7. first and foremost 首要的
8. end up with 以...為結果
9. Applicant 應聘者

Defenders of non-compete agreements put forward several arguments. One is that they encourage innovation by stopping rivals easily getting trade secrets; there is some evidence that levels of investment are higher at firms where they are used. Another argument is that firms are less likely to train workers if newly skilled employees are able to take what they have learned to a rival.


Email’s privacy model was always based on courtesy: We wouldn’t look at the messages crossing the network that weren’t for us because that would be rude. It would be even more rude to change them, though system administrators did regularly insert strange messages or modify messages as jokes, or to get their users’ attention. Emails from God or Santa Claus were not unheard of.


1. privacy 隱私;保密
2. model 模式
3. courtesy 禮節
4. cross 橫貫;穿行
5. rude 粗魯的
6. regularly 定期地
7. insert 插入
8. modify 修改
9. Santa Claus 聖誕老人
10. unheard of 聞所未聞 not unheard of:都聽說過

Monday’s ruling means that companies can keep workers from launching class-action lawsuits – or even going to arbitration as a group – over issues from wages and overtime pay to potentially discrimination and sexual harassment.


1. launch lawsuit 發起訴訟
2. class action lawsuit 集體訴訟
3. arbitration 仲裁
4. overtime pay 加班工資
5. potentially 可能地
6. discrimination 歧視
7. sexual harassment 性騷擾
8. keep sb from doing sth: 阻止某人做某事

Over the past 20 years home ownership in Britain has plummeted among young adults, who have had to pay more toward pensions while bearing the brunt of weak wage growth since the financial crisis. Young people today are also likely to spend a high proportion of their income on rent, making it harder to save for a home deposit.


1. home ownership 房屋所有權
2. plummet 大幅下降
3. pension 養老金
4. bear the brunt of 首當其衝

AI developers, as inexperienced in politics and philosophy as I am in technology, should ask themselves some of the questions I have raised here in order to build answers into their engineering efforts.

The U.S. government should consider a presidential commission of eminent thinkers to help develop a national vision.

This much is certain: If we do not start this effort soon, before long we shall discover that we started too late.




1. developer 開發者
2. inexperienced 無經驗的
3. Philosophy 哲學
4. presidential 總統的
5. commission 委員會
6. vision 視覺;願景
7. eminent:傑出的

British universities have serious problems. The recent strikes protesting against a sudden reduction in pension rights were unusually effective, and a symptom of wider discontent. Yet international comparisons invariably show our universities to be among the best in the world, and incomparably the best in the European Union.


1. Strikes: 罷工
2. pension rights 養老金權益
3. symptom 症狀,負面的例子,這裡可以轉譯為動詞:凸顯,體現
4. unusually 非常
5. comparison 比較
6. invariably:始終如一,一貫地
7. incomparably 無可比擬的;incomparably the best:無可比擬的第一

Few questions divide opponents of President Donald Trump more than this one: Should those who hope to defeat the president exercise more care in how they talk about the American right to avoid fueling the most unreasonable strains of populism?


1. divide 分化
2. opponent 反對者
3. defeat 打敗;戰勝
4. exercise 運用
5. fuel 加燃料;刺激
6. strain 種類;世系;菌株;亞型 
7. populism 民粹主義
8. right 右派

Twin studies have historically been some of the most valuable genetic research tools in the world—contributing a century of data to our knowledge of human behavioral, medical, and physical traits. Though all twins, through their similarities and differences, offer insight into the effects of genetics and the environment, twins who were reared apart offer particularly powerful case studies.


1. contribute A to B 為B提供A
2. historically 從歷史的角度講
3. knowledge 瞭解
4. traits 特徵
5. similarities and differences 相似與不同
6. A offer insight into B A提供了對於B的洞察和了解,
7. rear 養育
8. apart 分開
9. the effects of genetics and the environment 基因和環境的作用
10. case studies 案例研究

Just because you can land fancy jobs doesn’t change basic things you lack that well-off peers take for granted. Think: money for apartment security deposits and work wardrobes. There’s no access to professional networks and little advice to weigh career options.


1. land fancy jobs:找到好工作
2. well-off peers:家境優渥的同齡人
3. take sth for granted:認為某事是理所當然的
4. apartment security deposits 公寓保證押金
5. wardrobes 衣櫥,衣櫃
6. access 入口,途徑
7. professional networks 職業人際圈
8. weigh 考慮,考量

The existence of a forgotten and neglected underclass of people is not something unique to the Conservatives’ time in office. Vulnerable people and those who prey on them are not new. The safety nets in the UK have often been badly maintained and easy to slip through, but the Tory solution has been to blame the safety net itself rather than its design, and then to work to make it even worse.


1. Underclass:社會底層;貧困階層
2. Unique:獨特的
3. Conservatives: 保守派,保守黨,=Tory 託利黨
4. forgotten and neglected 被遺忘的和被忽略的
5. in office:執政
6. Vulnerable people:弱勢人群
7. prey on sb 欺凌,壓榨別人
8. safety nets 安全網,比喻為社會保障體系
9. maintain 維持
10. slip through the net 漏網,被漏掉
11. blame 指責
12. Rather than 而不是

Taking a page from the Democrats, Trump embraced a plan to allow Medicare to negotiate directly with drug manufacturers, promising that such a scheme could save hundreds of millions of dollars and reduce drug prices. When he was asked why the plan, which has circulated around Capitol Hill for about 15 years, hadn’t yet passed Congress, Trump said without reservation that it was all drug companies’ fault.


1. take a page from 借鑑,學習
2. Democrats 民主黨人
3. embrace 接受
4. Medicare: 大寫M表示美國的聯邦醫療保險體系;類似我過得醫保體系;
5. drug manufacturers 藥品製造商
6. scheme 計劃
7. circulate 轉圈
8. Capitol Hill 國會山就是指美國國會
circulated around Capitol Hill:比喻一直在國會中討論
9. hadn’t yet: 迄今仍未
10. without reservation 毫不遮掩地;毫不客氣地
11. pass Congress 在國會通過;獲得國會批准

This is true up and down the list: Vowels accounted for at least half of the letters in all but one of the most popular girls’ names (Charlotte). Boys’ names are slightly less vowel-heavy: They make up at least half of the letters in four of the 10 most popular boys’ names, but many of the rest are close, with just slightly fewer vowels than consonants. Part of the reason for this may be that, as my colleague Robinson Meyer has written, girls’ names have long been far more likely than boys’ names to end in a vowel sound that linguists call a schwa—an unstressed “a” at the end, as in Olivia (No. 2 for 2017) and Ava (No. 3). This gives girls’ names a competitive edge in vowel counts.

這個清單從上到下都是如此:最受歡迎的所有女孩名中除了Charlotte外,母音都至少佔一半字母。男孩名的母音稍少一些:10個最受歡迎的男孩名中,母音佔一半以上的名字有四個,但其它的名字也很接近,母音數只略微少於子音。和我的同事Robinson Meyer寫道的一樣,部分可能是因為女孩的名字一直比男孩名更可能以語言學家稱為“弱讀母音”——即詞尾的不重讀a的母音結束,如2017年的第二名Olivia和第三名的Ava。這使女孩名在母音數上更有競爭優勢。

In deed if not in word, the Trump administration has abandoned central tenets of conservative economic orthodoxy, a commitment to austerity and ultra-low inflation foremost among them. The passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was followed not by deep cuts in safety-net spending, as partisans of small government might have hoped, but rather by an omnibus spending bill that dynamited the sequestration caps dreamed up by self-professed GOP deficit hawks.


1. conservative economic orthodoxy 正統的保守派經濟政策
2. central tenets 核心信條
3. commitment 責任,遵守
4. austerity 財政緊縮
5. ultra-low inflation 超低通脹
6. foremost 首要的,主要的,重要的
7. Passage :通過(法案)
8. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act 減稅和就業法案
9. safety-net 安全網,一般都比喻為社會保險
10. partisan 支持者
11. dynamite 引爆;這個詞你不熟悉,但是你應該知道:dynamic(動態)
12. sequestration 扣押,抵押 (超綱詞,不用背)
13. omnibus 綜合性的
14. cap 限制,限額
15. GOP 老大黨(共和黨)
16. dream up: 想出來,提出
17. deficit hawks 赤字鷹派(反對高赤字的人)
18. self-professed 自稱的

During the Middle Ages, unicorns represented purity; in many paintings and tapestries, they were paired with virgins. In Silicon Valley, unicorn famously signifies a particularly valuable start-up. Germany’s unicorn craze seems to evoke something more basic. In a country that prides itself on its orderliness and rationality, the fanciful creature represents a means of escape.


1. the Middle Ages:
2. unicorn:獨角獸
3. purity:純潔
4. tapestries:掛毯
5. paired with:和…配對;放在一起;
6. virgin 處女
7. Pride oneself on sth: 以…為驕傲
8. Orderliness:井然有序
9. Rationality:理性
10. the fanciful creature:異想天開的生物;神奇的動物

Banning “buy one get one free” deals on junk food would actually save shoppers money, health chiefs have insisted as ministers prepare to crack down. Public Health England said that the impending restrictions would stop people being tempted into buying food they did not need.


1. buy one get one free deals: 買一贈一的促銷政策
2. insist 堅持認為
3. crack down 採取嚴厲措施
4. save shoppers money 為消費者省錢
5. Public Health England 英格蘭公共衛生部門
6. impending 即將實施的
7. restriction 禁令
8. stop sb doing sth 停止某人做某事

This is not just because American readers are resistant to fiction in translation, as publishers often complain. On the contrary, over the last two decades, many foreign writers have made a major impact on American literature. The failure of the Swedish Academy to reflect the actual judgment of literary history is nothing new. The winners of the Nobel Prize in one circle and the most influential and widely read 20th-century writers in the other, their area of overlap would be surprisingly small.


1. resistant 抵抗的
2. fiction 虛構文學;小說
3. publisher 出版商
4. complain 抱怨
5. on the contrary相反
6. make a major impact on產生重大的影響
7. failure of sb. to do sth. 某人未能做某事
8. reflect 反映;顯示
9. actual 實際的
10. judgment 判斷;評價
11. literary history 文學史
12. influential 有影響力的
13. widely 廣泛地
14. overlap 交集
15. surprisingly 驚人地

She pointed to media coverage that described loneliness as an epidemic, likening it to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. “It’s not realistic to expect that we can cure loneliness and I don’t think we should – it’s part of being human,” she said. “It’s a signal to ourselves that we want something more from our social interactions, that we want something more from our social lives.”


1. media coverage 新聞報道
2. describe 描述
3. lonliness 孤獨
4. epidemic 流行病
5. liken 把……比作

People, though, are liars. Experiments that don’t rely on self-reporting regularly show that physical attractiveness is exquisitely, at times incomparably, important to both men and women. Status (however you want to measure it: income, formal education, et cetera) is often not far behind. In real-life dating studies, which get closer to genuine intentions, physical attractiveness and earning potential strongly predict romantic attraction.


1. physical attractiveness 軀體的吸引力,即體徵美
2. exquisitely 精細地;微妙地;過分講究地
3. at times 有時
4. incomparably 無可比擬地
5. measure 衡量
6. formal education 正規教育
7. etc./et cetera 等等
8. far behind 落後太遠
9. however 無論…
10. real-life 真實的
11. dating 約會
12. genuine 真正的
13. intention 意圖

So we steadily adjusted our conclusions. We ended up convinced that the national prospect is more promising than we’d felt before we started—full of possibilities that the bleak trench warfare of national politics inevitably obscures.

