1. 程式人生 > >web前端案例:貪吃蛇小遊戲




  1. <!doctype html>

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  6. <meta name="Keywords" content="關鍵詞一,關鍵詞二">

  7. <meta name="Description" content="網站描述內容">

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  10. html {

  11. background: #8D946A


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  13. pattern path {

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  20. -webkit-animation: stroke-anim 4s linear infinite;

  21. animation: stroke-anim 4s linear infinite;

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  33. /* Values generated from JS */

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  35. stroke-dasharray: 32 224;

  36. stroke-dashoffset: 256;

  37. -webkit-animation-timing-function: steps(32);

  38. animation-timing-function: steps(32);

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  142. <g

  143. class="snake-group"

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  158. </html>

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