1. 程式人生 > >任務佇列和非同步介面的正確開啟方式(.NET Core版本)

任務佇列和非同步介面的正確開啟方式(.NET Core版本)



Asynchronous Operations

Certain types of operations might require processing of the request in an asynchronous manner (e.g. validating a bank account, processing an image, etc.) in order to avoid long delays on the client side and prevent long-standing open client connections waiting for the operations to complete. For such use cases, APIs MUST employ the following pattern:

For POST requests:

  • Return the 202 Accepted HTTP response code.
  • In the response body, include one or more URIs as hypermedia links, which could include:
    • The final URI of the resource where it will be available in future if the ID and path are already known. Clients can then make an HTTP GET
      request to that URI in order to obtain the completed resource. Until the resource is ready, the final URI SHOULD return the HTTP status code 404 Not Found.

    { "rel": "self", "href": "/v1/namespace/resources/{resource_id}", "method": "GET" }

    • A temporary request queue URI where the status of the operation may be obtained via some temporary identifier. Clients SHOULD make an HTTP GET
      request to obtain the status of the operation which MAY include such information as completion state, ETA, and final URI once it is completed.

    { "rel": "self", "href": "/v1/queue/requests/{request_id}, "method": "GET" }"


Like POST, you can support PUT/PATCH/DELETE/GET to be asynchronous. The behaviour would be as follows:

  • Return the 202 Accepted HTTP response code.
  • In the response body, include one or more URIs as hypermedia links, which could include:
    • A temporary request queue URI where the status of the operation may be obtained via some temporary identifier. Clients SHOULD make an HTTP GET request to obtain the status of the operation which MAY include such information as completion state, ETA, and final URI once it is completed.
    { "rel": "self", "href": "/v1/queue/requests/{request_id}, "method": "GET" }"

APIs that support both synchronous and asynchronous processing for an URI:

APIs that support both synchronous and asynchronous operations for a particular URI and an HTTP method combination, MUST recognize the Prefer header and exhibit following behavior:

  • If the request contains a Prefer=respond-async header, the service MUST switch the processing to asynchronous mode.
  • If the request doesn't contain a Prefer=respond-async header, the service MUST process the request synchronously.

It is desirable that all APIs that implement asynchronous processing, also support webhooks as a mechanism of pushing the processing status to the client.

資料引自:paypal/API Design Patterns And Use Cases:asynchronous-operations


  • 簡單來說就是請求過來,直接返回對應的resourceId/request_id,然後可以通過resourceId/request_id查詢處理結果

  • 處理過程可能是佇列,也可能直接是非同步操作

  • 如果還沒完成處理,返回404,如果處理完成,正常返回對應資料





  • 建立任務,生成"request-id"儲存到對應redis zset佇列中

  • 同時往redis channel發出任務訊息, 後臺任務處理服務自行處理此訊息(生產者-消費者模式)

  • 任務處理服務處理完訊息之後,將處理結果寫入redis,request-id為key,結果為value,然後從從redis zset從移除對應的"request-id"

  • 獲取request-id處理結果時:如果request-id能查詢到對應的任務處理結果,直接返回處理完的資料; 如果request-id還在sortset佇列則直接返回404 + 對應的位置n,表示還在處理中,前面還有n個請求;




// RequestService.cs

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using CorrelationId;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using StackExchange.Redis;
using static StackExchange.Redis.RedisChannel;

namespace MTQueue.Service
    public class RequestService

        private readonly ICorrelationContextAccessor _correlationContext;

        private readonly ConnectionMultiplexer _redisMultiplexer;

        private readonly IServiceProvider _services;

        private readonly ILogger<RequestService> _logger;

        public RequestService(ICorrelationContextAccessor correlationContext,
        ConnectionMultiplexer redisMultiplexer, IServiceProvider services,
        ILogger<RequestService> logger)
            _correlationContext = correlationContext;
            _redisMultiplexer = redisMultiplexer;
            _services = services;
            _logger = logger;

        public long? AddRequest(JToken data)
            var requestId = _correlationContext.CorrelationContext.CorrelationId;
            var redisDB = _redisMultiplexer.GetDatabase(CommonConst.DEFAULT_DB);
            var index = redisDB.SortedSetRank(CommonConst.REQUESTS_SORT_SETKEY, requestId);
            if (index == null)
                data["requestId"] = requestId;
                redisDB.SortedSetAdd(CommonConst.REQUESTS_SORT_SETKEY, requestId, GetTotalSeconds());
            return redisDB.SortedSetRank(CommonConst.REQUESTS_SORT_SETKEY, requestId);

        public static long GetTotalSeconds()
            return (long)(DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime() - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).ToLocalTime()).TotalSeconds;

        private void PushRedisMessage(string message)
            Task.Run(() =>
                    using (var scope = _services.CreateScope())
                        var multiplexer = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ConnectionMultiplexer>();
                        multiplexer.GetSubscriber().PublishAsync(CommonConst.REQUEST_CHANNEL, message);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.LogError(-1, ex, message);

        public Tuple<JToken, long?> GetRequest(string requestId)
            var redisDB = _redisMultiplexer.GetDatabase(CommonConst.DEFAULT_DB);
            var keyIndex = redisDB.SortedSetRank(CommonConst.REQUESTS_SORT_SETKEY, requestId);
            var response = redisDB.StringGet(requestId);
            if (response.IsNull)
                return Tuple.Create<JToken, long?>(default(JToken), keyIndex);
            return Tuple.Create<JToken, long?>(JToken.Parse(response), keyIndex);


// RedisMQListener.cs

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
using MTQueue.Model;
using MTQueue.Service;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using StackExchange.Redis;
using static StackExchange.Redis.RedisChannel;

namespace MTQueue.Listener
    public class RedisMQListener : IHostedService
        private readonly ConnectionMultiplexer _redisMultiplexer;

        private readonly IServiceProvider _services;

        private readonly ILogger<RedisMQListener> _logger;

        public RedisMQListener(IServiceProvider services, ConnectionMultiplexer redisMultiplexer,
        ILogger<RedisMQListener> logger)
            _services = services;
            _redisMultiplexer = redisMultiplexer;
            _logger = logger;

        public Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            return Task.CompletedTask;

        public virtual bool Process(RedisChannel ch, RedisValue message)
            _logger.LogInformation("Process start,message: " + message);
            var redisDB = _services.GetRequiredService<ConnectionMultiplexer>()
            var messageJson = JToken.Parse(message);
            var requestId = messageJson["requestId"]?.ToString();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestId))
                _logger.LogWarning("requestId not in message.");
                return false;
            var mtAgent = _services.GetRequiredService<ZhihuClient>();
            var text = mtAgent.GetZhuanlan(messageJson);
            redisDB.StringSet(requestId, text.ToString(), CommonConst.RESPONSE_TS);
            _logger.LogInformation("Process finish,requestId:" + requestId);
            redisDB.SortedSetRemove(CommonConst.REQUESTS_SORT_SETKEY, requestId);
            return true;

        public void Register()
            var sub = _redisMultiplexer.GetSubscriber();
            var channel = CommonConst.REQUEST_CHANNEL;
            sub.SubscribeAsync(channel, (ch, value) =>
                Process(ch, value);

        public void DeRegister()
            // this.connection.Close();

        public Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // this.connection.Close();
            return Task.CompletedTask;


// RequestsController.cs

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using CorrelationId;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using MTQueue.Service;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

namespace MTQueue.Controllers
    public class RequestsController : ControllerBase

        private readonly ICorrelationContextAccessor _correlationContext;

        private readonly RequestService _requestService;

        private readonly ZhihuClient _mtAgentClient;

        public RequestsController(ICorrelationContextAccessor correlationContext,
         RequestService requestService, ZhihuClient mtAgentClient)
            _correlationContext = correlationContext;
            _requestService = requestService;
            _mtAgentClient = mtAgentClient;

        public IActionResult Get(string requestId)
            var result = _requestService.GetRequest(requestId);
            var resource = $"/v1/requests/{requestId}";
            if (result.Item1 == default(JToken))
                return NotFound(new { rel = "self", href = resource, method = "GET", index = result.Item2 });
            return Ok(result.Item1);

        public IActionResult Post([FromBody] JToken data, [FromHeader(Name = "Prefer")]string prefer)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefer) && prefer == "respond-async")
                var index = _requestService.AddRequest(data);
                var requestId = _correlationContext.CorrelationContext.CorrelationId;
                var resource = $"/v1/requests/{requestId}";
                return Accepted(resource, new { rel = "self", href = resource, method = "GET", index = index });
            return Ok(_mtAgentClient.GetZhuanlan(data));
