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AWS Cost Optimization

AWS's breadth of services and pricing options offer the flexibility to effectively manage your costs and still keep the performance and capacity your business requires. With AWS, you can easily right size your services, leverage Reserved Instances, and use powerful cost management tools to monitor your costs, so you can always be on top of your how much you’re spending.

AWS also makes many innovative services available at a fraction of the price of on-premises solutions. Services like Amazon RDS for Aurora and Amazon Redshift help you run enterprise-grade solutions at one tenth of the cost of comparable on-premises solutions.

By following a few simple steps, you can effectively control your AWS costs: 1) Right-size your services to meet capacity needs at the lowest cost 2) Save money when you reserve 3) Use the spot market 4) Monitor and track service usage 5) Use Cost Explorer to optimize savings.


AWS Cost Optimization

AWS's breadth of services and pricing options offer the flexibility to effectively manage your costs and still keep the performance and

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