1. 程式人生 > >Angular 4/2 Http get() Parameters + Headers + URLSearchParams + RequestOptions Exam

Angular 4/2 Http get() Parameters + Headers + URLSearchParams + RequestOptions Exam


May 19, 2017 This page will walk through Angular 2 Http get() parameters + Headers + URLSearchParams + RequestOptions example. Angular Headers class is used to create headers. Angular 
URLSearchParams class is used to create URL parameters. Angular RequestOptions instantiates itself using instances of HeadersURLSearchParams and other request options such as url, method, search, body, withCredentials, responseType. These classes are imported from @angular/http API. Finally 
Http.get() uses instance of RequestOptions to interact with the server. Though RequestOptions is optional to use with Http.get(), but to send request headers or query/search parameters in the URL, we need to use them. On this page we will create an application that will use Http.get() to send headers and parameters using angular in-memory web API. Find the code snippet from our example.
getBookById(bookId:string):Observable<Book[]>{let myHeaders =newHeaders();
    myHeaders.append('Content-Type','application/json');let myParams =newURLSearchParams();
    myParams.append('id', bookId);let options =newRequestOptions({ headers: myHeaders,params: myParams });returnthis.http.get(this.url, options).map(this.extractData).catch(this.handleError);}
Using set() or append() method of URLSearchParams and Headers, we can add multiple parameters and headers, too. Now we will walk through complete example step by step.

Technologies Used

Find the technologies being used in our example. 
1. Angular 4.0.0 
2. TypeScript 2.2.0 
3. Node.js 6.10.1 
4. Angular CLI 1.0.0 
5. Angular Compiler CLI 4.0.0 
6. [email protected]


Headers is the angular class that is used to configure request headers. Find the sample Headers instantiation.
let myHeaders =newHeaders();
We can also pass headers as an argument while instantiating Headers class. Find the code snippet.
let myHeaders =newHeaders({'Content-Type':'application/json','Cache-Control':'no-cache'});
To fetch, add and delete headers, Headers class has following methods. 
append(name: string, value: string): Appends a header to existing list of header values for a given header name. We use append() as follows.
myHeaders.append('Accept',' application/xhtml+xml ');
Now the Accept header will have the following values.
Accept: text/plain, application/xhtml+xml 
set(name: string, value: string|string[]): Sets or overrides header value for given name. It is used as follows.
myHeaders.set('Accept',' application/xml ');
Now the Accept header will have only the following value.
Accept: application/xml 
delete(name: string): Deletes all header values for the given name. We use it as follows.
get(name: string) : string: Returns first header that matches given name. Find the code snippet.
let acceptHeader =  myHeaders.get('Accept');
getAll(name: string) : string[]: Returns list of header values for a given name.
let acceptHeaders =  myHeaders.getAll ('Accept');

If we want to add multiple headers, we can achieve it by set() method as follows.
If we want to add multiple headers by append() method, we can achieve it as follows.


URLSearchParams creates the query string in the URL. It is a map-like representation of URL search parameters. Find its constructor syntax.
constructor(rawParams?:string, queryEncoder?:QueryEncoder)
Both arguments in the constructor are optional. Angular queryEncoder parameter is used to pass any custom QueryEncoder to encode key and value of the query string. By default QueryEncoder encodes keys and values of parameter using JavaScript encodeURIComponent() method. 
Now we can instantiate URLSearchParams as given below.
let myParams =newURLSearchParams();
Now we can fetch, add and delete parameters using following methods. 
append(param: string, val: string) : void: Appends parameter value to existing list of parameter values for a given parameter name. It is used to add values in multi-value fields or arrays in query string. If we write the code as given below.
Then query parameter names will be an array. The query string will look like as given below.
Server side code such as PHP will get names parameter value as an array. 
set(param: string, val: string): Sets or overrides parameter value for given parameter name. We can use as follows.
The query string will be as follows.
delete(param: string) : void: Deletes all parameter values for the given parameter name. Find the code snippet.
get(param: string) : string: In case of multi-value fields, it returns the first value for given parameter name. Find the code snippet.
let nameParam = myParams.get('names');
getAll(param: string) : string[]: Returns list of values for a given parameter name. Find the code snippet.
let namesParam = myParams.getAll('names');

If we want to add multiple parameters, we can achieve it by set() method as follows.
myParams.set('category', catg);
myParams.set('writer', wtr);
If we want to add multiple parameters by append() method, we can achieve it as follows.
myParams.append('category', catg);
myParams.append('writer', wtr);

RequestOptionsArgs and RequestOptions

RequestOptionsArgs is an interface that is used to construct a RequestOptions. The fields of RequestOptionsArgs are url, method, search, params, headers, body, withCredentials, responseType. 
RequestOptions is used to create request option. It is instantiated using RequestOptionsArgs. It contains all the fields of the RequestOptionsArgs interface. Now find the constructor of RequestOptions class.
constructor({method, headers, body, url, search,params, 
                 withCredentials, responseType}?:RequestOptionsArgs)
In our example we will use following fields. 
headers : Sets headers for HTTP request. It is of Headers class type. 
params: Sets query parameters in the URL. It is of URLSearchParams class type. 

Now if we have instance of Headers as follows.
let myHeaders =newHeaders();
And instance of URLSearchParams as follows.
let myParams =newURLSearchParams();
myParams.append('id', bookId);
Then headers and params can be passed to RequestOptions as given below.
let options =newRequestOptions({ headers: myHeaders,params: myParams });

Http.get() with Multiple Headers and Multiple Parameters

Angular Http.get() method performs a request with HTTP GET method. Find the arguments of Http.get() method.
get(url:string, options?:RequestOptionsArgs):Observable<Response>
url: This is the HTTP URL to hit the server using HTTP GET method. 
RequestOptionsArgs: This is optional in Http.get() method. This is used to create instance of RequestOptions to send headers, parameters etc with Http.get() method. 

Now If we want to add multiple headers, we can do as follows.
let myHeaders =


Angular 4/2 Http get() Parameters + Headers + URLSearchParams + RequestOptions Exam

https://www.concretepage.com/angular-2/angular-2-http-get-parameters-headers-urlsearchparams-requestoptions-example May 19, 2

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