1. 程式人生 > >linux上svn連線visual svn server時ssl鑑權失敗,問題解決

linux上svn連線visual svn server時ssl鑑權失敗,問題解決

場景:1、在windows 7上安裝了visual svn server作為自己的svn伺服器。

    2、在虛擬機器centos 6.3上使用svn客戶端check程式碼,報錯:

#svn checkout
svn: OPTIONS of '': SSL handshake failed: SSL error: Key usage violation in certificate has been detected. (

解決:在網上找到一篇文章,按照它介紹的方法操作,解決問題。明白了,這是因為virtual svn在生成鑑權資料的時候使用了一個外掛,而這個外掛是OpenSSL支援的,但GnuTls是不支援的。詳細的內容大家仔細看吧。感謝這篇文章的原作者,及散播者。


Subversion clients receive the following error message when attempting to connect to VisualSVN Server:

svn: OPTIONS of 'https://server.domain.local/svn/repo': SSL handshake failed: SSL error:
Key usage violation in certificate has been detected. (https://server.domain.local)

You may experience the issue if both of the following conditions are met:

  • VisualSVN Server has a self-signed certificate applied and
  • Subversion client is built against the GnuTLS library.
Note NoteGnuTLS library is an alternative to OpenSSL. Most Subversion clients for Windows are built against OpenSSL and are not affected by this issue. While some Subversion packages (available mostly on Linux-based operating systems such as Ubuntu and Debian) are built against GnuTLS and are affected.

Technical background

During the initial setup VisualSVN Server 2.5 generates a self-signed certificate and adds it to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store on the local machine. To avoid possible security issues, VisualSVN Server makes this self-signed certificate to be valid for server authentication only (by specifying the 'Key Usage' extension). Subversion clients built against GnuTLS don't recognize such certificate and the error occurs.


It's not recommended to use a self-signed certificate in a production environment. We advise to use a certificate issued by your domain or a third-party certificate authority instead of a self-signed one.

If you have to use a self-signed certificate please follow the instruction to generate a cerificate without specifying 'Key Usage' extension:

  1. Add the following registry value to the Windows registry:
    • for 32-bit system:

      [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VisualSVN\VisualSVN Server] "CreateGnuTLSCompatibleCertificate"=dword:00000001
    • for 64-bit system:

      [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\VisualSVN\VisualSVN Server] "CreateGnuTLSCompatibleCertificate"=dword:00000001
  2. Start VisualSVN Server Manager.
  3. Go to Action | Properties | Certificate.
  4. Click Change certificate... and follow the wizard instructions to generate a new self-signed certificate.

The certificate will be generated without the 'Key Usage' extension and will be compatible both with GnuTLS and OpenSSL.


linuxsvn連線visual svn serverssl失敗問題解決

場景:1、在windows 7上安裝了visual svn server作為自己的svn伺服器。     2、在虛擬機器centos 6.3上使用svn客戶端check程式碼,報錯: #svn checkout

Windows下搭建SVN伺服器 - Visual SVN server

1.下載visual SVN server 現在SVN遷移到Apache網站下了,下載地址:http://subversion.apache.org/packages.html   2.下載安裝TortoiseSVN 地址:https://tortoises

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