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Amazon CloudFront What's New?

Amazon CloudFront Expands into Africa with new Edge Location in Johannesburg and first Edge Location in Bangalore

Date: June 14, 2018

Details: Since launching Amazon CloudFront in November 2008, we’ve been continuously expanding our infrastructure footprint around the world to improve availability and performance for content delivery. Today, we’re excited to announce the launch of two new Edge locations: one in Johannesburg, South Africa, and one in Bangalore, India. The Edge location in Johannesburg is Amazon CloudFront’s first PoP on the African continent. The addition of these two locations brings CloudFront’s global network to 119 points of presence in 58 cities, across 26 countries.

Amazon CloudFront’s expansion into South Africa further improves availability and performance of content delivery to viewers in the region. We expect that customers who use Amazon CloudFront to reach viewers in South Africa will see performance improvements of as much as 75% from reductions in latency for their content. The new Bangalore PoP is expected to increase CloudFront capacity in India by up to 25%.

In addition to reducing latency, these Edge locations also bring the full suite of benefits provided by Amazon CloudFront, such as [email protected], Field Level Encryption, and Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration, as well as seamless integration with other AWS services like AWS Certificate Manager (ACM), AWS Shield, AWS WAF, AWS Simple Storage Service (S3), and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). These new Edge locations in Johannesburg and Bangalore are built to the same high standards as our other CloudFront Edge locations around the world, including infrastructure and processes that are all compliant with PCI, DSS, HIPAA, and ISO to ensure secure delivery of the most sensitive data.

Information about pricing for CloudFront, including pricing for the new South Africa Edge locations, can be found on the pricing page.


Amazon CloudFront What's New?

Amazon CloudFront Expands into Africa with new Edge Location in Johannesburg and first Edge Location in Bangalore Date: Jun

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