1. 程式人生 > >14.4 Using Index-Organized Tables forPerformance 使用索引組織的表

14.4 Using Index-Organized Tables forPerformance 使用索引組織的表

14.4 Using Index-Organized Tables for Performance


An index-organized table differs from an ordinarytable in that the data for the table is held in its associated index. Changesto the table data, such as adding new rows, updating rows, or deleting rows,result only in updating the index. Because data rows are stored in the index,index-organized tables provide faster key-based access to table data forqueries that involve exact match or range search or both.

A parent/child relationship is an example of asituation that may warrant an index-organized table. For example, a memberstable has a child table containing phone numbers. Phone numbers for a memberare changed and added over time. In a heap-organized table, rows are insertedin data blocks where they fit. However, when you query the members table, youalways retrieve the phone numbers from the child table. To make the retrievalmore efficient, you can store the phone numbers in an index-organized table sothat phone records for a given member are inserted near each other in the datablocks.

In some circumstances, an index-organized table mayprovide a performance advantage over a heap-organized table. For example, if aquery requires fewer blocks in the cache, then the database uses the buffercache more efficiently. If fewer distinct blocks are needed for a query, then asingle physical I/O may retrieve all necessary data, requiring a smaller amountof I/O for each query.

Global hash-partitioned indexes are supported forindex-organized tables and can provide performance benefits in a multiuser OLTPenvironment. Index-organized tables are useful when you must store relatedpieces of data together or physically store data in a specific order.







14.4 Using Index-Organized Tables forPerformance 使用索引組織

14.4 Using Index-Organized Tables for Performance 原文: An index-organized table differs from an ordinarytable in that the data for the


卸載 對比 影響 partition 重新登錄 一個數 struct 可變 cal --- 堆組織表就不說了,其索引中記錄了記錄所在位置的rowid,查找的時候先找索引,然後再根據索引rowid找到塊中的行數據索引組織表,其行數據以索引形式存放,因此找到索引,就等於找到了行


在 InnoDB儲存引擎中,表都是根據主鍵順序組織存放的,這種儲存方式的表稱為索引組織表( index organized table)。在 InnoDB儲存引擎表中,每張表都有個主鍵( Primary Key),如果在建立表時沒有顯式地定義主鍵,則 InnoDB儲存引擎會按

Oracle三種table: 堆Heap Table、索引組織IOT和聚簇Cluster

常用資料庫支援情況: Oracle支援堆表,索引組織表,聚簇表Cluster; PostgreSQL只支援堆表,不支援索引組織表; Innodb只支援索引組織表; MyISAM只支援堆表。 Oracle使用rowid資料型別儲存行地址,rowid可以分成兩種,分別適於不同的


索引組織表(不同於一般表) 1在儲存時不是普通表那樣採用堆組織的方式將資料無須的存放在資料段中,而是採用類似B樹索引的索引組織方式將記錄按照某個主鍵列排序後,再以B樹的方式存在資料段中。 2如果向索引組織表中新增資料,oracle會根據主鍵列對其進行排序,然

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