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Expand the Root Volume of an EC2 Linux Instance

1.    Review Amazon EBS Volume Performance on Linux Instances before you expand the EBS root volume of your EC2 Linux instance. This will help ensure that the modified volume provides the performance characteristics required for your scenario.

3.    Review Considerations for Modifying EBS Volumes before you expand your Amazon EBS Elastic Volume

to identify and address any potential issues before you expand your volume. For example, volumes that were attached to current generation instances before November 1, 2016 require that you either stop and restart the instance of that you detach and reattach the volume in order to initialize the Amazon EBS Elastic Volumes feature. This is a one time requirement.

Warning: When you stop an instance, the data on any instance store volumes is erased. Therefore, if you have any data on instance store volumes that you want to keep, be sure to back it up to persistent storage.

To determine when your volume was created, navigate to the volume details page in the Amazon EC2 console and view the Created field. To display the volume's most recent attachment time, which may be more recent than the creation time, use the AWS CLI.

The following command issues a query for volumes that were most recently attached before the cutoff date:


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