1. 程式人生 > >Install multiple instances of Reporting Services on the same computer (for use with Microsoft Dynami

Install multiple instances of Reporting Services on the same computer (for use with Microsoft Dynami

You can install multiple instances of Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services on the same computer. In this kind of deployment environment, each instance of Reporting Services is connected to an independent Microsoft Dynamics AX installation. You may want to install multiple instances of Reporting Services on the same computer for the following reasons:

  • To support development and production installations of Microsoft Dynamics AX

    For example, in the following sample diagram, assume that AOS instance 1 is a development installation of Microsoft Dynamics AX, and AOS instance 2 is the production installation of Microsoft Dynamics AX.

  • To support multiple production installations of Microsoft Dynamics AX

    For example, if you are a Microsoft Dynamics AX solution provider, you may have to support multiple production installations of Microsoft Dynamics AX. For this scenario, assume that AOS instance 1 (in the sample diagram) is a production installation of Microsoft Dynamics AX for one client, Northwind Traders. Assume that AOS instance 2

     is a production installation of Microsoft Dynamics AX for another client, Contoso Pharmaceuticals.


Install multiple instances of Reporting Services on the same computer (for use with Microsoft Dynami

You can install multiple instances of Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services on the same computer. In this kind of deployment environment, each instance

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