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The World of A.I.

Israel is becoming a world leader in medical A.I. with dozens of new health care start-ups in a country that has a population just shy of New Jersey's. The government announced a five-year program with a budget of $280 million to digitize patient data and use A.I. to gather important insights, with hopes of turning the homegrown expertise into consumer products that could make Israel an industry leader. India released its A.I. strategy only this summer, but it contains a big idea that could catch them up: become the "garage" that develops A.I. that creates economic growth and social development for themselves and the rest of the developing world. The plan, which they are calling #AIforAll, will focus on projects around health care, agriculture, education, smart cities and infrastructure, and smart mobility and transportation. The French government released a 150-page document earlier this year that spells out its A.I. efforts around the health, environment, transportation and security sectors, and is putting $2 billion into funding projects around those areas.