1. 程式人生 > >One click creation of an AWS Lambda trigger for any device

One click creation of an AWS Lambda trigger for any device

AWS IoT 1-Click is a service that enables simple devices to trigger AWS Lambda functions that can execute an action. AWS IoT 1-Click supported devices enable you to easily perform actions such as notifying technical support, tracking assets, and replenishing goods or services. AWS IoT 1-Click supported devices are ready for use right out of the box and eliminate the need for writing your own firmware or configuring them for secure connectivity. AWS IoT 1-Click supported devices can be easily managed. You can easily create device groups and associate them with a Lambda function that executes your desired action when triggered. You can also track device health and activity with the pre-built reports.

Customers can easily get started using AWS IoT 1-Click with supported devices that can be ordered here. Device manufacturers can easily onboard devices on to AWS IoT 1-Click by contacting us here.


One click creation of an AWS Lambda trigger for any device

AWS IoT 1-Click is a service that enables simple devices to trigger AWS Lambda functions that can execute an action. AWS IoT 1-Click supported dev

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[LeetCode] Degree of an Array 數組的度

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Degree of an Array

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