1. 程式人生 > >LeetCode-501. Find Mode in Binary Search Tree(Java)

LeetCode-501. Find Mode in Binary Search Tree(Java)

Given a binary search tree (BST) with duplicates, find all the mode(s) (the most frequently occurred element) in the given BST.

Assume a BST is defined as follows:

  • The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than or equal to the node's key.
  • The right subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys greater than or equal to
     the node's key.
  • Both the left and right subtrees must also be binary search trees.

For example:
Given BST [1,null,2,2],


return [2].










public class Solution {
    public int[] findMode(TreeNode root) {
        modes = new int[modeCount];
        modeCount = 0;
        currCount = 0;
        return modes;
    private int currVal;
    private int currCount = 0;
    private int maxCount = 0;
    private int modeCount = 0;
    private int[] modes;
    private void handleValue(int val) {
        if (val != currVal) {
            currVal = val;
            currCount = 0;
        if (currCount > maxCount) {
            maxCount = currCount;
            modeCount = 1;
        } else if (currCount == maxCount) {
            if (modes != null)
                modes[modeCount] = currVal;
    private void inorder(TreeNode root) {
        if (root == null) return;


LeetCode-501. Find Mode in Binary Search Tree(Java)

Given a binary search tree (BST) with duplicates, find all the mode(s) (the most frequently occurred element) in the given BST. Assum

LeetCode 501. Find Mode in Binary Search Tree (找到二叉搜索樹的眾數)

btn https 標簽 one con pac 發現 log 個數字 Given a binary search tree (BST) with duplicates, find all the mode(s) (the most frequently occurred

[LeetCode]501. Find Mode in Binary Search Tree二叉搜索樹尋找眾數

pri fin lis 需要 efi lee value spa find 這次是二叉搜索樹的遍歷 感覺只要和二叉搜索樹的題目,都要用到一個重要性質: 中序遍歷二叉搜索樹的結果是一個遞增序列; 而且要註意,在遞歸遍歷樹的時候,有些參數如果是要隨遞歸不斷更新(也就是如果遞歸返

[LeetCode] 501. Find Mode in Binary Search Tree

Find Mode in Binary Search Tree Given a binary search tree (BST) with duplicates, find all the mode(s) (the most frequently occurred element) in

LeetCode-501. Find Mode in Binary Search Tree

問題:https://leetcode.com/problems/find-mode-in-binary-search-tree/?tab=Description Given a binary search tree (BST) with duplicates

Leetcode 501 Find Mode in Binary Search Tree

Given a binary search tree (BST) with duplicates, find all the mode(s) (the most frequently occurred element) in the given BST. Assum

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Given a binary search tree (BST) with duplicates, find all the mode(s) (the most frequently occurred element) in the given BST. Assume a BST is

501. Find Mode in Binary Search Tree#2

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