1. 程式人生 > >【20171014】python_語言設計(7)面向過程程式設計



from math import pi,sin,cos,radians
def main():   
    angle = eval(input("Enter the launch angle (in degrees):"))
    vel = eval(input("Enter the initial velocity (in meters/sec):"))
    h0 = eval(input("Enter the initial height (in meters):"))
    time = eval(input("Enter the time interval: "))
    xpos = 0
    ypos = h0
    theta = radians(angle)
    xvel = vel * cos(theta)
    yvel = vel * sin(theta)     
    while ypos >= 0:
        xpos = xpos + time * xvel
        yvell = yvel - time * 9.8
        ypos = ypos + time * (yvel + yvell)/2.0
        yvel = yvell
    print("\nDistance traveled:{0:0.1f}meters.".format(xpos))
if __name__ == "__main__":

from Projectile import *
def getInputs():
    a = eval(input("Enter the launch angle (in degrees):"))
    v = eval(input("Enter the initial velocity (in meters/sec):"))
    h = eval(input("Enter the initial height (in meters):"))
    t = eval(input("Enter the time interval: "))
    return a,v,h,t
def main():
    angle,vel,h0,time = getInputs()
    shot = Projectile(angle,vel,h0)
    while shot.getY() >=0:
    print("\nDistance traveled:{0:0.1f}meters.".format(shot.getX()))
if __name__ == "__main__":