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Content Delivery Network Tutorials

Amazon CloudFront works seamlessly with Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) to accelerate the delivery of your web content and reduce the load on your origin servers. Watch this AWS TechTips demo and learn how to set up a CloudFront distribution with your Amazon S3 origin. Solutions Architect Tino Tran will walk you through the step-by-step process on getting started in the AWS Console, configuring your origin, and beginning testing your CloudFront distribution in just 15 minutes. The video features the following steps:

1. Go to the AWS Console
2. Create an Amazon S3 bucket
3. Create an Amazon CloudFront distribution
4. Specify your distribution settings
5. Configure your origin
6. Configure Origin Access Identity
7. Configure default cache behavior
8. Configure your TTLs
9. Configure additional features
10. Test your CloudFront distribution

Additionally, we created an Amazon CloudFormation Template to help you get started. This template will launch a S3 bucket to store your static files at scale then deliver that content to your users over the CloudFront Content Delivery Network (CDN). The CloudFront edge locations will cache and deliver your content closer to your users to reduce latency and offload capacity from your origin. CloudFront will also restrict access to your S3 bucket to only CloudFront endpoints rendering your content and application more secure and performant. Lastly, because AWS does not charge for data transfers between an AWS-hosted origin such as Amazon S3 and CloudFront, origin fetches are cost-effective. 

Read the blog and get the CloudFormation template. >>


Content Delivery Network Tutorials

Amazon CloudFront works seamlessly with Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) to accelerate the delivery of your web content and reduce the load o

CDN(Content Delivery Network)內容分發網絡

比較 故障 現狀 方案 關鍵技術 我們 延遲 覆蓋層 維護 CDN的全稱是Content Delivery Network,即內容分發網絡。其基本思路是盡可能避開互聯網上有可能影響數據傳輸速度和穩定性的瓶頸和環節,使內容傳輸的更快、更穩定。通過在網絡各處放置節點服務器所構成

Partners with Content Delivery Network Solutions

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Resources for content delivery network (CDN)

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