1. 程式人生 > >SAP HANA on AWS


You are responsible for the cost of the AWS services used while running this Quick Start reference deployment. There is no additional cost for using the Quick Start.

The AWS CloudFormation template for this Quick Start includes configuration parameters that you can customize. Some of these settings, such as instance type, will affect the cost of deployment. See the

deployment guide for additional details and estimates.

This deployment uses a Bring Your Own License (BYOL) model for SAP HANA. You must already own a license for SAP HANA, and you must have access to the SAP Software Download Center to download the software.

The Single-AZ deployment option launches the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for the operating system you choose—SLES, SLES for SAP, SLES for SAP BYOS, RHEL for SAP HANA, or RHEL for SAP with High Availability (HA) and Update Services (US)—and the license cost for the operating system is included in the Amazon EC2 hourly price. There is an additional software cost for SLES for SAP AMI subscriptions in AWS Marketplace. For SLES for SAP BYOS AMIs, you can use your existing, valid subscriptions.

The Multi-AZ (HA) deployment option is based on the SLES High Availability Extension (HAE), which is included in SLES for SAP; therefore, SLES for SAP is the only operating-system option for Multi-AZ deployment. You must have subscribed to the AWS Marketplace offering for SLES for SAP, or have a registration code (if you choose SLES for SAP BYOS) before you start deployment.



You are responsible for the cost of the AWS services used while running this Quick Start reference deployment. There is no additional cost fo

AWS Marketplace: Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SAP HANA

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VMS: TCO Study for SAP on AWS

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AWS上部署SAP HANA – 您的選項是什麼?

作者:Sabari Radhakrishnan, Amazon Web Services(AWS)的合作伙伴解決方案架構師 譯者:戴俊, Amazon Web Services(AWS)的專業服務團隊SAP顧問 | 原文連結 您是否計劃將SAP應用程式遷移到S


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聯想項目結束了,聊聊華為SAP HANA項目八卦

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更多內容關注公眾號:SAPtechnical  點選進入:瞭解SAP HANA租戶庫Ⅱ 從第一篇《瞭解SAP HANA租戶庫Ⅰ》的介紹中我們瞭解到,SAP HANA 2.0 SPS01已經把多租戶作為預設選項了,單容器租戶將不是預設配置,因此,如果將單個容器系統從任何較低


更多內容關注公眾號:SAPtechnical  SAP HANA 1.0從SPS10開始就推出了多租戶庫,而在SAP HANA 2.0 SPS01開始,多租戶資料庫容器,我們簡稱MDC將成為SAP HANA系統的唯一操作模式。也就是說,我們將無法再去操作單容器模式的系統了。

在python中連線SAP HANA

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DevOps on AWS之Cloudformation實踐篇

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