1. 程式人生 > >Resolve Route 53 Private Hosted Zones From an On

Resolve Route 53 Private Hosted Zones From an On

You can resolve domain names in private hosted zones from your on-premises network by configuring a DNS forwarder. The following instructions assume that your on-premises network is configured with a VPN or AWS Direct Connect to an AWS VPC, and a Route 53 private hosted zone is associated with that VPC.

Configure a DNS forwarder by completing the following steps:

1.    Ensure that DNS resolution and DNS hostnames are enabled on the target VPC.
Note: DNS hostnames are enabled for default VPCs and VPCs that you create using the VPC wizard in the Amazon VPC console.

2.    Install BIND DNS server on your instance by using the following command:


Resolve Route 53 Private Hosted Zones From an On

You can resolve domain names in private hosted zones from your on-premises network by configuring a DNS forwarder. The following instructions a

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Amazon Route 53 Amazon Registrar Policies

When you register or transfer in a Registered Name to Amazon Registrar, you will have the option to enable or disable the services describe