1. 程式人生 > >AWS Lambda Function for SES to DynamoDB

AWS Lambda Function for SES to DynamoDB

--------------------------Lambda Code Begins------------------------
console.log('Loading event');
var aws = require('aws-sdk');
var ddb = new aws.DynamoDB({params: {TableName: 'SESNotifications'}});
exports.handler = function(event, context)
  console.log('Received event:', JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));
  var SnsPublishTime = event.Records[0].Sns.Timestamp
  var SnsTopicArn = event.Records[0].Sns.TopicArn;
  var SESMessage = event.Records[0].Sns.Message
  SESMessage = JSON.parse(SESMessage);
  var SESMessageType = SESMessage.notificationType;
  var SESMessageId = SESMessage.mail.messageId;
  var SESDestinationAddress = SESMessage.mail.destination.toString();
  var LambdaReceiveTime = new Date().toString();
  if (SESMessageType == 'Bounce')
  var SESreportingMTA = SESMessage.bounce.reportingMTA;
  var SESbounceSummary = JSON.stringify(SESMessage.bounce.bouncedRecipients);
  var itemParams = {Item: {SESMessageId: {S: SESMessageId}, SnsPublishTime: {S: SnsPublishTime},
  SESreportingMTA: {S: SESreportingMTA}, SESDestinationAddress: {S: SESDestinationAddress}, SESbounceSummary: {S: SESbounceSummary},
  SESMessageType: {S: SESMessageType}}};
ddb.putItem(itemParams, function(err, data)
  if(err) { context.fail(err)}
  else {
else if (SESMessageType == 'Delivery')
  var SESsmtpResponse1 = SESMessage.delivery.smtpResponse;
  var SESreportingMTA1 = SESMessage.delivery.reportingMTA;
  var itemParamsdel = {Item: {SESMessageId: {S: SESMessageId}, SnsPublishTime: {S: SnsPublishTime}, SESsmtpResponse: {S: SESsmtpResponse1},
  SESreportingMTA: {S: SESreportingMTA1},
  SESDestinationAddress: {S: SESDestinationAddress }, SESMessageType: {S: SESMessageType}}};
  ddb.putItem(itemParamsdel, function(err, data)
  if(err) { context.fail(err)}
  else {
else if (SESMessageType == 'Complaint')
var SESComplaintFeedbackType = SESMessage.complaint.complaintFeedbackType;
var SESFeedbackId = SESMessage.complaint.feedbackId;
var itemParamscomp = {Item: {SESMessageId: {S: SESMessageId}, SnsPublishTime: {S: SnsPublishTime}, SESComplaintFeedbackType: {S: SESComplaintFeedbackType},
SESFeedbackId: {S: SESFeedbackId},
SESDestinationAddress: {S: SESDestinationAddress }, SESMessageType: {S: SESMessageType}}};
ddb.putItem(itemParamscomp, function(err, data)
  if(err) { context.fail(err)}
  else {
>      }
------------------------Lambda Code Ends----------------------------


AWS Lambda Function for SES to DynamoDB

--------------------------Lambda Code Begins------------------------ console.log('Loading event'); var aws = require('aws-sdk'); var ddb = new a

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