1. 程式人生 > >plot函式屬性(轉自matplotlib)



Plot lines and/or markers to the Axesargs is a variable length argument, allowing for multiple xy pairs with an optional format string. For example, each of the following is legal:

plot(x, y)         # plot x and y using default line style and color
(x, y, 'bo') # plot x and y using blue circle markers plot(y) # plot y using x as index array 0..N-1 plot(y, 'r+') # ditto, but with red plusses

If x and/or y is 2-dimensional, then the corresponding columns will be plotted.

An arbitrary number of xyfmt groups can be specified, as in:

a.plot(x1, y1, 'g^', x2, y2, 'g-')

Return value is a list of lines that were added.

By default, each line is assigned a different color specified by a ‘color cycle’. To change this behavior, you can edit the axes.color_cycle rcParam. Alternatively, you can use set_default_color_cycle().

The following format string characters are accepted to control the line style or marker:

character description
'-' solid line style
'--' dashed line style
'-.' dash-dot line style
':' dotted line style
'.' point marker
',' pixel marker
'o' circle marker
'v' triangle_down marker
'^' triangle_up marker
'<' triangle_left marker
'>' triangle_right marker
'1' tri_down marker
'2' tri_up marker
'3' tri_left marker
'4' tri_right marker
's' square marker
'p' pentagon marker
'*' star marker
'h' hexagon1 marker
'H' hexagon2 marker
'+' plus marker
'x' x marker
'D' diamond marker
'd' thin_diamond marker
'|' vline marker
'_' hline marker

The following color abbreviations are supported:

character color
‘b’ blue
‘g’ green
‘r’ red
‘c’ cyan
‘m’ magenta
‘y’ yellow
‘k’ black
‘w’ white

In addition, you can specify colors in many weird and wonderful ways, including full names ('green'), hex strings ('#008000'), RGB or RGBA tuples ((0,1,0,1)) or grayscale intensities as a string ('0.8'). Of these, the string specifications can be used in place of a fmt group, but the tuple forms can be used only as kwargs.

Line styles and colors are combined in a single format string, as in 'bo' for blue circles.

The kwargs can be used to set line properties (any property that has a set_* method). You can use this to set a line label (for auto legends), linewidth, anitialising, marker face color, etc. Here is an example:

plot([1,2,3], [1,2,3], 'go-', label='line 1', linewidth=2)
plot([1,2,3], [1,4,9], 'rs',  label='line 2')
axis([0, 4, 0, 10])

If you make multiple lines with one plot command, the kwargs apply to all those lines, e.g.:

plot(x1, y1, x2, y2, antialised=False)

Neither line will be antialiased.

You do not need to use format strings, which are just abbreviations. All of the line properties can be controlled by keyword arguments. For example, you can set the color, marker, linestyle, and markercolor with:

plot(x, y, color='green', linestyle='dashed', marker='o',
     markerfacecolor='blue', markersize=12).

See Line2D for details.

The kwargs are Line2D properties:

Property Description
alpha float (0.0 transparent through 1.0 opaque)
[True | False]
axes an Axes instance
[True | False]
color or c any matplotlib color
a callable function
[‘butt’ | ‘round’ | ‘projecting’]
[‘miter’ | ‘round’ | ‘bevel’]
sequence of on/off ink in points
data 2D array (rows are x, y) or two 1D arrays
[ ‘default’ | ‘steps’ | ‘steps-pre’ | ‘steps-mid’ | ‘steps-post’ ]
[‘full’ | ‘left’ | ‘right’ | ‘bottom’ | ‘top’ | ‘none’]
gid an id string
label string or anything printable with ‘%s’ conversion.
'-' | '--' | '-.' | ':' | 'None' | ' ' | '' ] and any drawstyle in combination with a linestyle, e.g. 'steps--'.
float value in points
lod [True | False]
7 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 'o' | 'D' | 'h' | 'H' | '_' | '' | 'None' | ' ' | None | '8' | 'p' | ',' | '+' | '.' | 's' | '*' | 'd' | 3 |0 | 1 | 2 | '1' | '3' | '4' | '2' | 'v' | '<' | '>' | '^' | '|' | 'x' | '$...$' | tuple | Nx2 array ]
any matplotlib color
float value in points
any matplotlib color
None | integer | (startind, stride)
float distance in points or callable pick function fn(artist, event)
float distance in points
[True | False | None]
snap unknown
[‘butt’ | ‘round’ | ‘projecting’]
[‘miter’ | ‘round’ | ‘bevel’]
url a url string
[True | False]
xdata 1D array
ydata 1D array
any number

kwargs scalex and scaley, if defined, are passed on to autoscale_view() to determine whether the x and y axes are autoscaled; the default is True.

Additional kwargs: hold = [True|False] overrides default hold state



matplotlib.pyplot.plot(*args, **kwargs) Plot lines and/or markers to the Axes. args is a variable length argument, allowing for multipl

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