1. 程式人生 > >unity官方demo學習之Stealth(二十)敵人視聽範圍



using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class DoneEnemySight : MonoBehaviour
	public float fieldOfViewAngle = 110f;				// Number of degrees, centred on forward, for the enemy see.
    public bool playerInSight;							// Whether or not the player is currently sighted.
	public Vector3 personalLastSighting;				// Last place this enemy spotted the player.
	private NavMeshAgent nav;							// Reference to the NavMeshAgent component.
	private SphereCollider col;							// Reference to the sphere collider trigger component.
	private Animator anim;								// Reference to the Animator.
	private DoneLastPlayerSighting lastPlayerSighting;	// Reference to last global sighting of the player.
    private GameObject player;							// Reference to the player.
	private Animator playerAnim;						// Reference to the player's animator component.
	private DonePlayerHealth playerHealth;				// Reference to the player's health script.
	private DoneHashIDs hash;							// Reference to the HashIDs.
	private Vector3 previousSighting;					// Where the player was sighted last frame.
	void Awake ()
		// Setting up the references.
		nav = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();
		col = GetComponent<SphereCollider>();
		anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
		lastPlayerSighting = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(DoneTags.gameController).GetComponent<DoneLastPlayerSighting>();
		player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(DoneTags.player);
		playerAnim = player.GetComponent<Animator>();
		playerHealth = player.GetComponent<DonePlayerHealth>();
		hash = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(DoneTags.gameController).GetComponent<DoneHashIDs>();
		// Set the personal sighting and the previous sighting to the reset position.
		personalLastSighting = lastPlayerSighting.resetPosition;
		previousSighting = lastPlayerSighting.resetPosition;
	void Update ()
		// If the last global sighting of the player has changed...
		if(lastPlayerSighting.position != previousSighting)
			// ... then update the personal sighting to be the same as the global sighting.
			personalLastSighting = lastPlayerSighting.position;
		// Set the previous sighting to the be the sighting from this frame.
		previousSighting = lastPlayerSighting.position;
		// If the player is alive...
		if(playerHealth.health > 0f)
			// ... set the animator parameter to whether the player is in sight or not.
			anim.SetBool(hash.playerInSightBool, playerInSight);
			// ... set the animator parameter to false.
			anim.SetBool(hash.playerInSightBool, false);

	void OnTriggerStay (Collider other)
		// If the player has entered the trigger sphere...
        if(other.gameObject == player)
			// By default the player is not in sight.
			playerInSight = false;
			// Create a vector from the enemy to the player and store the angle between it and forward.
            Vector3 direction = other.transform.position - transform.position;
			float angle = Vector3.Angle(direction, transform.forward);
			// If the angle between forward and where the player is, is less than half the angle of view...
			if(angle < fieldOfViewAngle * 0.5f)
				RaycastHit hit;
				// ... and if a raycast towards the player hits something...
				if(Physics.Raycast(transform.position + transform.up, direction.normalized, out hit, col.radius))
					// ... and if the raycast hits the player...
					if(hit.collider.gameObject == player)
						// ... the player is in sight.
						playerInSight = true;
						// Set the last global sighting is the players current position.
						lastPlayerSighting.position = player.transform.position;
			// Store the name hashes of the current states.
			int playerLayerZeroStateHash = playerAnim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).nameHash;
			int playerLayerOneStateHash = playerAnim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(1).nameHash;
			// If the player is running or is attracting attention...
			if(playerLayerZeroStateHash == hash.locomotionState || playerLayerOneStateHash == hash.shoutState)
				// ... and if the player is within hearing range...
				if(CalculatePathLength(player.transform.position) <= col.radius)
					// ... set the last personal sighting of the player to the player's current position.
					personalLastSighting = player.transform.position;
	void OnTriggerExit (Collider other)
		// If the player leaves the trigger zone...
		if(other.gameObject == player)
			// ... the player is not in sight.
			playerInSight = false;
	float CalculatePathLength (Vector3 targetPosition)
		// Create a path and set it based on a target position.
		NavMeshPath path = new NavMeshPath();
			nav.CalculatePath(targetPosition, path);
		// Create an array of points which is the length of the number of corners in the path + 2.
		Vector3 [] allWayPoints = new Vector3[path.corners.Length + 2];
		// The first point is the enemy's position.
		allWayPoints[0] = transform.position;
		// The last point is the target position.
		allWayPoints[allWayPoints.Length - 1] = targetPosition;
		// The points inbetween are the corners of the path.
		for(int i = 0; i < path.corners.Length; i++)
			allWayPoints[i + 1] = path.corners[i];
		// Create a float to store the path length that is by default 0.
		float pathLength = 0;
		// Increment the path length by an amount equal to the distance between each waypoint and the next.
		for(int i = 0; i < allWayPoints.Length - 1; i++)
			pathLength += Vector3.Distance(allWayPoints[i], allWayPoints[i + 1]);
		return pathLength;



每個敵人獨立的變數 用於儲存敵人聽到玩家腳步聲/喊叫聲的位置


引用NavMeshAgent元件 引用sphere collider觸發器元件 引用Animator元件 引用LastPlayerSighting指令碼 引用玩家物件 引用玩家的Animator元件 引用PlayerHealth指令碼 引用HashIDs指令碼 上一幀玩家被發現的位置 函式 Awake 獲取引用物件和元件 把敵人單獨發現的位置 和上一幀發現玩家的位置都重置(1000,1000,1000)
Update 如果發現玩家位置的全域性變數發生改變(即玩家被發現) 那麼每個敵人的單獨位置變數都將等於全域性變數(即告訴所有敵人發現玩家了,趕快來) 並把上一幀發現玩家的位置等於全域性變數 如果玩家HP值等於0 也就是玩家還活著 把playerInSight的值傳遞到Animator中相應的引數 也就是設為true(觸發敵人的各種動作) 否則設為false OnTriggerStay (Collider other) 如果玩家進入觸發器範圍內 預設玩家還沒有被發現 建立敵人到玩家位置的向量 然後獲取它與敵人正前方向量的夾角
如果夾角小於敵人視角的二分之一 建立光線碰撞檢測物件 如果從敵人到玩家的光線投射碰撞到某個物件(因為敵人座標在腳上,投射可能會碰到地面,所以向上位移一個單位,敵人為2個單位) 如果碰撞物件是玩家 判定玩家被發現



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