1. 程式人生 > >Pass Custom Headers Through Amazon API Gateway to an AWS Lambda Function

Pass Custom Headers Through Amazon API Gateway to an AWS Lambda Function

By default, a Lambda function only ingests the request body received by an API created in the API Gateway.

To pass custom headers from an Amazon API Gateway API to a Lambda function, use the curl utility to send a message to the API Gateway using a body mapping template to extract any custom headers added to the message.

The API sends the updated message to a Lambda function to process the headers, and returns one or more header values from the original message.


Pass Custom Headers Through Amazon API Gateway to an AWS Lambda Function

By default, a Lambda function only ingests the request body received by an API created in the API Gateway. To pass custom headers f

Amazon API Gateway

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Amazon API Gateway | AWS

Amazon API Gateway API コール料金 = 333 萬回 * 3.50 USD / 100 萬回 = 1,165.50 USD                                                        

Amazon API Gateway雲網關_API閘道器託管服務

Amazon API Gateway 是一種完全託管的服務,可以幫助開發者輕鬆建立、釋出、維護、監控和保護任意規模的 API。只需在 AWS 管理控制檯中點選幾下,您便可以建立可充當應用程式“前門”的 API,從後端服務訪問資料、業務邏輯或功能,例如基於 Amazon Elastic Co

Amazon API Gateway雲網關價格_API閘道器託管服務

Amazon API Gateway API 呼叫費用 = 3.33 億 * 3.50 USD/100 萬 = 1165.50 USD                                                            

Amazon API Gateway雲網關常見問題_API閘道器託管服務

問:如何開始使用 Amazon API Gateway? 使用 Amazon API Gateway,您可以快速輕鬆地建立自定義 API。對於簡單的“Hello World”示例,請遵循以下步驟: 1.轉至 Amazon API Ga

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