1. 程式人生 > >ACM-計算幾何之Scrambled Polygon——poj2007

ACM-計算幾何之Scrambled Polygon——poj2007

Scrambled Polygon

Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 30000K

Total Submissions: 6513 Accepted: 3092

A closed polygon is a figure bounded by a finite number of line segments. The intersections of the bounding line segments are called the vertices of the polygon. When one starts at any vertex of a closed polygon and traverses each bounding line segment exactly once, one comes back to the starting vertex.

A closed polygon is called convex if the line segment joining any two points of the polygon lies in the polygon. Figure 1 shows a closed polygon which is convex and one which is not convex. (Informally, a closed polygon is convex if its border doesn't have any "dents".)

The subject of this problem is a closed convex polygon in the coordinate plane, one of whose vertices is the origin (x = 0, y = 0). Figure 2 shows an example. Such a polygon will have two properties significant for this problem.

The first property is that the vertices of the polygon will be confined to three or fewer of the four quadrants of the coordinate plane. In the example shown in Figure 2, none of the vertices are in the second quadrant (where x < 0, y > 0).

To describe the second property, suppose you "take a trip" around the polygon: start at (0, 0), visit all other vertices exactly once, and arrive at (0, 0). As you visit each vertex (other than (0, 0)), draw the diagonal that connects the current vertex with (0, 0), and calculate the slope of this diagonal. Then, within each quadrant, the slopes of these diagonals will form a decreasing or increasing sequence of numbers, i.e., they will be sorted. Figure 3 illustrates this point.

The input lists the vertices of a closed convex polygon in the plane. The number of lines in the input will be at least three but no more than 50. Each line contains the x and y coordinates of one vertex. Each x and y coordinate is an integer in the range -999..999. The vertex on the first line of the input file will be the origin, i.e., x = 0 and y = 0. Otherwise, the vertices may be in a scrambled order. Except for the origin, no vertex will be on the x-axis or the y-axis. No three vertices are colinear.


The output lists the vertices of the given polygon, one vertex per line. Each vertex from the input appears exactly once in the output. The origin (0,0) is the vertex on the first line of the output. The order of vertices in the output will determine a trip taken along the polygon's border, in the counterclockwise direction. The output format for each vertex is (x,y) as shown below.

Sample Input
0 0
70 -50
60 30
-30 -50
80 20
50 -60
90 -20
-30 -40
-10 -60

90 10

Sample Output








double cross(point p0,point p1,point p2)
    return (p1.x-p0.x)*(p2.y-p0.y)-(p2.x-p0.x)*(p1.y-p0.y);
// sort排序函式
bool cmp(const point &a, const point &b)//逆時針排序
    point origin;
    // 設定原點
    origin.x = origin.y = 0;
    return cross(origin,b,a)<EPS;


#define x real()
#define y imag()
using namespace std;

bool cmp(const Point& p1, const Point& p2)
    return arg(p1) < arg(p2);


bool cmp(const Point& p1, const Point& p2)
    return atan2(p1.y, p1.x) < atan2(p2.y, p2.x);


bool cmp(const point &a, const point &b)//先按象限排序,再按極角排序,再按遠近排序 
    if (a.y == 0 && b.y == 0 && a.x*b.x <= 0)return a.x>b.x;
    if (a.y == 0 && a.x >= 0 && b.y != 0)return true;
    if (b.y == 0 && b.x >= 0 && a.y != 0)return false;
    if (b.y*a.y <= 0)return a.y>b.y;
    point one;
    one.y = one.x = 0;
    return cross(one,a,one,b) > 0 || (cross(one,a,one,b) == 0 && a.x < b.x);    

*        Author:Tree                 *
*From  :http://blog.csdn.net/lttree  *
* Title : Scrambled Polygon           *
*Source: poj 2007                     *
* Hint  : 凸包                        *
#include <stdio.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define EPS 1e-8
struct point
    double x,y;

double cross(point p0,point p1,point p2)
    return (p1.x-p0.x)*(p2.y-p0.y)-(p2.x-p0.x)*(p1.y-p0.y);
// sort排序函式
bool cmp(const point &a, const point &b)//逆時針排序
    point origin;
    // 設定原點
    origin.x = origin.y = 0;
    return cross(origin,b,a)<EPS;
int main()
    int i,n;
    while( scanf("%lf%lf",&p[n].x,&p[n].y)!=EOF )
    // 極角排序,第一個空過去


    return 0;


ACM-計算幾何Scrambled Polygon——poj2007

Scrambled Polygon Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 6513 Accepted: 3092 Description A closed polygon is a figur


Segments Description Given n segments in the two dimensional space, write a program, which determines if there exists a line such that af

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文章目錄 1 幾何基礎 2 點與向量 2.1 手動實現 2.2 複數黑科技 3 點與線 3.1 直線定義 3.2 求兩直線交點 3.3 求點到直線距離 3.4 求點到線段距離 3

ACM 計算幾何總結

1 幾何基礎 #include <cstdio> #include <cmath> using namespace std; const double pi = acos(-1.0); const double inf = 1e100; con


計算幾何之凸包(convexHull)----Graham掃描法 關於凸包的嚴格定義,這裡不打算寫出來,大家可以自行Google或者百度,因為嚴格的數學定義反而不太好理解,用最通俗的話來解釋凸包:給定


            計算幾何之路 計算幾何 Part.1---點,線,面,形基本關係,點積叉積的理解 計算幾何 Part.2---凸包問題 計算幾何 Part.3---面積公式矩形切割 計算幾何 Part.4---半平面交 計算幾何 Part.5---計算幾何背景,實


#include <math.h> struct point{double x,y;}; struct line{point a,b;}; double distance(point p1,point p2){ return s


Part.1---點,線,面,形基本關係,點積叉積的理解 Part.2---凸包 面積 公式 矩形切割 Part.3---半平面交 Part.4---雜題 解析幾何 旋轉卡殼 綜合問題 Part.5---。。。。。 Part.6---三維幾何 ========


向量 AB−→−表示一個從點A到點B的向量。 向量滿足: 加法的交換性:a⃗ +b⃗ =b⃗ +a⃗  加法的結合性:(a⃗ +b⃗ )+c⃗ =a⃗ +(b⃗ +c⃗ ) 加法恆等式:0⃗ +a⃗ =a⃗  對於一個實數k,有ka⃗ 的方向與a


Computational Geometry 計算幾何     ACM中基本是最麻煩的部分。     幾何程式碼都要自己寫,STL中也沒有。基本上。     struct point  


一些歷史: 1978年, M.I. Shamos's Ph.D. 的論文"Computational Geometry"標誌著電腦科學的這一領域的誕生。 當時他發表成果的是一個尋找凸多邊形直徑的一個非常簡單的演算法, 即根據多邊形的一對點距離的最大值來確定。  後來直徑演化為由一對對踵點對來確定。 Sham