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java double-check-lock併發問題

// thread 1
class Singleton {
    private static Singleton INSTANCE

    public static Singleton getInstance() {
        if (INSTANCE == null) {
            synchronized (Singleton.class) {
                if (INSTANCE == null) {
                    INSTANCE = new Singleton() // new物件
INSTANCE; } } // thread 2 Singleton.getInstance(); // 這裡可能獲取到未建立完整的Singleton物件引用

這個程式碼是無法工作的. 因為這個可能讓其他執行緒看到沒有完全構件好的物件:


簡單理解,上述INSTANCE = new Singleton()的過程是非原子操作,其實際過程如下:

// 實際上的步驟:
1.allocateMemory -> object 
2.Singleton._INSTANCE = object
3.init object attributes

假如兩個執行緒同時搶奪執行上述程式碼,此時因為執行緒1和執行緒2沒有用同步,他們之間不存在“Happens-Before”規則的約束,所以線上程1建立Singleton物件的 1,2這兩個步驟對於執行緒2來說會有可能出現1可見,2不可見


singletons[i].reference = new
Singleton(); to the following (note that the Symantec JIT using a handle-based object allocation system). ------- 0206106A mov eax,0F97E78h ; allocate space for 0206106F call 01F6B210 ; Singleton, return result in eax 02061074 mov dword ptr [ebp],eax ; EBP is &singletons[i].reference 02061077 mov ecx,dword ptr [eax] ; store the unconstructed object here. 02061079 mov dword ptr [ecx],100h ; dereference the handle to 0206107F mov dword ptr [ecx+4],200h ; get the raw pointer 02061086 mov dword ptr [ecx+8],400h ; Next 4 lines are 0206108D mov dword ptr [ecx+0Ch],0F84030h ; Singleton's inlined constructor ------- As you can see, the assignment to singletons[i].reference is performed before the constructor for Singleton is called. This is completely legal under the existing Java memory model, and also legal in C and C++ (since neither of them have a memory model).


* @since 1.5
class Singleton {
    private static volatile Singleton INSTANCE

    public static Singleton getInstance() {
        if (INSTANCE == null) {
            synchronized (Singleton.class) {
                if (INSTANCE == null) {
                    INSTANCE = new Singleton() // new物件
        return INSTANCE;

附: Doug Lea
public class DoubleCheckTest

  // static data to aid in creating N singletons
  static final Object dummyObject = new Object(); // for reference init
  static final int A_VALUE = 256; // value to initialize 'a' to
  static final int B_VALUE = 512; // value to initialize 'b' to
  static final int C_VALUE = 1024;
  static ObjectHolder[] singletons;  // array of static references
  static Thread[] threads; // array of racing threads
  static int threadCount; // number of threads to create
  static int singletonCount; // number of singletons to create

  static volatile int recentSingleton;

  // I am going to set a couple of threads racing,
  // trying to create N singletons. Basically the
  // race is to initialize a single array of 
  // singleton references. The threads will use
  // double checked locking to control who 
  // initializes what. Any thread that does not
  // initialize a particular singleton will check 
  // to see if it sees a partially initialized view.
  // To keep from getting accidental synchronization,
  // each singleton is stored in an ObjectHolder 
  // and the ObjectHolder is used for 
  // synchronization. In the end the structure
  // is not exactly a singleton, but should be a
  // close enough approximation.

  // This class contains data and simulates a 
  // singleton. The static reference is stored in
  // a static array in DoubleCheckFail.
  static class Singleton
    public int a;
    public int b;
    public int c;
    public Object dummy;

    public Singleton()
      a = A_VALUE;
      b = B_VALUE;
      c = C_VALUE;
      dummy = dummyObject;

  static void checkSingleton(Singleton s, int index)
    int s_a = s.a;
    int s_b = s.b;
    int s_c = s.c;
    Object s_d = s.dummy;
    if(s_a != A_VALUE)
      System.out.println("[" + index + "] Singleton.a not initialized " +
    if(s_b != B_VALUE)
      System.out.println("[" + index 
                         + "] Singleton.b not intialized " + s_b);

    if(s_c != C_VALUE)
      System.out.println("[" + index 
                         + "] Singleton.c not intialized " + s_c);

    if(s_d != dummyObject)
      if(s_d == null)
        System.out.println("[" + index 
                           + "] Singleton.dummy not initialized," 
                           + " value is null");
        System.out.println("[" + index 
                           + "] Singleton.dummy not initialized," 
                           + " value is garbage");

  // Holder used for synchronization of 
  // singleton initialization. 
  static class ObjectHolder
    public Singleton reference;

  static class TestThread implements Runnable
    public void run()
      for(int i = 0; i < singletonCount; ++i)
    ObjectHolder o = singletons[i];
        if(o.reference == null)
            if (o.reference == null) {
              o.reference = new Singleton();
          recentSingleton = i;
            // shouldn't have to check singelton here
            // mutex should provide consistent view
        else {
          checkSingleton(o.reference, i);
      int j = recentSingleton-1;
      if (j > i) i = j;

  public static void main(String[] args)
    if( args.length != 2 )
      System.err.println("usage: java DoubleCheckFail" +
                         " <numThreads> <numSingletons>");
    // read values from args
    threadCount = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
    singletonCount = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);

    // create arrays
    threads = new Thread[threadCount];
    singletons = new ObjectHolder[singletonCount];

    // fill singleton array
    for(int i = 0; i < singletonCount; ++i)
      singletons[i] = new ObjectHolder();

    // fill thread array
    for(int i = 0; i < threadCount; ++i)
      threads[i] = new Thread( new TestThread() );

    // start threads
    for(int i = 0; i < threadCount; ++i)

    // wait for threads to finish
    for(int i = 0; i < threadCount; ++i)
        System.out.println("waiting to join " + i);
      catch(InterruptedException ex)


java double-check-lock併發問題

// thread 1 class Singleton { private static Singleton INSTANCE public static Singleton getInstance() { if (INSTA

java double check lock

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借用 Java 併發程式設計實踐中的話:編寫正確的程式並不容易,而編寫正常的併發程式就更難了。相比於順序執行的情況,多執行緒的執行緒安全問題是微妙而且出乎意料的,因為在沒有進行適當同步的情況下多執行緒中各個操作的順序是不可預期的。 併發程式設計相比 Java 中其他知識點學習起來門檻相對較高,學習起來比較費

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import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; import java.util.concurrent.


引子: 高併發是網際網路應用的一大特點,也是網際網路應用不可避免的一個問題;比如 淘寶雙11購物狂歡節,京東618購物促銷節,12306春節火車票,促銷,秒殺等; 解決高併發問題是一個系統工程,需要站在全域性高度統籌謀劃,從多個角度進行架構設計,在實踐中,我們探索、總結和提煉出來了很多應

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