1. 程式人生 > >SoapUI 測試Data Driven(資料驅動測試)

SoapUI 測試Data Driven(資料驅動測試)

1.1. Prereqs

In our example we have the following;
A Microsoft SQL Server database (db_author) instance with one table, tb_author. we’ll also see in the end how to do this with MySQL.
The Amazon.com Web Service
A settings file containing login data
All these can be gotten by downloading the Tutorial .zip.

1.2. Preparation

Step 1, The MS SQL Server
If you don’t have an installation of MS SQL, use the download links here or read on, this tutorial is useful for MySQL as well.
Step 2, The Driver
First we need a JDBC driver, you can get that here .
Then unzip the file and put the driver, named sqljdbc.jar, either in your JAVA HOME/lib/ext or in soapUI/jre/ lib/ (for example C:\Program Files\SmartBear\soapUI-Pro-4.5.1\jre\lib\ext).
If you have soapUI running, restart it so that it can reload all drivers.
Step 3, The database.
OK, we need a database, so let’s make something simple to illustrate the functionality.
As usual we’ll use the Amazon Web Services to illustrate the functionality.
tb_authorWe’ll make a database called db_author containing one table called tb_author.
This table contains two fields, one called index and one called author. Like seen here:
That is all we need, let’s start soapUI and get testing! : Preparation
All these can be gotten by downloading the Tutorial .zip.

  1. Data Driven Testing: Implementation
    Now when we have the database set up and a JDBC driver running, let’s get going with the Implementation.

2.1. Implementation

Let us first examine what we want to do:
Get an Amazon User ID from a configuration file
Retrieve an Author from a MS SQL Database
Call Amazons ItemSearch with the User ID and Author
Handle the Response in some way
Loop until done
All thiz is in the Tutorial .zip.

2.1.1. Step o: Start the project

First we create a project
add_to_testcasefrom the URL http://webservices.amazon.com/AWSECommerceService/AWSECommerceService.wsdl. In this we’ll choose the itemSearch request and add this to a TestCase.
We can then trim the request down to containing what we want.

2.1.2. Step 1: Get your ID

Now we have to populate the request with data and the first step is populating the element . (Note, if you don’t have a subscription ID for Amazon Web Services, get it now). We get the data by using a configuration file containing just one line;

and retrieving this in a PropertiesStep. We also have a second property, resultCount, which we’ll use later, more about this later, and a Property named type referring to the type of search we’re doing, i.e. books.

2.1.3. Step 2: Connecting to MS SQL

Driver: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
Connection String: jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1898;databaseName=db_Author;user=eviware;password=eviware;
SQL Query: SELECT * FROM tb_Author
Let’s go on to actually populating the request and get to the heart of this tutorial. Let’s add a datasource.
Then we configure the data source, here are the parameters:
Please note that you will have to change port, user and password to what you might have in your environment.
We also will have to add two properties, index and author that corresponds to the SQL Statement. Once done, you can test the entire step.

2.1.4. Step 3: DataTransfer

Now that we have collected the data, let’s transfer it into the request.

Let’s add a PropertyTransfer Step with three transfers, MoveAuthor, MoveMyID, MoveType.We can use the XPath Selector tool to make the transfer a breeze.

We have made a small movie showing this step. Watch it here (in a new window)

2.1.5. Step 4: Check the test

What we have now should look like this.
Gotten base parameters
Gotten Test Data
Transferred into a search
The Search Request
like this:

2.1.6. Step 5: Using the result

Remember we had a property called resultcount, let’s use it. We make another property transfer step that takes the number of hits from the ItemSearch response and moves it to the property, remember to use the xpath selector. Also remember that you have to run the request in order to be able to use the selector, without a proper request you won’t have a proper response to choose from.

2.1.7. Step 6: A Groovy Step

In order to see that this is working, let’s show a dialog with the result. We add a Groovy script containing the following;
// get target step
def step = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName( “My ID” );
def step2 = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName( “MySQL Retrieve” );
“Got ” + step.getPropertyValue( “ResultCount” ) + ” hits for author [” +
step2.getPropertyValue( “Author” ) + “]” );

2.1.8. Step 7: Loop it!

Lastly, in order to use all data in the database, we need to finish the test with a DataSourceLoop step.

Now we can run the entire test, and should be receiving the following:

And that is it! You now have a working test! Creating a data driven test in soapUI isn’t harder than that.

But wait! What about MySQL users? Well basically it’s the same thing, all you need to do is change the DataSourceStep to the following:

Driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
Connection String: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/eviware_demo_datainsert?user=evidemo&password=evipass
SQL Query: SELECT * FROM tb_Author
Both MySQL and MS SQL projects are available to Pro Users.

Project Files and More coming up!


SoapUI 測試Data Driven資料驅動測試

1.1. Prereqs In our example we have the following; A Microsoft SQL Server database (db_author) instance with one table, tb_au


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python - 資料驅動測試 - ddt

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- ''' @project: jiaxy @author: Jimmy @file: study_ddt.py @ide: PyCharm Community Edition @time: 2018-12-06 14:48 @blog: https://ww

python-ddt 資料驅動測試

1 # @File : learn_ddt.py 2 3 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- 4 5 #本次學習:ddt ---data drive test--資料驅動測試 6 #1.安裝 pip install ddt 7 #2.用途:結合單元測試去執行用例 8 #3.


1、前言   在做介面測試或UI測試時經常會出現多個用例僅輸入引數不同,操作過程完全相同(如登入,新建客戶等等),重複編寫用例不僅增加了程式碼量而且不好維護,引入DDT(Data-Driven Tests)資料驅動測試可實現引數化,DDt允許您使用不同的測試資料執行一個測試用例,並使它作為多個測試用例出現。

Python ddt 資料驅動測試

原文:https://www.cnblogs.com/hellowcf/p/6962935.html 為了記錄筆記所以轉載下 下載ddt並安裝 Pip install ddt 或者官網下載安裝 DDT的使用 DDT包含類的裝飾器ddt和兩個方法裝飾


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