1. 程式人生 > >unity官方demo學習之Stealth(二十四)敵人AI



using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class DoneEnemyAI : MonoBehaviour
	public float patrolSpeed = 2f;							// The nav mesh agent's speed when patrolling.
	public float chaseSpeed = 5f;							// The nav mesh agent's speed when chasing.
	public float chaseWaitTime = 5f;						// The amount of time to wait when the last sighting is reached.
	public float patrolWaitTime = 1f;						// The amount of time to wait when the patrol way point is reached.
	public Transform[] patrolWayPoints;						// An array of transforms for the patrol route.
	private DoneEnemySight enemySight;						// Reference to the EnemySight script.
	private NavMeshAgent nav;								// Reference to the nav mesh agent.
	private Transform player;								// Reference to the player's transform.
	private DonePlayerHealth playerHealth;					// Reference to the PlayerHealth script.
	private DoneLastPlayerSighting lastPlayerSighting;		// Reference to the last global sighting of the player.
	private float chaseTimer;								// A timer for the chaseWaitTime.
	private float patrolTimer;								// A timer for the patrolWaitTime.
	private int wayPointIndex;								// A counter for the way point array.
	void Awake ()
		// Setting up the references.
		enemySight = GetComponent<DoneEnemySight>();
		nav = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();
		player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(DoneTags.player).transform;
		playerHealth = player.GetComponent<DonePlayerHealth>();
		lastPlayerSighting = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(DoneTags.gameController).GetComponent<DoneLastPlayerSighting>();
	void Update ()
		// If the player is in sight and is alive...
		if(enemySight.playerInSight && playerHealth.health > 0f)
			// ... shoot.
		// If the player has been sighted and isn't dead...
		else if(enemySight.personalLastSighting != lastPlayerSighting.resetPosition && playerHealth.health > 0f)
			// ... chase.
		// Otherwise...
			// ... patrol.
	void Shooting ()
		// Stop the enemy where it is.
	void Chasing ()
		// Create a vector from the enemy to the last sighting of the player.
		Vector3 sightingDeltaPos = enemySight.personalLastSighting - transform.position;
		// If the the last personal sighting of the player is not close...
		if(sightingDeltaPos.sqrMagnitude > 4f)
			// ... set the destination for the NavMeshAgent to the last personal sighting of the player.
			nav.destination = enemySight.personalLastSighting;
		// Set the appropriate speed for the NavMeshAgent.
		nav.speed = chaseSpeed;
		// If near the last personal sighting...
		if(nav.remainingDistance < nav.stoppingDistance)
			// ... increment the timer.
			chaseTimer += Time.deltaTime;
			// If the timer exceeds the wait time...
			if(chaseTimer >= chaseWaitTime)
				// ... reset last global sighting, the last personal sighting and the timer.
				lastPlayerSighting.position = lastPlayerSighting.resetPosition;
				enemySight.personalLastSighting = lastPlayerSighting.resetPosition;
				chaseTimer = 0f;
			// If not near the last sighting personal sighting of the player, reset the timer.
			chaseTimer = 0f;

	void Patrolling ()
		// Set an appropriate speed for the NavMeshAgent.
		nav.speed = patrolSpeed;
		// If near the next waypoint or there is no destination...
		if(nav.destination == lastPlayerSighting.resetPosition || nav.remainingDistance < nav.stoppingDistance)
			// ... increment the timer.
			patrolTimer += Time.deltaTime;
			// If the timer exceeds the wait time...
			if(patrolTimer >= patrolWaitTime)
				// ... increment the wayPointIndex.
				if(wayPointIndex == patrolWayPoints.Length - 1)
					wayPointIndex = 0;
				// Reset the timer.
				patrolTimer = 0;
			// If not near a destination, reset the timer.
			patrolTimer = 0;
		// Set the destination to the patrolWayPoint.
		nav.destination = patrolWayPoints[wayPointIndex].position;









nav mesh agent元件引用

玩家位置引用 PlayerHealth指令碼引用 LastPlayerSighting指令碼引用 追蹤等待時間的計時器 巡邏等待時間的計時器 路徑點陣列的索引 函式 Awake 獲取引用物件和元件 Update () 如果玩家在敵人視線內 且玩家生命值大於0 射他
如果玩家被發現(被聽見或觸發警報) 且生命值大於0 追她 否則 巡邏 Shooting () 射擊時保持敵人不動 Chasing () 從敵人當前位置到最後發現玩家位位置 建立一個向量 如果玩家距離敵人較遠 (向量長度的平方 > 4)(這個距離臨界值為2) 讓敵人跑向追蹤位置 移動速度設為追蹤速度 當敵人與目標點的距離 小於 可停止距離 追蹤等待時間的計時器開始計時(追蹤前先愣會兒) 當敵人等待了足夠時間後(設定的5秒) 重置最後發現玩家的全域性位置和獨立位置 重置計時器,