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Write the CODE,change the World!





import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.List;

public class test


    public static void main(String[] args)


        player a=new player("A");

        player b=new player("B");

        player c=new player("C");

        player d=new player("D");

        subject s=new subject();













abstract class obServer


    public abstract void show();


class player extends obServer


    String name;

    subject s;

    public player(String name)




    public void show()




    public void change()



        System.out.println("Somebody's name changed.Scaning all mumbers...");



    public void setSubject(subject s)


        this .s=s;



class subject


    List<obServer> sub;

    public subject()


        sub=new ArrayList<obServer>();


    public void addObServer(obServer o)




    public void show()


        for(obServer i : sub)





    public void changed()










somebody's name changed.scaning all mumbers...








樓上小宇___home(Write the code,change the world!)

考研資料結構程式碼實現 本人以清華大學嚴蔚敏版《資料結構》為主要參考書,將書中重要資料結構與演算法的虛擬碼進行了重寫,供大家學習參考,其中所有程式都經過本人在vs2015上除錯通過,大部分程式都附上了參考圖例和輸入輸出樣例供大家參

Write the CODE,change the World!

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Write the Code . Change the World

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【小工匠】show me the code ,change the world

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小工匠(show me the code ,change the world

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Code change the World.

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