1. 程式人生 > >POJ 1265 (Pick 公式+求任意多邊形面積+頂點多邊形的邊整點個數)

POJ 1265 (Pick 公式+求任意多邊形面積+頂點多邊形的邊整點個數)

Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K
Total Submissions: 7049 Accepted: 3025

Being well known for its highly innovative products, Merck would definitely be a good target for industrial espionage. To protect its brand-new research and development facility the company has installed the latest system of surveillance robots patrolling the area. These robots move along the walls of the facility and report suspicious observations to the central security office. The only flaw in the system a competitor抯 agent could find is the fact that the robots radio their movements unencrypted. Not being able to find out more, the agent wants to use that information to calculate the exact size of the area occupied by the new facility. It is public knowledge that all the corners of the building are situated on a rectangular grid and that only straight walls are used. Figure 1 shows the course of a robot around an example area.

Figure 1: Example area.

You are hired to write a program that calculates the area occupied by the new facility from the movements of a robot along its walls. You can assume that this area is a polygon with corners on a rectangular grid. However, your boss insists that you use a formula he is so proud to have found somewhere. The formula relates the number I of grid points inside the polygon, the number E of grid points on the edges, and the total area A of the polygon. Unfortunately, you have lost the sheet on which he had written down that simple formula for you, so your first task is to find the formula yourself.

The first line contains the number of scenarios.
For each scenario, you are given the number m, 3 <= m < 100, of movements of the robot in the first line. The following m lines contain pairs 揹x dy�of integers, separated by a single blank, satisfying .-100 <= dx, dy <= 100 and (dx, dy) != (0, 0). Such a pair means that the robot moves on to a grid point dx units to the right and dy units upwards on the grid (with respect to the current position). You can assume that the curve along which the robot moves is closed and that it does not intersect or even touch itself except for the start and end points. The robot moves anti-clockwise around the building, so the area to be calculated lies to the left of the curve. It is known in advance that the whole polygon would fit into a square on the grid with a side length of 100 units.

The output for every scenario begins with a line containing 揝cenario #i:� where i is the number of the scenario starting at 1. Then print a single line containing I, E, and A, the area A rounded to one digit after the decimal point. Separate the three numbers by two single blanks. Terminate the output for the scenario with a blank line.
Sample Input

1 0
0 1
-1 0
0 -1
5 0
1 3
-2 2
-1 0
0 -3
-3 1
0 -3
Sample Output

Scenario #1:
0 4 1.0

Scenario #2:
12 16 19.0

Northwestern Europe 2001


1.對於任意一個整點多邊形, 有Pick 公式:S=a+b/2-1,S是面積,a是內點個數,b是邊上的整點個數
當dx=0時就是dy 當dy=0時就是dx


#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
#include <map>
#include <stack>
#include <vector>
#define maxn 10010
#define maxe 100010
typedef long long ll;
using namespace std;
const double eps=1e-5;
const int inf=0x3f3f3f3f3f;
typedef double T1;
struct Point
    T1 x,y;
    Point(T1 a,T1 b)
    void input()
    Point operator +(Point a)
        Point b(x+a.x,y+a.y);
        return b;
    Point operator -(Point a)
        Point b(x-a.x,y-a.y);
        return b;
    T1 operator *(Point a)
        return x*a.x+y*a.y;
    T1 operator ^(Point a)
        return x*a.y-y*a.x;
    bool operator <(Point a)
        return x<a.x;
double xmult(Point p0,Point p1,Point p2)
    return (p1-p0)^(p2-p0);
int gcd(int a,int b)
    return b==0?a:gcd(b,a%b);
int solve(int a,int b)
    if(a==0)return b;
    if(b==0)return a;
    return gcd(a,b);
int main()
    int t;
    int ca=1;
    int n;
    int a,b;
        int e=0;
        Point delta;
        for(int i=1;i<n;i++)
        double area=0.0;
        for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
            int j=(i+1)%n;
        int i=area+1-e/2.0;
        printf("Scenario #%d:\n",ca++);
        printf("%d %d %.1f\n\n",i,e,area);
    return 0;


POJ 1265 (Pick 公式+任意多邊形面積+頂點多邊形整點個數)

Area Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 7049 Accepted: 3025 Description Being well known for i

poj 1125 Floyd演算法任意兩點間的最短路

剛開始的時候一直不明白插點的順序為什麼不會對最後的結果有影響----一直不懂這個演算法--- 今天看見他們都學會了-.-終於把我也帶會了-- 對於原理的理解我還是通過輸出每一步更新後的結果搞明白的 開始一直不懂的是: 對於A-D: 更新B時--AB+BD>A

poj 2395Out of Hay(最小的最大權 瓶頸生成樹)

Out of Hay Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 19901  


改革春風吹滿地 Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 45028   


遇到問題:已知多邊形的各個左邊點,要求多邊形的面積 然後我搜索了下看到這篇文章:https://blog.csdn.net/tianyuhang123/article/details/56094559 這個人說的不多,但是簡單明瞭: 首先已知各定點的座標分別為(x1,y1),(x2,y2

POJ 2826 An Easy Problem?! 叉積多邊形面積 【計算幾何】

An Easy Problem?! Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 7837 Accepted: 1145 Description It's


題目描述: 給出n邊形的n個頂點座標,求這個n邊形的面積 題目分析: 如果在數學上,大概會把這個多邊形分成三角形(n-2)個三角形來求 但是這樣免不了繁瑣的演算法,程式設計複雜度和時間複雜度


給定多邊形的頂點座標(有序),讓你來求這個多邊形的面積,你會怎麼做? 我們知道,任意多邊形都可以分割為N個三角形,所以,如果以這為突破點,那麼我們第一步就是把給定的多邊形,分割為數個三角形,分別求面積,最後累加就可以了,把多邊形分割為三角形的方式多種多樣,在這裡,我們按照如


該題題意就是逆時針給出點的座標,求這個多邊形的面積。下面就寫一下如何用向量積法求多邊形面積。 向量積法與面積 上圖說明了如何利用向量求得三角形的面積,下面介紹一下所謂的右手法則: 如圖,2個三角形ABC,唯一的區別在於上面的三角形ABC的標識是逆時針,而下面的


多邊形重心問題時間限制:3000 ms  |  記憶體限制:65535 KB難度:5描述在某個多邊形上,取n個點,這n個點順序給出,按照給出順序將相鄰的點用直線連線, (第一個和最後一個連線),所有線段不和其他線段相交,但是可以重合,可得到一個多邊形或一條線段或一個多邊形


題目描述 眾所周知的是,小X特別喜歡由線條組成的形狀,比如說凸多邊形,這一天小X正在紙上畫著喜歡的凸多邊形,這時候小Y走了過來,指著一張圖片上的多邊形,問小X知道這個圖形的面積麼,這可把小X難住了,聰明的你一定能夠幫助小X解決這個問題,對吧~ 輸入描述: 多邊形上最多有


多邊形面積在計算機中有一個很好的處理辦法就是相量叉乘,我們知道三角形ABC的面積可以等於1/2*|AB|*|AC|*sinABC,也就是等於ABXAC的模 若A(x1,y1),B(x2,y2),那麼2S=x1*y2-x2*y1。把n邊形分成n-2個三角形,題目給的頂點座標都

poj 1265 Area(pick 定理)

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