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Go updates in App Engine 1.7.1

22 August 2012

This week we released version 1.7.1 of the App Engine SDK. It includes some significant updates specific to the App Engine runtime for Go.

The memcache package has had some additions to its Codec convenience type. The SetMulti, AddMulti, CompareAndSwap, and CompareAndSwapMulti methods make it easier to store and update encoded data in the

Memcache Service.

The bulkloader tool can now be used with Go apps, allowing users to upload and download datastore records in bulk. This is useful for backups and offline processing, and a great help when migrating Python or Java apps to the Go runtime.


Images Service is now available to Go users. The new appengine/image package supports serving images directly from Blobstore and resizing or cropping those images on the fly. Note that this is not the full image service as provided by the Python and Java SDKs, as much of the equivalent functionality is available in the
standard Go image package
 and external packages such as graphics-go.

The new runtime.RunInBackground function allows backend requests to spawn a new request independent of the initial request. These can run in the background as long as the backend stays alive.

Finally, we have filled in some missing functionality: the xmpp package now supports sending presence updates and chat invitations and retrieving the presence state of another user, and the user package supports authenticating clients with OAuth.


Go updates in App Engine 1.7.1

22 August 2012 This week we released version 1.7.1 of the App Engine SDK. It includes some significant updat

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上機內容:       利用公式計算π=4(1-1/3+1/5-1/7+1/9-...)的近似值,直到括號中最後一項的絕對值小於0.000001為止。 上機目的:鍛鍊思維能力。 我的程式: /* * 程式的版權和版本宣告部分: * Copyright (c)


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函式void fun(float *sn,int n)的功能是:根據以下公式計算S,計算結果通過形參指標sn傳回;n通過形參傳入,n的值大於等於0 S=1-1/3+1/5-1/7+…+1/(2n+1) 程式碼如下: #include <stdio.h> vo