1. 程式人生 > >python 連線HANA庫,寫入城鄉劃分程式碼(省市縣鎮鄉村5級)到資料庫

python 連線HANA庫,寫入城鄉劃分程式碼(省市縣鎮鄉村5級)到資料庫

 1 import pyhdb,re
 2 def get_connection():
 3     conn_obj = pyhdb.connect(
 4         host = "xxx.172.1.xxx", #HANA地址
 5         port = 30015, #HANA埠號
 6         user = "xxxxx", #使用者號
 7         password = "xxxxx" #密碼
 8     )
 9     return conn_obj
10 def get_mat(conn,exec_str):
11     cursor = conn.cursor()
12 cursor.execute(exec_str) #連線表和檢視都可以 13 return cursor 14 conn = get_connection() 15 file_str = 'D:\city_2017.txt' 16 with open(file_str, 'r', encoding='gb18030') as f: 17 lines = f.readlines() 18 for i in lines: 19 try: 20 upsert_str = 'UPSERT HC_BI_DW.BI_DIM_BASE_PROVINCIAL_CITY VALUES (
'+str(re.split("\[|]",i)[1])+') WITH PRIMARY KEY;' 21 print(upsert_str) 22 mats = get_mat(conn,upsert_str) 23 conn.commit() 24 except BaseException as e: 25 print('錯誤:', e)