1. 程式人生 > >glib學習筆記之二(續)——GLib核心應用支援:The Main Event Loop

glib學習筆記之二(續)——GLib核心應用支援:The Main Event Loop



The main event loop manages all the available sources of events for GLib and GTK+ applications. These events can come from any number of different types of sources such as file descriptors (plain files, pipes or sockets) and timeouts. New types of event sources can also be added using g_source_attach().

To allow multiple independent sets of sources to be handled in different threads, each source is associated with a GMainContext. A GMainContext can only be running in a single thread, but sources can be added to it and removed from it from other threads.

Each event source is assigned a priority. The default priority, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, is 0. Values less than 0 denote higher priorities. Values greater than 0 denote lower priorities. Events from high priority sources are always processed before events from lower priority sources.

Idle functions can also be added, and assigned a priority. These will be run whenever no events with a higher priority are ready to be processed.

The GMainLoop data type represents a main event loop. A GMainLoop is created with g_main_loop_new(). After adding the initial event sources, g_main_loop_run() is called. This continuously checks for new events from each of the event sources and dispatches them. Finally, the processing of an event from one of the sources leads to a call to g_main_loop_quit() to exit the main loop, and g_main_loop_run() returns.

It is possible to create new instances of GMainLoop recursively. This is often used in GTK+ applications when showing modal dialog boxes. Note that event sources are associated with a particular GMainContext, and will be checked and dispatched for all main loops associated with that GMainContext.


GMainContext 代表一個執行緒的上下文。一個 GMainContext 可以關聯多個 GMainLoop,但是這些 GMainLoop 必須在一個執行緒中使用,也就是說這些 GMainLoop 必須是一個巢狀在另一個之中。

GMainLoop 是用 select 或 poll 來實現的。GMainLoop 可以定義事件源的優先順序,純 select 或 poll 函式沒有提供這樣的功能。另外,GMainLoop 可以處理多個計時器。自己用 select 或 poll 函式來實現的話需要做額外的工作(維護一個計時器佇列)。


下面給出一個完整的例子程式 (glib/test 中的 mainloop-test.c)。

注意把一個檔案描述符加到 context 中的方法:

  adder_source = g_io_create_watch (channels[0], G_IO_IN | G_IO_HUP);
  g_source_set_callback (adder_source, (GSourceFunc)adder_callback, &addr_data, NULL);
  g_source_attach (adder_source, context);
  g_source_unref (adder_source);
  timeout_source = g_timeout_source_new (10);
  g_source_set_callback (timeout_source, (GSourceFunc)timeout_callback, &addr_data, NULL);
  g_source_set_priority (timeout_source, G_PRIORITY_HIGH);
  g_source_attach (timeout_source, context);
  g_source_unref (timeout_source);

  • 有 n 個 context,每個 context 中有個 Adder。
  • 每一個 crawler 隨機和一個 context 相關聯。Crawler 並不影響 Adder。
#include <errno.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define ITERS 10000
#define INCREMENT 10
#define NTHREADS 4
#define NCRAWLERS 4
/* The partial ordering between the context array mutex and
 * crawler array mutex is that the crawler array mutex cannot
 * be locked while the context array mutex is locked
GPtrArray *context_array;
GMutex *context_array_mutex;
GCond *context_array_cond;
GMainLoop *main_loop;
G_LOCK_DEFINE_STATIC (crawler_array_lock);
GPtrArray *crawler_array;
typedef struct _AddrData AddrData;
typedef struct _TestData TestData;
struct _AddrData
  GMainLoop *loop;
  GIOChannel *dest;
  gint count;
struct _TestData
  gint current_val;
  gint iters;
  GIOChannel *in;
static void cleanup_crawlers (GMainContext *context);
read_all (GIOChannel *channel, char *buf, gsize len)
  gsize bytes_read = 0;
  gsize count;
  GIOError err;
  while (bytes_read < len)
      err = g_io_channel_read (channel, buf + bytes_read, len - bytes_read, &count);
      if (err)
	  if (err != G_IO_ERROR_AGAIN)
	    return FALSE;
      else if (count == 0)
	return FALSE;
      bytes_read += count;
  return TRUE;
write_all (GIOChannel *channel, char *buf, gsize len)
  gsize bytes_written = 0;
  gsize count;
  GIOError err;
  while (bytes_written < len)
      err = g_io_channel_write (channel, buf + bytes_written, len - bytes_written, &count);
      if (err && err != G_IO_ERROR_AGAIN)
	return FALSE;
      bytes_written += count;
  return TRUE;
adder_callback (GIOChannel   *source,
		GIOCondition  condition,
		gpointer      data)
  char buf1[32];
  char buf2[32];
  char result[32];
  AddrData *addr_data = data;
  if (!read_all (source, buf1, 32) ||
      !read_all (source, buf2, 32))
      g_main_loop_quit (addr_data->loop);
      return FALSE;
  sprintf (result, "%d", atoi(buf1) + atoi(buf2));
  write_all (addr_data->dest, result, 32);
  return TRUE;
timeout_callback (gpointer data)
  AddrData *addr_data = data;
  return TRUE;
adder_thread (gpointer data)
  GMainContext *context;
  GSource *adder_source;
  GSource *timeout_source;
  GIOChannel **channels = data;
  AddrData addr_data;
  context = g_main_context_new ();
  g_mutex_lock (context_array_mutex);
  g_ptr_array_add (context_array, context);
  if (context_array->len == NTHREADS)
    g_cond_broadcast (context_array_cond);
  g_mutex_unlock (context_array_mutex);
  addr_data.dest = channels[1];
  addr_data.loop = g_main_loop_new (context, FALSE);
  addr_data.count = 0;
  adder_source = g_io_create_watch (channels[0], G_IO_IN | G_IO_HUP);
  g_source_set_callback (adder_source, (GSourceFunc)adder_callback, &addr_data, NULL);
  g_source_attach (adder_source, context);
  g_source_unref (adder_source);
  timeout_source = g_timeout_source_new (10);
  g_source_set_callback (timeout_source, (GSourceFunc)timeout_callback, &addr_data, NULL);
  g_source_set_priority (timeout_source, G_PRIORITY_HIGH);
  g_source_attach (timeout_source, context);
  g_source_unref (timeout_source);
  g_main_loop_run (addr_data.loop);
  g_io_channel_unref (channels[0]);
  g_io_channel_unref (channels[1]);
  g_free (channels);
  g_main_loop_unref (addr_data.loop);
#ifdef VERBOSE
  g_print ("Timeout run %d times\n", addr_data.count);
  g_mutex_lock (context_array_mutex);
  g_ptr_array_remove (context_array, context);
  if (context_array->len == 0)
    g_main_loop_quit (main_loop);
  g_mutex_unlock (context_array_mutex);
  cleanup_crawlers (context);
  return NULL;
io_pipe (GIOChannel **channels)
  gint fds[2];
  if (pipe(fds) < 0)
      g_warning ("Cannot create pipe %s\n", g_strerror (errno));
      exit (1);
  channels[0] = g_io_channel_unix_new (fds[0]);
  channels[1] = g_io_channel_unix_new (fds[1]);
  g_io_channel_set_close_on_unref (channels[0], TRUE);
  g_io_channel_set_close_on_unref (channels[1], TRUE);
do_add (GIOChannel *in, gint a, gint b)
  char buf1[32];
  char buf2[32];
  sprintf (buf1, "%d", a);
  sprintf (buf2, "%d", b);
  write_all (in, buf1, 32);
  write_all (in, buf2, 32);
adder_response (GIOChannel   *source,
		GIOCondition  condition,
		gpointer      data)
  char result[32];
  TestData *test_data = data;
  if (!read_all (source, result, 32))
    return FALSE;
  test_data->current_val = atoi (result);
  if (test_data->iters == 0)
      if (test_data->current_val != ITERS * INCREMENT)
	  g_print ("Addition failed: %d != %d\n",
		   test_data->current_val, ITERS * INCREMENT);
	  exit (1);
      g_io_channel_unref (source);
      g_io_channel_unref (test_data->in);
      g_free (test_data);
      return FALSE;
  do_add (test_data->in, test_data->current_val, INCREMENT);
  return TRUE;
create_adder_thread (void)
  GError *err = NULL;
  TestData *test_data;
  GIOChannel *in_channels[2];
  GIOChannel *out_channels[2];
  GIOChannel **sub_channels;
  sub_channels = g_new (GIOChannel *, 2);
  io_pipe (in_channels);
  io_pipe (out_channels);
  sub_channels[0] = in_channels[0];
  sub_channels[1] = out_channels[1];
  g_thread_create (adder_thread, sub_channels, FALSE, &err);
  if (err)
      g_warning ("Cannot create thread: %s", err->message);
      exit (1);
  test_data = g_new (TestData, 1);
  test_data->in = in_channels[1];
  test_data->current_val = 0;
  test_data->iters = ITERS;
  g_io_add_watch (out_channels[0], G_IO_IN | G_IO_HUP,
		  adder_response, test_data);
  do_add (test_data->in, test_data->current_val, INCREMENT);
static void create_crawler (void);
static void
remove_crawler (void)
  GSource *other_source;
  if (crawler_array->len > 0)
      other_source = crawler_array->pdata[g_random_int_range (0, crawler_array->len)];
      g_source_destroy (other_source);
      g_assert (g_ptr_array_remove_fast (crawler_array, other_source));
static gint
crawler_callback (gpointer data)
  GSource *source = data;       
  G_LOCK (crawler_array_lock); /* <-- note, before this crawler lock the
                                * array, it may be removed during the interval */
  /* if my corresponding source is all ready been removed, remove another one */
  if (!g_ptr_array_remove_fast (crawler_array, source))
  G_UNLOCK (crawler_array_lock);
  return FALSE;
static void
create_crawler (void)
  GSource *source = g_timeout_source_new (g_random_int_range (0, CRAWLER_TIMEOUT_RANGE));
  g_source_set_callback (source, (GSourceFunc)crawler_callback, source, NULL);
  G_LOCK (crawler_array_lock);
  g_ptr_array_add (crawler_array, source);
  g_mutex_lock (context_array_mutex);
  g_source_attach (source, context_array->pdata[g_random_int_range (0, context_array->len)]);
  g_source_unref (source);
  g_mutex_unlock (context_array_mutex);
  G_UNLOCK (crawler_array_lock);
static void
cleanup_crawlers (GMainContext *context)
  gint i;
  G_LOCK (crawler_array_lock);
  for (i=0; i < crawler_array->len; i++)
      if (g_source_get_context (crawler_array->pdata[i]) == context)
	  g_source_destroy (g_ptr_array_remove_index (crawler_array, i));
  G_UNLOCK (crawler_array_lock);
static gboolean
recurser_idle (gpointer data)
  GMainContext *context = data;
  gint i;
  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    g_main_context_iteration (context, FALSE);
  return FALSE;
static gboolean
recurser_start (gpointer data)
  GMainContext *context;
  GSource *source;
  g_mutex_lock (context_array_mutex);
  context = context_array->pdata[g_random_int_range (0, context_array->len)];
  source = g_idle_source_new ();
  g_source_set_callback (source, recurser_idle, context, NULL);
  g_source_attach (source, context);
  g_source_unref (source);
  g_mutex_unlock (context_array_mutex);
  return TRUE;
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  gint i;
  g_thread_init (NULL);
  context_array = g_ptr_array_new ();
  context_array_mutex = g_mutex_new ();
  context_array_cond = g_cond_new (); 
  crawler_array = g_ptr_array_new ();
  main_loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
  for (i = 0; i < NTHREADS; i++)
    create_adder_thread ();
  /* Wait for all threads to start
  g_mutex_lock (context_array_mutex);
  if (context_array->len < NTHREADS)
    g_cond_wait (context_array_cond, context_array_mutex);
  g_mutex_unlock (context_array_mutex);
  for (i = 0; i < NCRAWLERS; i++)
    create_crawler ();
  g_timeout_add (RECURSER_TIMEOUT, recurser_start, NULL);
  g_main_loop_run (main_loop);
  g_main_loop_unref (main_loop);
  return 0;


glib學習筆記——GLib核心應用支援The Main Event Loop

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