1. 程式人生 > >Oracle Golden Gate 系列十六 -- 配置 GG 安全 說明 與 示例

Oracle Golden Gate 系列十六 -- 配置 GG 安全 說明 與 示例




Options are available for encrypting anddecrypting:

(1)data in an extract file ortrail

(2)database passwords

(3)data sent across TCP/IP

--這裡的可以對trail檔案加密或者對db 密碼進行加密。

2.Command security:

Sets user-levelpermissions for accessing Oracle GoldenGate commands through GGSCI.

3. Connection security

Allowsconnections to be established from the target system instead of the sourcesystem. For use when the target resides within a trusted network zone behind aninternal firewall.

這篇Blog 我們只看使用加密的方式,其他的方式自己檢視官方文件。


This section contains instructions forencrypting and decrypting the following:

(1)The trail or extract file thatholds data being processed by Oracle GoldenGate

(2)A database password

(3)The data sent across TCP/IP

1.1 How data is encrypted

The following encryption methods are used:

(1)To encrypt trail or extractfiles, Oracle GoldenGate uses 256-key byte substitution. All records going intothose files are encrypted both across any data links and within the filesthemselves.

--對trail 和extractfile 進行加密,GG 使用256-key byte 替代,所有record記錄都以加密的形式寫入trail。

(2)To encrypt the databasepassword or data that is sent across TCP/IP, Oracle GoldenGate uses Blowfishencryption. Blowfish is a symmetric block cipher that can be used as a drop-inreplacement for DES or IDEA. Oracle GoldenGate’s implementation of Blowfish cantake a variable-length key from 32 bits to 128 bits. Blowfish encryption can becombined with Oracle GoldenGate trail encryption.

--對資料庫密碼進行加密或者TCP/IP 上傳送data 時進行加密。 GG 使用Blowfish 加密演算法。

1.2 Encrypting trail or extract files

You can encrypt the data in any local orremote trail or file.


(DB2 on z/OS)This feature cannot be used when FORMATASCII is used to write data to a file inASCII format. The trail or file must be written in the default canonical format.

1.2.1 To encrypt trail or extract files

1. In the Extract parameter file, list thefollowing parameter before all trails or files that you want to be encrypted.You can list multiple trails or files after one instance of this parameter.


2. To disable encryption for any files ortrails listed in the Extract parameter file, precede their entries with thefollowing parameter.


3. In the Replicat parameter file, includethe following parameter so that Replicat decrypts the data for processing.


You also can use DECRYPTTRAIL for an Extract data pump to decrypt the data for column mapping,filtering, transformation, and so forth. You can then leave it decrypted for downstreamtrails or files, or you can use ENCRYPTTRAIL to encrypt the data again before itis written to those files.

1.2.2 示例


(1)Extract 引數新增加密引數

GGSCI (gg1) 46> view params ext1

extract ext1


userid [email protected], password ggate

--rmthost gg2,mgrport 7809

--rmttrail /u01/ggate/dirdat/lt

exttrail /u01/ggate/dirdat/lt

ddl include all objname dave.pdba;

table dave.pdba;

(2)Data Pump 我們不需要做處理,因為它只是將我們的trail 傳送到Targetsystem。

(3)Replicat 新增解密引數

GGSCI (gg2) 16> view params rep1

replicat rep1



userid [email protected],password ggate

discardfile/u01/ggate/dirdat/rep1_discard.txt, append, megabytes 10


ddl include all

ddlerror default ignore retryop

map dave.pdba, target dave.pdba;


在Source DB上做DML 操作,看可能同步到Target DB 上。

--Source DB

SQL> select count(*) from pdba;




SQL> delete from pdba whererownum<100;

99 rows deleted.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

--Target DB

SQL>select count(*) from pdba;





GGSCI (gg1) 31> info dpump

EXTRACTDPUMP Last Started 2011-11-1915:03 Status RUNNING

Checkpoint Lag 00:00:00 (updated 00:00:07 ago)

Log Read Checkpoint File /u01/ggate/dirdat/lt000000

First Record RBA 0

設定加密之後,dpump 的起始點又變成0了。

檢視ext1的report,確定當前正在使用的trails 檔案:

GGSCI (gg1) 33> view report ext1


2011-11-19 15:03:32 INFOOGG-01026 Rolling over remotefile /u01/ggate/dirdat/lt000012.

2011-11-19 15:03:33 INFOOGG-01053 Recovery completed fortarget file /u01/ggate/dirdat/lt000013, at RBA 1009.

2011-11-19 15:03:33 INFOOGG-01057 Recovery completed forall targets.




GGSCI (gg1) 36> stop dpump

Sending STOP request to EXTRACT DPUMP ...

Recovery is not complete. This normal stop will wait and checkpointrecovery's work when recovery has finished. To force Extract to stop now, usethe SEND EXTRACT DPUMP, FORCESTOP command.

GGSCI (gg1) 37>send dpump forcestop

Sending FORCESTOP request to EXTRACT DPUMP...

STOP request will be executed immediately(recovery aborted).

GGSCI (gg1) 38>alter extractdpump,extseqno 13,extrba 0

EXTRACT altered.

GGSCI (gg1) 39>start dpump

Sending START request to MANAGER ...


GGSCI (gg1) 40>info dpump

EXTRACTDPUMP Last Started 2011-11-1915:22 Status RUNNING

Checkpoint Lag 00:00:00 (updated 00:00:07 ago)

Log Read Checkpoint File /u01/ggate/dirdat/lt000013

First Record RBA 0

在到Target DB 確認一下:

SQL> select count(*) from pdba;




同步正常。 所以經過測試,我們在對trail 進行加密時,要注意一下dpump 的trail 起始點。

1.3 Encrypting the password of a database user

You can encryptany of the following database passwords through Oracle GoldenGate:

(1)The database password that isused by the Extract and Replicat processes and other processes to log into thesource and target databases. (Not all database types require a database loginfor Oracle GoldenGate processes.)

(2)The database password for anOracle ASM user.

--可以使用GG 加密Extract,Replicat,和ASM 使用者的密碼。

To encrypt a database user password

1.3.1. Run GGSCI and issue the ENCRYPTPASSWORD command to generate an encrypted password.

--在GGSCI 裡執行encrypt password 生成加密後的密碼

The command provides the following options.

(1)The default ENCRYPT PASSWORD command,without any options, generates an encrypted password using a default key thatis randomly generated by Oracle GoldenGate.


--預設情況下encrypt 命令使用隨即生成的key來進行加密。

(2)ENCRYPT PASSWORD with the ENCRYPTKEY<keyname> option generates an encrypted password using a user-defined keycontained in the ENCKEYS lookup file.



For <keyname>,specify the logical name for the key you want to use, as it appears in thelocal ENCKEYS file. To use this option, you must first generate a key, createan ENCKEYS file on the local system, and create an entry in the file for thegenerated key.

--注意這裡的keyname,必須要通過命令生成,在local system 上生成一個enckeys的檔案,而不是隨便指定,關於生成key的命令,下節裡單獨說明。

The encrypted password is output to the screen when you run the ENCRYPT PASSWORD command.

1.3.2. Copy the encrypted password andpaste it into the appropriate Oracle GoldenGate parameter statement as shown inTable 5.


(1)<user> is the database user name for theOracle GoldenGate process or (Oracle only) a host string. For Oracle ASM, the user must be SYS.


(2)<encrypted_password> isthe encrypted password that is copied from the ENCRYPT PASSWORD commandresults.

(3)ENCRYPTKEY DEFAULT is requiredif the password was encrypted using ENCRYPT PASSWORD without the ENCRYPTKEY option.

(4)ENCRYPTKEY <keyname> isrequired if the password was encrypted using ENCRYPT PASSWORD with the ENCRYPTKEY<keyname> option. Specify the logical name of the key as it appears inthe ENCKEYS lookup file.

1.3.3 示例

這裡我們對Extract 程序的引數中的密碼進行預設的加密,在生成加密時不指定key。


GGSCI (gg1) 41> view params ext1

extract ext1


userid [email protected], password ggate

--rmthost gg2,mgrport 7809

--rmttrail /u01/ggate/dirdat/lt

exttrail /u01/ggate/dirdat/lt

ddl include all objname dave.pdba;

table dave.pdba;


GGSCI (gg1) 42> encrypt password ggate

No key specified, using default key...

--這裡defaultkey 是隨即生成的。




GGSCI (gg1) 45> dblogin [email protected],password AACAAAAAAAAAAAFAPHODADQGAJVDSHPG,encryptkey default

Successfully logged into database.



GGSCI (gg1) 46> dblogin [email protected],password ggate

Successfully logged into database.


GGSCI (gg1) 53> view params ext1

extract ext1


userid [email protected],passwordAACAAAAAAAAAAAFAPHODADQGAJVDSHPG,encryptkey default

--rmthost gg2,mgrport 7809

--rmttrail /u01/ggate/dirdat/lt

exttrail /u01/ggate/dirdat/lt

ddl include all objname dave.pdba;

table dave.pdba;

使用default key 加密的示例就到這。

1.4 Encrypting data sent across TCP/IP

You can encryptcaptured data before Oracle GoldenGate sends it across the TCP/IP network tothe target system. On the target system, Oracle GoldenGate decrypts the data beforewriting it to the Oracle GoldenGate trails (unless trail encryption also isspecified).

By default, datasent across a network is not encrypted.

在前面的幾小節,將的都是對檔案進行加密或者是對DB 密碼進行加密。 在網路上傳送trail內容時也可以進行加密,先加密傳到Target ,然後在Target進行解密。

預設情況下,在網路上傳輸時, 是不進行加密的。

To encrypt data sent across TCP/IP

1. On the source system, generate one ormore encryption keys and create an ENCKEYS file.

--在Source 生成金鑰。

2. Copy the finished ENCKEYS file to theOracle GoldenGate installation directory on all target systems. The key namesand values in the source ENCKEYS file must match those of the target ENCKEYS file,or else the data exchange will fail and Extract and Collector will abort withthe following message:

GGS error 118 – TCP/IP Server with invalid data.

--將Source 端的金鑰copy到Target 的GG 安裝目錄下。 Source 和Target 上金鑰的名稱必須一致。 否在在使用時會報TCP/IP Server withinvalid data.的錯誤。

3. Depending on whether this is a regularExtract group or a passive Extract group ,use the ENCRYPT option of either the RMTHOST or RMTHOSTOPTIONS parameterto specify the type of encryption and the logical key name as shown:


然後修改RMTHOST引數,如果採用Data Pump 就修改Data pump的引數。


(1) BLOWFISH specifies Blowfishencryption.

(2) <keyname> is the logicalname for the encryption key you want to use, as it appears in the ENCKEYS file.




4. If using a static Collector and Blowfishencryption, append the following additional parameters in the Collector startupstring:

-KEYNAME <name>



(1) KEYNAME <name> specifies thename of the key.

(2) ENCRYPT BLOWFISH specifiesBlowfish encryption.

Collectormatches these parameters to those specified with the KEYNAME and ENCRYPT optionsof RMTHOST.


You must createat least one encryption key and two ENCKEYS lookup files, one on the source andone on the target, if you want to:

(1)Encrypt data sent across TCP/IP

(2)Use a user-defined key to encryptthe database password


This procedure is not required if:

(1)you are using a default keygenerated by Oracle GoldenGate to encrypt the database password

(2)you are encrypting a trail orextract file.

在以上兩種情況下,不需要生成金鑰:一是使用GG 預設的金鑰來對密碼加密,二是對trail 檔案進行加密時。

You can defineyour own key or run Oracle GoldenGate’s KEYGEN utility to create a key randomly.

2.1 To define your ownkey

(1)The key name can be a string of1 to 24 alphanumeric characters without spaces or quotes.

--keyname 由1到24個字母或數字組成,不能包含空格和引號。

(2)The key value can be up to 128bits (16 bytes) as a quoted alphanumeric string (for example “Dailykey”) or ahex string with the prefix 0x (for example 0x420E61BE7002D63560929CCA17A4E1FB).

--key value 最多由16個bytes或者128bits 組成。如果是位元組,會被引號括起來,如果是十六進位制的,則沒有。

2.2 To use KEYGEN to generate a key

Changedirectories to the Oracle GoldenGate home directory on the source system, and issuethe following shell command. You can create multiple keys, if needed. The keyvalues are returned to your screen.


KEYGEN <key length> <n>


(1)<key length> is theencryption key length, up to 128 bits.

(2) <n> represents the number ofkeys to generate.



KEYGEN 128 4

2.3 To store the keys for use by Oracle GoldenGate

1. On the source system, open a new ASCIItext file.

2. For each key that you generated, enter alogical name followed by the key value itself. Place multiple key definitionson separate lines. Do not enclose a key name or value within quotes; otherwiseit will be interpreted as text. Use the following sample ENCKEYS file as aguide.

將生成的key name 存放的一個ASCII 檔案裡,每行一對keyname 和 key value,不要用引號括起來。

3.Save the file as ENCKEYS withoutan extension in the Oracle GoldenGate installation directory. The name must bein upper case.

--在GG 安裝目錄下儲存建立的ASCII 檔案為ENCKEYS, 注意必須大寫,沒有副檔名。

4. Copy the ENCKEYS file to the targetOracle GoldenGate installation directory. The key names and values in thesource ENCKEYS file must match those of the target ENCKEYS file, or else thedata exchange will fail and Extract and Collector will abort with the followingmessage:

GGS error 118 –TCP/IP Server with invalid data.

--Copy 這個ENCKEYS檔案到target system的根目錄下,名稱必須和source 一致。

2.4 示例

2.4.1 生成key

gg1:/u01/ggate> keygen 128 4





注意這裡只生成了keyvalue,並沒有生成key name,在我們儲存的時候,就可以隨便指定我們的keyname了。

2.4.2 儲存金鑰

在GG根目錄下建立ENCKEYS 檔案,並儲存我們的金鑰

gg1:/u01/ggate> touch ENCKEYS

gg1:/u01/ggate> vi ENCKEYS

davekey1 0x1C4E2A6B3F005D495987CA43FFEBDE54

davekey2 0xEF90654D6C22F846A3307673AB22897D

davekey3 0xC2D3A02F99449344EED9212358593326

davekey4 0x9516DC11C6662E423883CD520490DD4E

2.4.3 用金鑰對我們的DB密碼進行加密

GGSCI (gg1) 54> encrypt password ggateencryptkey davekey1


2.4.4 測試加密後的密碼:

GGSCI (gg1) 55> dblogin useridggate,password AACAAAAAAAAAAAFAJDEIOHGHKCHBSAYA,encryptkey davekey1

Successfully logged into database.

連線成功,如果要修改Extract和Replicat 的話,只需要把這部分更新到引數裡就ok了。


GG的加密方式還是比較靈活,可以對trail 加密,在網路傳輸時進行加密,也可以對密碼進行加密。

當事務量較大的時候,對trail 和 傳輸時加密都會增加系統的壓力。所以最好的加密方式就是對密碼進行加密。即起到了安全控制,也不影響GG的效能。



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Oracle Golden Gate 系列 -- 配置 GG 安全 說明 示例

由於GoldenGate所需的使用者許可權較大,而每個GoldenGate程序配置檔案中都需要設定該使用者和密碼用於資料庫登陸,出於安全性的考慮,建議將密碼進行加密。 官方文件上介紹的加密有如下三種方法: 1.Encryption Options are available for encrypting

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