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AWS Marketplace: Unisys Stealth(cloud) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6

Unisys Stealth(cloud)® delivers award-winning technology that provides an additional layer of security for your AWS EC2 instances. As a leading micro-segmentation solution, Stealth(cloud) defends against east-west attacks within your AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and isolates your EC2 instances from other users in the cloud. Stealth(cloud) also protects against internal and external threats by cloaking EC2 instances and encrypting communication between EC2 instances in your VPC. Its role-base security approach provides you with the freedom to successfully expand your enterprise with confidence. Stealth(cloud) reduces complexity by flattening networks to facilitate simple management of security for the data center within the cloud. In addition to enhanced encryption, Stealth extends the level of security provided by AWS to help you effectively address regulatory and compliance standards such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, and SOX. IMPORTANT: STEALTH(CLOUD) ENTERPRISE MANAGER (

https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B018JDUT9G) MUST BE DEPLOYED FIRST within a VPC, prior to deploying Stealth(cloud) EC2 instances. After Stealth(cloud) Enterprise Manager is deployed, you can launch multiple EC2 instances with Stealth(cloud) within the same VPC and gain the full benefits of Stealth security beginning at launch time. Test drive Stealth(cloud) right now at
, or start your free 30 day trial today. Visit https://unisyssecurity.com/aws to learn more!



Operating System

Linux/Unix, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7

Delivery Methods

  • CloudFormation Template


AWS Marketplace: Unisys Stealth(cloud) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6

Unisys Stealth(cloud)® delivers award-winning technology that provides an additional layer of security for your AWS EC2 instances. As a leading m

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[[email protected] yum.repos.d]# cat /etc/redhat-release  Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5 (Santiago) [[email protected]

Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL)中yum的repo檔案詳解

Yum(全稱為 Yellow dog Updater, Modified)是一個在Fedora和RedHat以及CentOS中的Shell前端軟體包管理器。基於RPM包管理,能夠從指定的伺服器自動下載RPM包並且安裝,可以自動處理依賴性關係,並且一次安裝所有依賴的軟體包,無須繁瑣地一次次下載、安裝。 使