1. 程式人生 > >I recently blocked access to the majority of sites I visit. What about news?

I recently blocked access to the majority of sites I visit. What about news?

As mentioned, I blocked a bunch of sites because I realised how unhappy they made me.

Whenever I was bored, I ended up in a loop of tabbing between maybe 3-4 sites, getting a hits of dopamine over and over again.

It's funny, because I built the CLI[0] I use now to block sites years ago but I never really used it. How dumb.

Anyhow, there is one type of content I am conflicted about; news. I want to stay up to date, but on the other hand, it's hard to find news that isn't sensational nor fear-mongering.

I could listen to Aaron Swartz, ignore news all together[1] and instead focus on what I am good at and believe in.

Do you read the news? If you do, how do you make sure it's not too biased?

If not, why?

[0]: https://github.com/reimertz/letswork

[1]: http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/hatethenews


I recently blocked access to the majority of sites I visit. What about news?

As mentioned, I blocked a bunch of sites because I realised how unhappy they made me.Whenever I was bored, I ended up in a loop of tabbing between maybe 3-

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Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts.

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