1. 程式人生 > >Linux串列埠驅動分析初始化


<pre name="code" class="cpp">/**
 * uart分析
 * 其實串列埠分析就兩個重要的檔案: S3c2440.c  Samsung.c
 * **/

/*1. 首先從Samsung.c的模組初始化函式看起*/

static int __init s3c24xx_serial_modinit(void)
	int ret;

	ret = uart_register_driver(&s3c24xx_uart_drv);
	if (ret < 0) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "failed to register UART driver\n");
		return -1;

	return 0;

/*引數是需要程式設計師自己定義 */
/** s3c2440.c **/

static struct s3c24xx_uart_info s3c2440_uart_inf = {
	.name		= "Samsung S3C2440 UART",
	.type		= PORT_S3C2440,				//埠型別
	.fifosize	= 64,						//FIFO緩衝區大小
	.rx_fifomask	= S3C2440_UFSTAT_RXMASK,		
	.rx_fifoshift	= S3C2440_UFSTAT_RXSHIFT,
	.rx_fifofull	= S3C2440_UFSTAT_RXFULL,
	.tx_fifofull	= S3C2440_UFSTAT_TXFULL,
	.tx_fifomask	= S3C2440_UFSTAT_TXMASK,
	.tx_fifoshift	= S3C2440_UFSTAT_TXSHIFT,
	.get_clksrc	= s3c2440_serial_getsource,
	.set_clksrc	= s3c2440_serial_setsource,
	.reset_port	= s3c2440_serial_resetport,

/*platform 驅動定義: s3c2440_serial_driver*/
static struct platform_driver s3c2440_serial_driver = {
	.probe		= s3c2440_serial_probe,				//匹配後設備呼叫
	.remove		= __devexit_p(s3c24xx_serial_remove),
	.driver		= {
		.name	= "s3c2440-uart",		//驅動的名字
		.owner	= THIS_MODULE,

/* 這個函式的主要作用是初始化tty_driver結構體。 其實tty_driver的主要成員都是通過傳進來的引數drv賦值的
 * 其次是初始化uart_driver中的uart_state成員。
 * uart_state是一個結構體包含了tty_port和uart_port。 而uart_port主要是和硬體相關。 其實每一個串列埠都對應一個uart_port結構
 * 這裡只初始化了tty_port結構。而uart_port是在等裝置匹配上後在裝置的ops中的probe函式中初始化
int uart_register_driver(struct uart_driver *drv)
	 * Maybe we should be using a slab cache for this, especially if
	 * we have a large number of ports to handle.
	drv->state = kzalloc(sizeof(struct uart_state) * drv->nr, GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!drv->state)
		goto out;

	normal = alloc_tty_driver(drv->nr);
	if (!normal)
		goto out_kfree;

	drv->tty_driver = normal;

	normal->owner		= drv->owner;
	normal->driver_name	= drv->driver_name;
	normal->name		= drv->dev_name;
	normal->major		= drv->major;
	normal->minor_start	= drv->minor;
	normal->type		= TTY_DRIVER_TYPE_SERIAL;
	normal->subtype		= SERIAL_TYPE_NORMAL;
	normal->init_termios	= tty_std_termios;
	normal->init_termios.c_cflag = B9600 | CS8 | CREAD | HUPCL | CLOCAL;
	normal->init_termios.c_ispeed = normal->init_termios.c_ospeed = 9600;
	normal->driver_state    = drv;
	tty_set_operations(normal, &uart_ops);

	 * Initialise the UART state(s).
	for (i = 0; i < drv->nr; i++) {
		struct uart_state *state = drv->state + i;
		struct tty_port *port = &state->port;

		port->ops = &uart_port_ops;
		port->close_delay     = 500;	/* .5 seconds */
		port->closing_wait    = 30000;	/* 30 seconds */
		tasklet_init(&state->tlet, uart_tasklet_action,
			     (unsigned long)state);

	retval = tty_register_driver(normal);

/* 當裝置與驅動匹配後,會呼叫此函式。
 *  probe函式一般就是做的硬體相關的初始化。
 *  其實uart_port的初始化也是通過s3c24xx_uart_port來初始化的。
 * */
int s3c24xx_serial_probe(struct platform_device *dev,
			 struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info)
	struct s3c24xx_uart_port *ourport;
	int ret;

	dbg("s3c24xx_serial_probe(%p, %p) %d\n", dev, info, probe_index);

	ourport = &s3c24xx_serial_ports[probe_index];

	dbg("%s: initialising port %p...\n", __func__, ourport);

	ret = s3c24xx_serial_init_port(ourport, info, dev);
	if (ret < 0)
		goto probe_err;

	dbg("%s: adding port\n", __func__);

	/*這個函式的主要作用是: 將uart_port和uart_driver關聯起來*/

	uart_add_one_port(&s3c24xx_uart_drv, &ourport->port);
	platform_set_drvdata(dev, &ourport->port);

	ret = device_create_file(&dev->dev, &dev_attr_clock_source);
	if (ret < 0)
		printk(KERN_ERR "%s: failed to add clksrc attr.\n", __func__);

	ret = s3c24xx_serial_cpufreq_register(ourport);
	if (ret < 0)
		dev_err(&dev->dev, "failed to add cpufreq notifier\n");

	return 0;

	return ret;

 * 埠初始化函式
 * */
static int s3c24xx_serial_init_port(struct s3c24xx_uart_port *ourport,
				    struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info,
				    struct platform_device *platdev)
	struct uart_port *port = &ourport->port;
	struct s3c2410_uartcfg *cfg;
	struct resource *res;
	int ret;

	dbg("s3c24xx_serial_init_port: port=%p, platdev=%p\n", port, platdev);

	if (platdev == NULL)
		return -ENODEV;

	cfg = s3c24xx_dev_to_cfg(&platdev->dev);

	if (port->mapbase != 0)
		return 0;

	if (cfg->hwport > CONFIG_SERIAL_SAMSUNG_UARTS) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "%s: port %d bigger than %d\n", __func__,
		       cfg->hwport, CONFIG_SERIAL_SAMSUNG_UARTS);
		return -ERANGE;

	port->dev	= &platdev->dev;
	ourport->info	= info;

	/*初始化port的大小 = 64*/
	ourport->port.fifosize = info->fifosize;

	dbg("s3c24xx_serial_init_port: %p (hw %d)...\n", port, cfg->hwport);

	port->uartclk = 1;

	if (cfg->uart_flags & UPF_CONS_FLOW) {
		dbg("s3c24xx_serial_init_port: enabling flow control\n");
		port->flags |= UPF_CONS_FLOW;

	res = platform_get_resource(platdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0);
	if (res == NULL) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "failed to find memory resource for uart\n");
		return -EINVAL;

	dbg("resource %p (%lx..%lx)\n", res, res->start, res->end);

	port->mapbase = res->start;
	port->membase = S3C_VA_UART + (res->start & 0xfffff);
	ret = platform_get_irq(platdev, 0);
	if (ret < 0)
		port->irq = 0;
	else {
		port->irq = ret;
		ourport->rx_irq = ret;
		ourport->tx_irq = ret + 1;
	ret = platform_get_irq(platdev, 1);
	if (ret > 0)
		ourport->tx_irq = ret;

	ourport->clk	= clk_get(&platdev->dev, "uart");

	dbg("port: map=%08x, mem=%08x, irq=%d (%d,%d), clock=%ld\n",
	    port->mapbase, port->membase, port->irq,
	    ourport->rx_irq, ourport->tx_irq, port->uartclk);

	/* reset the fifos (and setup the uart) */
	s3c24xx_serial_resetport(port, cfg);
	return 0;

#define s3c24xx_dev_to_cfg(__dev) (struct s3c2410_uartcfg *)((__dev)->platform_data)
 * cfg = s3c24xx_dev_to_cfg(&platdev->dev)
 * 那麼cfg到底是如何獲得?
 * 搜尋s3c2410_uartcfg得到:

#define ULCON S3C2410_LCON_CS8 | S3C2410_LCON_PNONE | S3C2410_LCON_STOPB

static struct s3c2410_uartcfg smdk2440_uartcfgs[] __initdata = {
	[0] = {
		.hwport	     = 0,
		.flags	     = 0,
		.ucon	     = 0x3c5,
		.ulcon	     = 0x03,
		.ufcon	     = 0x51,
	[1] = {
		.hwport	     = 1,
		.flags	     = 0,
		.ucon	     = 0x3c5,
		.ulcon	     = 0x03,
		.ufcon	     = 0x51,

	[2] = {
		.hwport	     = 2,
		.flags	     = 0,
		.ucon	     = 0x3c5,
		.ulcon	     = 0x43,
		.ufcon	     = 0x51,

void __init s3c24xx_init_uarts(struct s3c2410_uartcfg *cfg, int no)
	if (cpu == NULL)

	if (cpu->init_uarts == NULL) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "s3c24xx_init_uarts: cpu has no uart init\n");
	} else
		(cpu->init_uarts)(cfg, no);

void __init s3c24xx_init_uartdevs(char *name,
				  struct s3c24xx_uart_resources *res,
				  struct s3c2410_uartcfg *cfg, int no)
	struct platform_device *platdev;
	struct s3c2410_uartcfg *cfgptr = uart_cfgs;
	struct s3c24xx_uart_resources *resp;
	int uart;

	memcpy(cfgptr, cfg, sizeof(struct s3c2410_uartcfg) * no);

	for (uart = 0; uart < no; uart++, cfg++, cfgptr++) {
		platdev = s3c24xx_uart_src[cfgptr->hwport];

		resp = res + cfgptr->hwport;

		s3c24xx_uart_devs[uart] = platdev;

		platdev->name = name;
		platdev->resource = resp->resources;
		platdev->num_resources = resp->nr_resources;

		platdev->dev.platform_data = cfgptr;

	nr_uarts = no;

/*uart 所對應的資源 platform_get_resourced呼叫**/
/* Serial port registrations */

static struct resource s3c2410_uart0_resource[] = {
	[0] = {
		.start = S3C2410_PA_UART0,
		.end   = S3C2410_PA_UART0 + 0x3fff,
		.flags = IORESOURCE_MEM,
	[1] = {
		.start = IRQ_S3CUART_RX0,
		.end   = IRQ_S3CUART_ERR0,
		.flags = IORESOURCE_IRQ,

static struct resource s3c2410_uart1_resource[] = {
	[0] = {
		.start = S3C2410_PA_UART1,
		.end   = S3C2410_PA_UART1 + 0x3fff,
		.flags = IORESOURCE_MEM,
	[1] = {
		.start = IRQ_S3CUART_RX1,
		.end   = IRQ_S3CUART_ERR1,
		.flags = IORESOURCE_IRQ,

static struct resource s3c2410_uart2_resource[] = {
	[0] = {
		.start = S3C2410_PA_UART2,
		.end   = S3C2410_PA_UART2 + 0x3fff,
		.flags = IORESOURCE_MEM,
	[1] = {
		.start = IRQ_S3CUART_RX2,
		.end   = IRQ_S3CUART_ERR2,
		.flags = IORESOURCE_IRQ,

static struct resource s3c2410_uart3_resource[] = {
	[0] = {
		.start = S3C2443_PA_UART3,
		.end   = S3C2443_PA_UART3 + 0x3fff,
		.flags = IORESOURCE_MEM,
	[1] = {
		.start = IRQ_S3CUART_RX3,
		.end   = IRQ_S3CUART_ERR3,
		.flags = IORESOURCE_IRQ,

struct s3c24xx_uart_resources s3c2410_uart_resources[] __initdata = {
	[0] = {
		.resources	= s3c2410_uart0_resource,
		.nr_resources	= ARRAY_SIZE(s3c2410_uart0_resource),
	[1] = {
		.resources	= s3c2410_uart1_resource,
		.nr_resources	= ARRAY_SIZE(s3c2410_uart1_resource),
	[2] = {
		.resources	= s3c2410_uart2_resource,
		.nr_resources	= ARRAY_SIZE(s3c2410_uart2_resource),
	[3] = {
		.resources	= s3c2410_uart3_resource,
		.nr_resources	= ARRAY_SIZE(s3c2410_uart3_resource),

總結: 修改驅動需要設計的資料結構

1. uart_driver:用於初始化tty_driver
2. s3c24xx_uart_port: 用於初始化uart_port
3. s3c24xx_serial_ops: 硬體的操作集
4. s3c24xx_uart_info: 用於初始化uart_port
